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slip into
a dewdrop 〜

take a swim
in grass blade
presenting an acting exercise

— it’s windy outside.

non-reactors finding.
stillness in the storm.
This poem explores the concept of detachment, performance, and presence. The repetition of "non-react" and "non-reacting" suggests a meditation on stillness and the art of restraint, much like an actor perfecting the nuances of silence. The imagery of wind and searching captures both movement and pause, creating a delicate balance between action and inaction. A piece that speaks to those who navigate the push and pull of existence, artistry, and self-awareness.
Sleep, sleep, my love,
everything's alright, I'm here with you.

rest now.

Snuggle close to me,
I will be the one
to take care of you.

Let that mind slow down,
let the thoughts fade,
wrap yourself in calm.

Fall into my arms,
I'll hold you tight,
and give you gentle caresses,
like mom and dad.

I'll whisper that story,
filled with hope and love,
of our future.

Sleep, sleep, my love,
everything's alright, I'm here with you.

Relax your body,
relax your soul,
and let your spirit rest.

Fall into the deepest
of dreams,
tomorrow will be
a beautiful day.

With butterflies,
flowers, and meadows.

The sun will rise again,
and life will smile once more.

Sleep, sleep, my love,
everything's alright, I'm here with you.
Sleepy.....       I'm.... a
tired, type. The hype of life
reminder....     right?

Fired, if i don't wake....      on time.
But I.....   I don't deal...
                                                   with stress.....      and strife.

A broker in knives, for slicing ice.
It melts much faster
in little bites.

Lead me on this frightening
path of lightening
in a world that's getting faster
on a journey to disaster
without permission of the master
the plan will fracture.

We ourselves invite to rapture
and the laughter of the one thereafter
as we still ignore the lesson
on our mission of compression
turning days into seconds.

I relax, because I care
not because I care not.
The day is long and life is patient
Be the ball and chain of nations.
About: Learning to chill out in a hectic rat-race society and identify which things really matter to you and improve your life.
AndresAjala Mar 15
From a bench in the park,
I saw myself walking.

And I thought,
he looks good,
he works, he writes,
he does what he loves,
he has something to offer.

What I offer has value,
I have value.
AndresAjala Mar 14
Every morning when I wake up,
I tell myself how much I love myself.

I look in the mirror,
and say:
How beautiful!

I listen to myself
when I have a problem.

I prepare a delicious breakfast,
after work,
in the evenings, I train.

I take care of my friendships
and also my nutrition.

I take care of my appearance
and my thoughts.

I caress myself,
I give myself gifts,
and words of encouragement.

"Every gesture I give myself
is a hug to my soul,
and to my inner child.
I take care of myself, I love myself."
MS Mar 10
Think of what truly matters,
Not of fleeting distractions.
Contemplate the soul,
And the souls surrounding you.
Cherish the soul, cleanse it,
Liberate it with boundless opportunities.
Let life reveal its wonders,
As you surrender to the universe.
Embrace possibilities,
Keep your spirit high.
Accept imperfections,
To discover magical perfections!!!
Kindly share a feedback as it is 1st of many more to come
Renee C Mar 6
Be good for the all-knowing overhead light, the nascent
Hole in the sky – the aperture of a camera with a stuttering flash
For any cheek turned the wrong way. Must

Be good to be impervious to the shake of our big hands,
Like snakes caught in their own tail; to be
Impersonal as a hairpiece on the skull, flapping against the amygdala
With unimaginable force, like a door-knocker.

Answer in a ridiculous costume to insult the salesmen of sobriety,
Scuttling like roaches, whispering jokes to break one’s heart.
They sting like thumbtacks from below the knee.
Rewrite of an entry I wrote in psychosis. u never know who's watching and u never know what you're looking @@
AndresAjala Mar 7
Who am I?
How am I?
What am I doing here?

I am not my thoughts,
I am not my feelings,
I am not my mind.

I am a free soul,
I am a poet,
with a sharpened quill,
I am your mirror,
I am your wake-up call.

I write poetry,
stirring your soul,
confronting you with life,
waking you up from sleep.

I am calm,
I am joy,
I am peace,
I am love,
the food that nourishes the soul.

I enter carefully,
I step in slowly,
through the dark corridors,
where you never dared to go.

I do not come to destroy,
I do not come to harm,
I come to heal.

Let us listen to the silence,
quiet our minds,
and let our hearts speak.
In the tranquil woods,
I wander,
each tree a thought,
each breeze a lesson.

Remind me,
in every pathway,
I am part of it all,
in this art,
called life.
"Everything happens for a reason, good or bad."
And after watching (a lotttt of times) and analyzing Avengers: Endgame, I believe that they are very right, lol.
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