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Today I've just laid
In my bed the entire day
Feeling absolutely numb
And that's what scares
Me the most...

I don't wanna go down
That road again
Every word feels off... everything feels off. But I kinda needed to write it anyway.
Who thought that
Numbness can hurt so much?
Proof that nothing is something
Thus, I have come to understand the worth of inadequacy –
my accuracy that targets the essence of your heart, is obscured
by my vision, ensnared by your eyes. You elevate my lows to
astonishing heights, tormenting me with your kisses, for we
never get to kiss twice.

It’s always one of those quick goodbyes; "I’ll see you in another
life," as if you’re untroubled by the thought of a reason to die.
Yet, won’t we all meet our end eventually? Some days, I wish
for a gentle passing for my weary soul.

And your eyes – don’t they seem to possess an awareness of
their own reflection? Your beauty is a weapon, silencing my
tongue, rendering me unable to articulate in words. Paralyzed;
I am numb in place; I can't look away from your eyes.

So numb in love...
wren Nov 21
p e r h a P s . y o u . c a n t . s e e . m y . d r e a m s
b u t . L a s t . n i g h t . i . h a d . o n e . a b o u t . y o u
i . s c r e a m e d . f o r . y o u . w h e n . i . s l E p t
a n d . i . b e g g e d . y o u . t o . A n s w er
b u t . y o u . S i m p l y . c o u l d . n o t
b e c a u s e . t h i s . i s . d r e a m . l a n d . a n d . n o t . r E a l . l i f e

i n . t H i s . d r e a m . a n . i l l u s i o n . w a s . f a b r i c a t e d
o n e . w h e r e . y o u . c o u l d n t . h e l p . b u t . h o l d . m E
i t . w a s . l i k e . w e . r e L a p s e d .  i n . t h e . d r u g . o f . u s
o u r . P r o g r e s s . i n . r e c o v e r y . o f . e a c h . o t h e r . e r a s e d

n o . o n e . h e a r s . M y . t e a r s . w h e n . i . w a k e . u p
i . c r y . b e c a u s e . i . k n o w . t h i s . d r e a m . w i l l . n e v e r .
b e . a . r E a l i t y
VarshaS Nov 3
Embracing my pain🖤

[I always wondered what it was to be cared, loved and be petted. I grew up in disgrace, scolded and treated unwell. I was blackmailed, bullied and forced beyond my limits.]

The childhood which was sweet for everyone was not for me!
Neither appreciated nor saw me as a young girl.
All I was a trash.
I really feel guilt and was I burden always.
Why did you give me birth in this earth?

As days passed by, I was not recognised by any one.
I felt I was a shadow submerged in this dark.
I had no value, and felt like an extra.

Sometimes thought I should have made a full stop long back.

To me childhood was full of responsibilites.
Why did not god gift me with love but pain, no smiles but fakes and at last a life when i didn't ask an one???

Responsibilites and priorities snatched my years of joy till now!
I don't know what its to be a kid nor to be loved by.
I always gave but not got anything in turn neither did I expect cause love can be also one side.

But, all I can feel as days flew by was nothing but emptiness, numbness, no emotion, simply pain but covering them with a fake smile so ppl around me don't get hurt!

Sleepless nights, but no one knows why pillows are stained, sometimes neither I do.
No one knows, how I plead for love, but is forced to act not and strong always.
No one knows how my mood swings but called rude cause I don't wanna hurt anyone at that moment!
No one tries to know cause they think I am cool and my life is perfect which I pretend the most.

Now days are getting slower and nights longer. I don't know where I belong.

I feel like nothing. Though people love me, I am scared to trust, that I neglect them and move afar so they wont be hurt because of me. My heart is into pieces and I know that I can still pretend stronger and fine.

Why, where and how did I come to this miserable world which should have been so simple. Can no one hear the silent cries Or is this the fate of us.

I am being a ghost alive and the shadows so deep in me are leaving behind.

Even I don't know who I am/ for I am suppressed and not moulded, for I am snatched and did not live.

Maybe the curse of birth is the cause and its ok cause its not ok!

Why me? When all i did and still do is place rest of the people first before me.

Why me? Cared to fix people heart from my own flesh

Why me? Thought people were true when they just used and manipulated me

Why me? When my childhood was a grave but still choosing to find peace.

Yes, I lost my HOPE.
And the desire to LIVE.
Just breathing, for the sake of my family

~Varsha Srinivasan 🖤
I hope you are not alone in this battle guys. Though there is hope and sparkness in everything we do, though there are chances of us to be happy back again we never choose to! cause we was forced to survive and now we started to dislike being happy cause melancholy has become our home. But I promise one day there is a person written in your fate who will never fail to value that she/he is none without you in it! Because thats when you know , who you and your true colors are! I love you man or girl or women or who ever you are! May the next be your better half/ soulmate/ sister/ brother / lover/ friend or anyone. But I know that there is still HOPE ❤️
I was dying
Last night,
Under the covers of my sheets.
The waves of hurt were crashing into me.
I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t breathe.

I called out to you, helpless,
“Please, save me, please!”
I cried for you, I cried for you.

“Heyy” - 10:17 PM

I cried for you, I cried for you.
I needed someone to lift me out of the sea,
To save me from my hurt,
To relieve me from the pain;
The pain of the crashes of the waves of everything
And nothing.

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t breathe.
Where were you? Where the **** were you?
I needed you so badly,
I needed somebody, anybody.
All I needed was a “heyyy” “hii”, or even a funny cat GIF
Anything, anything to tell me that you were there,
That there was someone who would respond to my message at 10 PM
Someone who would hear my cries and serve as my anchor from this ocean of pain.
But no, nobody.
I was drowning,
I was dying.

I cried myself to sleep
Last night.

“Sorry” Too long after AM

I am dying.
But I just can’t seem to ******* die.
Ayla Grey Oct 5
Everywhere I go I see blood
Dripping down my imprisoning glass walls
Painted red handprints on the doorstep
I see blood dripping from her painful lies
And pouring from his wrists
I see blood

Everywhere I go I see blood
I see red smudges spelling "I know who you are" on the counter top
I see red pools on the ground next to her
I see a crimson trail leading from my school
Coming to my home and to the homes of others
I see blood

Everywhere I go I see blood
I see red drips coming from my shoulder, my arm and my face
I see red lies dripping from my friends mouths
I see crimson decorations lining the walls of my murderer
I see blood
Lena Oct 2
See if I care.
I’m so numb now
All I can do is stare.
Stare at your face,
Cold and upset.
Why so upset?
I don't exactly know where this poem came from, I just started typing and this is what came out.
kel Sep 30
i lie on my bed;
my body tucked tight in my blanket.
a bit messed up in the head;
always staring up at the ceiling.
and my thoughts drift
to how people are enjoying life;
as i shift
my position inside the bundle of blankets.
i stare at the four boring walls;
every detail memorized,
ignoring my friends' calls
to go out and hang out.
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