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AndresAjala Mar 16
"The way you think, you feel.
The way you feel, you vibrate.
The way you vibrate, you attract.
The way you attract, you act.
And the way you act, you create."
dylan Mar 2022
Laws of the universe teaches that
like attracts like
so this is why
everytime i attract someone
they're just as broken as i am
Damaged people attract damaged people
we try and fix each other
using pieces of ourselves
and in the end
when it all goes bad
both of us are left
I N C _ M P L _ T E
Marina Feb 2020
You were created in this world
you ruptured yourself into the world
and caught on fire as you grew older
that crafted you into what you are
and what you will become.
Marina Aug 2019
It takes alot to say you are my everything
But learning to read your eyes
Says it all back
Through it all you can still make my heart skip
Nicky Mar 2018
Reality, in truth, is maybe just a dream
A hologram of thoughts, you can choose your own theme
The outside, a reflection, of all that you desire
Keep the mind positive or deficiency may transpire

See we are the actors, our thoughts dictate our roles
A human experience, navigated by our souls
The dream is not as rigid as we are led to believe
The mind can alter circumstance but the mind can still decieve

If everything is energy then keep your vibration high
Vibrate at such a level that the limit becomes the sky
Remember it's YOUR dream and only YOU can change the script
Whatever comes your way, you are more than equipped

Reality, in truth, is maybe just a dream
A hologram of thoughts, things aren't always what they seem
RyanMJenkins Jan 2016
It's time to finally start implementing the secret, and I'm gonna share with you a few known pieces;
We are one, connected with limitless potential and passion.  Visualize abundance through the Law of Attraction.
Carl Jung once said, "What you resist, persists."
Once the focus shifts, we realize this:
Life is fun, and filled with bliss.
It's no hocus pocus but it is magic.  
"Your wish is my command" said the Genie to Aladdin.  
Good feelings attract the same and you wear it as your fashion.  
The universe answers, and through you it exists.
Low vibrational states create 'mistakes' and remind you of all that you miss.
The space between our atoms are filled with intention.
Everything you see, is indeed your reflection.
The attitude of gratitude brings you more reason to feel blessed.  Envision what you want and believe it with that pumping ***** in your chest.  
Thoughts are energy and shape our physical world.
Create the script and watch your prosperous path unfurl
Watch 'The Secret' and research yourself to start living the life you've only ever imagined
Lizzy Love Sep 2015
Heart swelling with warmth,
a sign of true growth.
Each breath sweeter than the last,
for the past is now the past.

Thoughts never sour,
for I have the power.
Positivity , love, peacefulness...
I shall never regress.
© Lizzy Collins
Lizzy Love Sep 2015
Sweet Dreams to come...
Don't just Think & Hope...
Nothing is a Guess...
Soul never Stagnant...
© Lizzy Collins
Egeria Litha Feb 2015
Adverse current
And drifted out to sea
Refusing restriction
Determined to be me
Mothers and Fathers
Can Be
Disturbing shadows
Reversed archetypes
With a fallen crown
Come on wise one
Quit beating on the
Same drum
Of a familiar string
Continuously negative thoughts
Keeping you where
You don't want to be
If you can't think about
Physically leave
Use a different drum
To maintain the beat
Of that high flying disk

— The End —