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Nidhi Jaiswal Aug 2020
His name resides on my heart like "SAN"
''SAN'' sino-atrial node
That generate maximum no of action potential
On my heart...
By rhythmic contraction...
When other name i found like that
My heart rhythmic contraction increases...
''SAN'' moves up and down
Due to this i feel restless sometimes.
But after that his name resides on my heart like''SAN"
By din't of this i live today
My pacemaker
I write it when i study my biology book,i feel like the situation so i write it on like this manner.
Really i feel so much happiness with My"SAN''
Thanks for reading.
Lulu Sarmiento Aug 2020
Live up to your name!
It’s not full of shame;
But it causes mayhem—
And distraught to men.

I possess audacity,
I don’t tolerate hypocrisy,
I live within the society,
I encourage diversity.

I am me.
Dante RocĂ­o Aug 2020
I think I gave myself away, with a musician and, the name and the data
this world gave me and by which it holds me by.
Thought the clock struck midnight and the spell broke,
thought we’d return to the measly grey resuming.
As one deems things too good as untrue, the bitter more reliable despite its fake,
I scared myself that name would take my truer life away.

Yet then it came to me through
that whilst among these
trash bins we live in
things may work this way,

in a greater dominion and
our hopes, talks,
we know it is our will
and creation of our wonderland that
makes the reality and true identity.

There, I could have spilled
“Juliet” once,
but it rests as mere
fog under “Dante” I
gave space to
to be found and born.

No harm done.
I’m at the turbulent Baltic Sea and reminisced my error during a conversation,
Yet he and I both know
It didn’t even come to be
As we keep ourselves as we want to feel
And not how our ID wants to keep.

(For now, my only, seemingly, cigarette poetry as I call it. Strange yet not binding.)
Meera Aug 2020
i have never had anything to my name
would you name your roses after me?
please excuse my desperation
E Jul 2020
My sister won her soccer game
Now the whole school will know her name

Tomorrow she plays Sherwood
This should be good

I hope she wins
Cause I want to see her grin
GUNI VATS Jul 2020
I am a name
divided in two
my past and my future
I search for me
father's daughter
husband's wife
a legacy of name
a carrier of Name

I am never a whole,
Just a piece
broken in
the question of half a identity of a woman!
lmnsinner Jul 2020
no fame, no claim, no name

who shall we say is calling?

I am a man of
no fame, no claim, no name,
an average sinner, absent glory

a few seconds of rustling bustle.

did you ever write poetry?

once. but everything of earthly substance,
destined to fade into the ignominy of forgotten
vaults, where time takes it time and erodes all
into dust.

here, every word preserved. there is no time
in the dominion of creators, and you friend
are numbered in their midst, enshrined in many
hearts and eyes, and with every reading, each
reimagination, you are a reincarnated being
Amanda Hawk Jul 2020
I chiseled out your initials

Into rose petals

And heads of dainty daisies

Filter memories

Into the smooth curve

Of marbles, clinking

Into the bottom

Of the vase, rearrange

The vowels of your name

Into the most beautiful bouquet

And I find myself humming

To the thought of your smile

And it is quite darling
kiran goswami Jul 2020
And if the universe could make a sound,
it would have been your voice
when you call my name.
KAVITHA ....that's my name
And I do love my name..
For it has given me fame.
And I thank my parents for the same !

As I do write what my name is..
And in short, I'm what my name is
KAVITHA....a poetry
KAVI....a poet....!!
In my mother tongue Malayalam kavitha means poetry and kavi means poet... I'm rarely called with my name in all my dear ones call me in short name every time I'm called, I feel I'm called what I'm..
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