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Emery Feine Oct 2024
I stepped into life's train station
But I hadn't noticed their scheme
And they took away my imagination
And they took away my dream

On the train I looked out the tinted glass
But the ride wasn't what it seemed
Because they took away my ticket pass
And they took away my dream.
this is my 104th poem, written on 6/4/24
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I'm jumping into new with this trampoline pad
I'm hating every poem I wrote because they were too sad
I have passion flowing through all my veins
It twists around the hurts and pains
My passion is like a river, never gonna sit
With any dam in the way, it'll jump over it
I've felt like ash from a fire just extinguished
All dreams I once had had been relinquished
Then after a final heartbreak, it sparked some emotion
A spark in the ashes, a wind now in motion
And with this sole spark, I will use my one chance to fan it
After jumping into the unknown, this time I will land it
I am a phoenix rising from the ashes, no longer defied
My heart is beating once more, but it never really died
I am no longer just a bird flying above
I am an eagle, soaring from self-love
I used to lay at the bottom of the sea, feeling entirely worthless
But now I've remembered to just swim up to the surface
I feel like a rose in a bush, used to being tricked
But for once in my life, I was happy not being picked
And I know that we're no longer looking at the stars and crying
But I'm laying there by myself, eyeing Betelgeuse and Orion
If someone looks into my life, thinking they're so smart
They'll see lots of my friendships are falling apart
I've been gossiped about, lied to, insulted, from the entirety of night to day
But for once it didn't matter, and I simply walked away.
this is my 86th poem, written on 3/10/24
Lemon Black Oct 2024
For long you've been haunted,
but finally, the chest breaks open.
At last, continue onward.
The final lock's been shattered.
But make no mistake,
resistance wasn't pointless.
As now within your grasp
its contents are for grabs.
It's all you ever wanted.
It's all for you to take.
It's all that ever mattered.
It's how you trigger traps.
A mind driven by insurmountable desire accelerates passionately, ramming through every obstacle, unblocking the way with sheer force of intellect. Opposition only sharpens its focus, equipping it to overcome even more. Nothing can withstand its will, as it channels increasing energy into the cause. In doing so, it merges almost entirely with whatever it tries to acquire, stripping away everything else in the process—caution and rationale included.
Kathswork Sep 2024
The night is bitter
The stars had lost their glitter
It's getting colder
And suddenly you're older
Then you get this feeling
That you might be bleeding
But apparently you're not
You're skin had begun to rot
A new skin emerged
Yet  you're not prepared
Which one is best ?the new or the other
Is there another?
The sky is Gray
The sun had lost its rays
You want to walk
Cause there's not much to talk
It's getting calmer
There's not much of drama
The kids are sleeping
They must be dreaming
It might be a nightmare
With a witch surrounded by flare
The adults are older
They are getting colder
They want to be dreaming
Even if they weren't sleeping
Their heads are thicker
Their souls are bitter
They lost their glitter
Who's fault is this ?
Fate it must be it
But destiny is glory
Each one has its  own story
Everything is ending
Life and its blessing
God is merciful
We got be thankful
Thanking him for life ،for the days and Nights
Even when it's gloomy
It got such beauty
Even to the blind
Faith can be their eyes
Maimoona Tahir Sep 2024
If living life is a duty,
I have failed miserably in carrying it out,
Like a warrior with no courage at heart,
The sight unseen leaves me with a wish to depart,
I reside on a battlefield,
Petrified for my life,
The idea of survival seems more enticing than success,
I am living perfectly the life you wish for me to live,
Like a soldier on A battle with themselves,
But if I accept it's your triumph,
But I don't value me enough to struggle,
For myself,
Styles Sep 2024
The needs of flesh tempt the soul,
Ignite desires, as truths unfold.
Vibes that pulse, in rhythm's stride,
Ambition wanes where truth resides.

In the depth of your gaze, it lies—
The unspoken desire in your eyes.
Styles Sep 2024
I’ll savor every single drop,
Not a moment to let it stop.
For in this feast, love is chased—
The most delicious thing ever tasted.
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