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micaela drew Apr 2021
i miss you when things get hard

i miss your gentle voice and understanding

i miss your presence, sweet and commanding

i miss how you knew exactly what to say

i miss how you always brightened my day

but I really only miss you when things get hard

your love for me was completely unmarred

and I want to call and say I miss you

but I know it’s not entirely true

i miss the way you supported me

and saw me for all the things I could be

i don’t miss how we were

i miss the way you made me feel secure

- insecurity
Jade Mar 2021
When someone calls me

I never know how to
believe them.
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jrae Mar 2021
We are
Floating down a river
where the waiting never stops
Holding onto our last exhale
too afraid to drown
Dreaming of the day that we sail
high above the clouds
Pretending we have yet to reach
the edge of the waterfall
Owen Mar 2021
And once again she catches me
trying to impress her
and I admit it.
We could be bonded a hundred years,
old and gray,
and I would still
climb the tallest mountain,
slay the fiercest dragon,
write the most heartfelt song,
I'd sing it all day
and night long,
to show you I care,
and hope I'm enough.
The past is the past,
but everyone left
when my spectacle dimmed,
and time and time again
was forgotten.
Set aside.
Left to dust.
Please dont become bored with who I am, I am trying with every fiber of my being that is not holding my pieces together.
Alexis K Mar 2021
This is stupid.
Just breathe.

This is stupid.
Just smile.

This is stupid.
But I cannot fight it off.
This feeling of hatred and disgust.

This is stupid.
But I avoid mirrors.
Because the red marks are too much to handle.
I can't look at my body the way you do.
Do you embrace me because of my "beauty" or is it your pity?

This is stupid.
But I cannot stop myself from crying.

This is stupid.
Becuase I know we are all worthy of love and respect.
I know we all deserve clothes that fit our own body.
I know that fat and beautiful do not exist separately.
But I cannot shake the feeling that I am the exception.
So ******* Stupid
We have to try and love ourselves at all points in our lives. Even when that's hard.
Ronney Mar 2021
Don't take much to shatter,
what's already bruised & battered.
Cant say "no offence intended"
Cause the content of the next sentence
you spew,  you know wont flatter.

The intention is to hurt.
Grind your target into dirt.
Passed off as a joke
****, felt my self confidence just broke.

Putting in all that work
takes courage to believe in your self worth
only to have people on a mission
sharing all their criticism
non-constructive just destructive
making you question all decisions
till the mind can only think in tunnel vision

brings you to the point when your alone
all those affirmations become monotone
cant draw inspiration cause all feeling has turned to stone
Some take it to heart till all they long for is to turn into bone
-Sometimes its better to hold your words
learn to say things right
Get to know somebody before you hand out your advise
Sometimes the person you talk to might not be ready
to hear it
B Mar 2021
i clung onto a dream
of you loving me
and i held it so tightly
wrapped it up with
a bow in my small arms

and i heaved and heaved
convinced by some string
of unsureness deep inside me
i held the weight as it dragged
my knees to the floor
bowing before you
i made myself tiny
SomeOneElse Mar 2021
Too insecure to just be me
Longing someday to be set free
A four, wing five I.N.F.P.
I am my own worst enemy
A prisoner trapped inside me
Wishing I could be happy
New poem on how I often feel
Do feelings spike up like pressure in a gas tank
Do they become a bomb and sometimes explode
Or someone is always there to detonate them before they do
Are they that harsh to take my life to a grave
And leave me cursing forever
Are they meant to hurt in the first place when expectations go blind
Or they are just another episode of illusions we we can't escape
These questions multiply especially when you experience them for the first time
You find yourself in a place where you are desperate to find out about being in love
Sometimes when things go wrong and you end up hurt, these questions still come alive and you will vow never to trust again
It's a matter of time after you have made peace, pick every broken piece of you that you decide whether to move on and love again or still hold your break from a relationship
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