Sleep, sleep, my love,
everything's alright, I'm here with you.
rest now.
Snuggle close to me,
I will be the one
to take care of you.
Let that mind slow down,
let the thoughts fade,
wrap yourself in calm.
Fall into my arms,
I'll hold you tight,
and give you gentle caresses,
like mom and dad.
I'll whisper that story,
filled with hope and love,
of our future.
Sleep, sleep, my love,
everything's alright, I'm here with you.
Relax your body,
relax your soul,
and let your spirit rest.
Fall into the deepest
of dreams,
tomorrow will be
a beautiful day.
With butterflies,
flowers, and meadows.
The sun will rise again,
and life will smile once more.
Sleep, sleep, my love,
everything's alright, I'm here with you.