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When will you realize that I am no longer who I used to be.

You rid me of the hope I had and the beauty I used to see in this cutthroat world.

Every word and hit you landed on me made sure of that.

You did not let me grow up and instead pushed me into the shallow looking waters thinking I would survive.

And you're right I did.

But at what cost?

Only my humanity of course.

How ironic it is that you wanted me to thrive and pour gold out of my waking life.

When I came out burning from sulfur and ashes.

No warning and no mercy, no.

You never taught me what that was.

All the expectations and dreams set into my very being with no thought of what it would take.

I am not your saving grace nor your chance for another life.

I am not made for your salvation, to make up for what you could not have.

I have always been so much more than that.

You birthed me from fuel and soot.

I was never meant to be what you predicted.

So do not come to me with your expectations of obedience I will never yield to your maltreatment.

I will never be molded into what you want of me.

thanks mom and dad :)))
buzz, ****
doit, mute
hustle first
then bustle
screamin' chops
tired lips
crimson ties
broken blues
closed circles
open arms

wag the dog
book the gig
call the cab
hit the beat
play the set
chew the fat
sell the axe
make the rent
let the next
be the last
for D.P. & M.M.
the ones that teach you,
who lift you up over
their heads
in good faith,
these are their stories.
Elymaïs Feb 2021
I remember the first time
I tried to take my own life.
I was about or nine years old.

I'd forgotten a project in
mister McCollough's class,
and he gave me a failing mark.

I was devastated, but
my friends told me they
received failing marks
on occasion.
Even my teachers
assured me that this
would not be the death of me.

I felt better, but when
I told my mother about
it, I was accosted.

I had never heard
her scream in such a way.
She was so angry she
debelted herself where
she stood and began
to whip me with it.

She told me that I
was a failure and
how disgusted she was
that she had such a child.

I was utterly shattered.
I tried to take my own life.
I was eight or nine years old.

I don't think I've really
been functional since that
day. My grades fell and
so did my ability to arti
culate my words so well
and i fell into a deep slu
mber of sorts that got dee
per with each passing year
and suicide attempt and
mental break and my friends
were so patient but ev
en they lost hope on me
after a while and no
thing could be done for me
and it all goes back to
one memory.

Now every time it gets
just about to the breaking
point, I hear my mother's voice
telling me how disgusted she
is that she had such a child.

I was eight or nine years old.
For beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
How beautiful you are.
Dear child of mine.
Let me keep you close.
In my heart, always nearby.
with this invisible cord
between you and me.
For no one else to see.

Shell ✨🐚
Beautiful is the love between a parent and a child!! You are connected not only by genes but by  much more then that.
Bk Jan 2021
I know your  presence hurts
                          But I'm afraid
                        your absence will hurt even more..!
still not enough
two cold cups of coffee later,
once the morning show has ended
and Boss quits yelling through walls.

jingle bells leap through the door,
an alert to be alert.
yeah times are tough,
but we're tougher.

keep on smiling,
another threat will leave
and you’ll still have a job
and you’ll still have a bed.
so they’re not satisfied
with the color palette,
big deal.

escape route would be nice,
but then it’d be You vs World
and there’s just too many of Them.

at least soon there will be
one more of Us.
for M.S-P.
the ones that teach you,
who lift you up over
their heads
in good faith,
these are their stories.
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
3 perfect little angels
30 little fingers
And 30 little toes
How ever was I blessed with you -
Who really knows?
Oh how you brighten my day if
The sun is shining -
Or even if it snows
Oh how your eyes sparkle
And your faces do glow
Oh how obviously you are from me -
And that fact surely shows
With every blessed day
With you in my life
My heart grows and it grows

My 3 perfect little angels
Ages 6, 5 and 2
Just keep in your hearts
That I forever loved you
And remember this fact -
Because of you,
My heart always grew
Oh, how I could write a book
My little angels -
If you only knew
As I sit and ponder these things
Emotions continually stew
Trust me, my 3 little angels -
I will always, ALWAYS love you
Trust this to be true
Just happy to be blessed -
With my little 3 angel crew
Devoted to my 3 beautiful kids that I adore.
Taylor Nov 2020
“You were always taken care of”
My mother whispers
Between drags of her menthol cigarette.
Hands so frail
They look like they might crack
Under the weight.

-I don’t know how to break it to her
honeyed Nov 2020
she watches me
she has a tight grip on my throat
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