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Simon Soane Jan 2022
Though old

and hands semi broken by time

fingers still cradled cigarettes and wine,

they spoke of you:

caught by age but vibrant enough to do the dance you wanted,

full of life as the shell was cracking,

talking with glorious yapping,

not allowing the beating of the clock to take its toll

with all that sunshine in your soul.

Empty seats emptier without you there,

I love you,

take care.
Cece Jul 2021
Stripping the sheets that took away a soul
Life goes on we just replace it with a new one

Monthly by monthly days go by
Its not always sunshine and rainbows oh my
The fragile soul that was left here to rest
Will forever be ingraved here in my head.

Goodbye forever and may you rest in peace
I will remeber you all piece by piece
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2021
Live life step by step
Taking care to smell roses
Passed along the way
Don't forget to stop and sniff the flowers as you go by them
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2021
We all have issues
Harbored in our soul's marrow
Passed down and down pat
Whether we show it or not everyone has their demons to face
birdy May 2021
Green masks my grotesque face.
Saggy skin, abandoned by life.
Time has passed
Since I was last here
And I wonder,
Is it because
Im happier now?
Brumous Mar 2021
The best pain of today
Is the hope you had yesterday,
Loosing to the regrets
of what is passed;

Now, pick up,
Pick up,
Pick up the shards

And wound yourself;
Wound yourself hard
2 in the morning, can't go back to sleep yet.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
Their hearts were broken
Without doubt
It was too sad to bear
Whenever he saw her out
Passed like she wasn't there
It is so sad to watch two people who obviously love eachother so much pretend like they don't
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
The day you passed away,
I couldn't see the sky.
Too many tears fell from my eyes.
But they weren't tears of grief.
They were tears of relief.
Because even though
I'd never be able to hug you
As you walked through the door,
I knew you weren't in pain anymore.
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