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Jonas Feb 2021
I'm looking for Meaning
for answers to the questions blurry in my mind
visable through my screaming heart
my aching chest
the hole in the middle
where my soul ought to be
fighting for room, fighting for breath
I'm looking for Love
whatever that is supposed to be
a gift, a curse, a savior
freedom of me
try not to run away
at first sight
I'm looking for Death
for it is a choice
but binding by nature
face it
accept or despair
one can not wander in a painting
without minding the frame
I'm looking for Purpose
for me to face myself
in no mirror
you weak, fragile, useless being
find your use
don't be to ******* yourself
they say
I'm looking for many things in Life
yet do not open the door
I am scared
live to die another day
in my bedroom
get out
one step at a time
It's natural to be scared
that's how you become brave.
Beauty on her left
Ambition on her right
Looking from every angle
I can see her flashing might

I wish I had the same splendor
to walk confidently by her side
I fear the public and their opinions
I fear the shadow where I will hide
His4Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people
Di Jan 2021
Everyday I  battle against depression it whispers to me that I don't matter to anyone.

Anxiety tells me I'm just a burden to everyone.

My doubt  tells me to give up & that's I'm worthless.

My insecurity tells me I'm not beautiful.

My doubt tells me I will never be loved because I'm unlovable.

Depression makes me doubt & question if I should even be alive anymore.
My mind tells me I deserve to feel numb
Jason Dec 2020
She lies

Because I lie

I lie

Because I am insecure

She lies

Because she no longer trusts me

I lie

Because she hurts me

She lies

Because she doesn't want me to see her pain

I lie

Because I fail to understand

She lies

Because she can no longer see the truth of me

I lost her

When I could no longer see the truth of her
© 12/29/2020 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
JKirin Dec 2020
Can one blame me for hiding?
For this cowardice?
Not because of embarrassment
Nor the prejudice,

But because of the fear of loosing you.
What we have—I hold onto it foolishly.

Longing for your trust (absolute, mutual),
I stay by your side. Like a ritual,
Thought repeats, (hopeless, in a haze):
“I await for you, never and always.”
about loving someone through years of friendship
JKirin Dec 2020
“Is it real when your mouth is on mine?
Do we share a heart when our bodies align?”
Thoughts are frantic in jealousy, torment,
As I savour this fleeting soft moment…
can't help but wonder
ENR Nov 2020
I live beneath layers
And layer and layers and layers
I am small within myself
Shrunken down
The reflection is superimposed

Through my eyes, I see myself
The rest is simply layers

Layers of fat and skin and stretch marks
Each layer heavier than the last
Heavier and heavier until
I start to droop
Inside and out
My shoulders concave
As I wish my stomach would

Searching for acceptance
For self-love
Searching and only finding stares

But they only see my layers
And I live beneath them
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