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Arlo Disarray Mar 27
i dream of you
even when i’m awake
fading in
and out
of each day
as they all blend
and blur into one

nothing has been the same
since i first learned your name
and my heart hurts all the time
because i want you so badly
and you’ll never be mine

time stops for me
every now and then
when you pop up
into my life
and give me a reason
to smile again

i don’t want it to end

but it’s not for me
i’m not for it
no, i’m just a pile of ****
and the smiles i wear
always fade away
so quickly
pradipsingh Mar 19
The cuckoo's whisper in this sweet evening
Is more lovelier than love has been
Throughout eve she keeps on whispering
For somebody, whom she has never seen

The vesper is on and fervent Angels sings
They lift up their choir to heavenly height
Amid, this sweet whisper, the cuckoo brings
And make this place and time a holy rite

Such peace, tranquility and harmony
Was felt all over and around the place
And nobody would be with agony
For everybody was blessed with grace

Yet I sit here alone with mournful lips
And ponder about the past with a grief
For l, doomed like Odysseus and his ships
Cry like a newborn baby in the eves

Her mortal vestige is in grave and oh
It has been years and years, since she has been
But still today I can hear and can know
She is here always, though she can't be seen
pradipsingh Mar 18
Some unsaid words are to be said
And I will tell you so when I meet you
Yes I haven't seen you for a while
And I long to see you all the time
Morning, night, night, morning
Your image is always on my mind
Your eyes, your lips, your hairs
Oh! Love I remember it all
And for every passing second, it is in my mind
I remember and think of you all the time
And I hope you remember and think of me too
Long are the times, we haven't met
Long will be the time, we will be together
And when I meet you, time will stop
Time will stand still, yet our love will flow
Flow like the rivers of milk and honey
And the apple tree will bear golden fruit
The sky will be filled with stars
And the garden will be filled with wildflowers
Oh! Love when I  meet you again
I will say to you all the words
Which my broken and longing heart
Long to say
After a long time
rk Mar 14
i once thought soulmates
were the missing piece
the perfect fit
the calm after the storm
but then i met you
and everything that i am
everything that i fear
was mirrored back to me
and my soul sighed
at the feeling
of finally being seen
our eyes met
twin blues colliding
and i knew
it would always be you.
- you are the eye of every storm.
Gabrielle Mar 13
I got on the go-away train
The same one I wished on while you were gone

My bags all packed for the plane
One last hope left in the side pocket

A hope you might not let me go
Squished between my toothbrush and t-shirts

But we both listened to the whistle blow
And you watched the go-away train take me

How could you let there be oceans between us?
When I can barely stand a centimetre

Why, when you just sit there motionless,
Do I have to crawl the earth to keep up with you?
ross Mar 11

that’s how i know
with you it was different;
something else entirely
something other-worldly.
all have come
and left by dawn
nothing but
empty desires
a hollow love
but not you.
with you
i obsess on our memories
fixate in our moments
long lost to time.
and just like van gogh
within his work
i have lost my mind.
here is all that remains;
years passed
black words
on white canvas
two ghosts
between worlds.
it is indeed oddly
beautiful and bizarre;
for i am lost and floating
within the darkness
suspended in your space
amidst the stars
dancing between worlds
sending out signals
just so you know
i’m still here.

thyreez-thy Mar 7
Oh little Caterpillar, 10 years old
Yet has a soul of solid gold
How can such a young being be such a joy
A spirit so welcoming, in a life you enjoy

Such a sad backstory yet you stand your grounds
Such a wonderful personality, your kindness knows no bounds
How fitting a cold, withered tree, was privileged enough to host such a loving caterpillar
And said tree also hopes to see her grow into a giant pillar
Your wonders run deeper than the orange river

To keep you in a jar would squander your abilities
To lead you too far would hinder your quality
You lead your life to your very own melody
To a song I learnt of too late, which led to a self made tragedy

You will become a butterfly, I know this to be true
Because you already have great morals, and a loving family too
I miss the little caterpillar that told me of her future
And I thank the heavens for the pleasure to have known her
Standing and hoping another fated meeting would occur

Alas, little caterpillar, you are but only a child
That had the ability to widen my smile
For 10 months I lacked joy, and your presence awoke my spirit
You left all too soon, before my heart and words could erupt

I come to wonder what happened to that little caterpillar
And if she ever contemplates the time we had together
Will the butterfly see me as nostalgia or a distant memory?
Will I be the oak tree of destiny, or just ancient history?
A girl I met a few months back in December of 2023, She had inspired me to live my life to the fullest. A kid I wish to truly see make it in life and have the same joy I did when spending time with her.
Louise Mar 4
If I cannot be with you
If I cannot see you again
I would still have you
and see you still.
I would see your eyes
in the oceans I would dive and swim in.
I would feel the heat of your skin
within the kiss of the golden summer sun.
And I would finally feel your kiss
everytime I feel kindness time and again.
I would feel your body's warmth,
in every care that will be bestowed on me.
You will be in every island I would go to.
You will be in every sunset I will witness,
that everyday I would look forward to.
You will be in every phase of the moon,
that every night I would look for
and look up to.
You will be in every star
that I would wish upon,
until the very last one
that I wished for you.
If I cannot be with you
If I cannot see you again
I would still feel you everywhere,
just as kindness and warmth
is everywhere, too.
Whenever I would see kindness, I would remember your face.
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