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Abdulrhman Nov 2019
I believe in miracles
That's why I'm so sad
happycoollove Nov 2019
beyond the judge
beyond all concepts
beyond your war
beyond all mishaps

beyond each label
beyond the critique
beyond your fear
beyond all defeat

beyond your good
beyond the bad
beyond all happy
beyond the sad

that’s where i’ll be ‘cause
that’s where we’re free
that’s where there’s peace
that’s where words cease

that’s when we’ll see
who we are clearly
for the very first time
a poem inspired by me being a student of a course in miracles
Ordeezy Jul 2019
What if God was a man, like mortal beings
He would be a man feared by kings
He would awe the world by doing unspeakable things,
The world will know of his name
Atheist would try but science can't explain.
If God was a man,
He would seat on the throne of dilemma
Trying to answer the prayers of every man
The common man who prays for good health
For business sake, the coffin maker prays for death,
The common man who prays for peace in his place
The lawyer who prays for his case.
If God was a man,
One that I can touch this close
If man propose, how dare he dispose!
Isn't he human like us?
Why does he find joy in our loss?
If God was a man,
Would he also fall in love?
Would that explain the birth of his son?
When he dies where will he go?
Would he tell us world secrets no one knows?
If God was a man,
Would we see him as God?
Would you believe if he performed miracles as God?
Or if he spoke in a heavenly voice?
Would you rather think
he is just a man seeking fame by force
Anushruti Singh Apr 2019
On the way, during travelling
There’s a lot of obstacles
Lots of breakers, lots of crackers
Lots of turns and lots of miracles
Lots of ups and downs
Lots of animals and peoples though
And even conditions of roads
Are not up to the mark.

But there one thing in our mind
We have to reach anyhow at the end
There’s no matter if fact that
What time it needs.

So, why we stop
After some failures?
On the way of life.
There also obstacles
Miracles, sane and insane peoples
Crust and trough too.

Why we aren’t so crazy
As much as during travelling
Why we aren’t keep in mind that
Anyhow we have to reach our beach

Never stop, never!
During the way of your aim.
Be so insanely crazy about your game
Think why you are doing so.

Keep in mind that  
Plant takes a long time
To become a prolific tree.
They also suffer a lot as we do.
Sufferings are different but pain is same though.
Its all about how people change their aim after some failures and disappointed. And also about how everything in our life teaches us some lesson but depend upon us how we see everything, as a lesson or as a ordinary thing.
Heather Apr 2019
This Day something good will happen –
wish it, or not, doesn't matter,
yet these words call a Catalyst
upon all, but mostly those in need
not greedy or complaining, patiently
expecting relief, smilingly in faith
to you; good fortune, just a sprinkle great enough
to empower, enrich, enliven 95%
a majority among majorities.

Blessings galore fall like rain, snow,
each held by a miniature angel,
for all needy, true, beseeching,
living creatures, male and female.

This is not a dream, theory, guess or
premonition. It is the truth.

Ultimately, it will be the poor who
will, by any means necessary, inherit the earth.

Sprinkle, O Catalyst, upon all those
of the world, oppressed, shivering
miserable, homeless, destitute, elderly, young,
all those and most of all, victims
of violence, injustice, racism, overlooked
by one percenters,
this on behalf of you, for you -- wealth,
vitals, food, bills paid, may all these
receive from Universe every need,
be blessed, free, not simply survive,
yet always thrive in cooperation
with a divine motive, for there isn't
a minuscule space within this world
not inhabited by a Answer to a Need,
a queue exists.

Expose a revelation of an unseen nature.

Today, someone in the heavens or the earth
gets their need or wish.
If it's you, spread your joy to someone else.
Prashant Shaurya Apr 2019
The valiant king rode across
A perilous mountain pass, which
Led to a mystic who could
Dispel the chance of death at war.

He roved along the rough terrain
Through rows of shuddering pine
His journey had no sojourn till
He'd drink the elixir wine.

The sage lived in a far flung place
Amidst mountains old as time
In that ancient talismanic cave
He reached his spiritual prime.

No man had ever seen the sage
Yet stories had been told, of those
Who sipped that miracle wine
And rose above their woes.

The king kneeled down before the sage
To narrate his woes through prayer
Then said, pour thy mercy, my Lord,
For my nation's in despair.

The gory war's killed umpteen men
My army faces defeat
Bless and save my people, O Lord!
For the enemy won't retreat.

The sage looked at the distressed king
Whose heartbeats had sunken low
For only the saint's miracle
Could help him fight the foe.

The sage did cast a magic spell
Pressed the ruler's armour of steel
Then said go back and fight my king
Triumph, and help your nation heal.

Prashant Shaurya ©
All Rights Reserved
Star BG Apr 2019
And I, shall take
the life force energy
streaming within...
that fantastic vibration that anoints
as child of The Divine...
to mold it as if clay
with events
that lead to a full life.

I shall dip self inside love
and paint a life with dancing brush.
With footsteps that hold mystery and awe.

I shall live
inside the grip of heart
and ride like stallion
in many an voyage in the miracle of life.

The gift given when we visit human form.
Inspired by Mack. A grand scribe.
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