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Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2018
Let us not waste valuable time
Wondering what we could have been
Thoughts go around for hours if allowed
Questions make head spin

There is no point in worrying
If my decision was a mistake
Too late to change it now
Dwellig does not soothe the ache

No good can come of "what-ifs"
We didnt, now we're done
Our love will forever mean the world to me
Even if you were not the one
Kim Essary Jul 2018
Standing so close to the edge of this cliff , I can feel the give of the rocks beneath my feet. My heart hurts but shows no fear as it's been torn and tethered for so many years.
My mind plays like a movie running in rewind, so many memories made in oh so little time. Trying to find where things went wrong is like finding a needle amongst the hay. As I pick and plunder with still no luck as there is more abundance of hay and only one needle . It is now apparent that my search is for nothing as with no guarantee even if recovering the needle that I could fix the problem where it lay.  
I look above me for something to grab and pull me to safety should the ledge begin to break but sadly enough like our love I find nothing to hold on to to save me or us as it appears all we have left is the fall to the bottom and hope for survival to dust myself off and start over again.
Just when I brace myself and prepare for the fall I see a bit of hope and pull myself back up just to find myself standing with the rocks giving way on the edge of a fall again.
Can't give up but hurts to stay in. Life is so confusing when you love like I do
Survived Jul 2018
No I don't ever regret loving you
the only thing I regret is that
why why the **** I never lied to you.
He smoke cigarettes,
not to make it look cool,
but to fade the pleasure of sins.
Sins that were made in heaven..
Heaven that belonged to a girl..
A girl with buttery skin and crystal eyes..
Eyes that never speak for lies..
Lies about love, lies about deceit..
But deceit is what he repeatedly received.
To let it go,
to make the effort not letting the past steal his present,
the past that he wants to forget,
and forget how her voice sounded,
to learn the lesson in a bitter way.
He smokes cigarettes.
I don't write fancy words. I write what's on my mind. I try to relate it with reality. But it doesn't mean I don't like other artistic fascinating poems. Everyone has their own way and every way is beautiful.
Hope you would like it. :)
K N Brown Jun 2018
she gravitated toward knowledge

much like

the moth to a flame,

and the flame that knowledge was,

it burned her
Nickolas J McKee Jul 2018
Seeing you all brawled up,
Gets the best of me.
Don't know why in this life,
Seeing your beauty.
All fixed bruises and scars,
Forced for me to care.
Poisoning white devils,
For the fallen ones.
I to rise in it all,
Till fixed seasons come.
The best of my conscious,
Luring a dark void.
Hoping to swallow me,
The best of me whole.
If only the loving demons could go away...leaving me finally alone.
Blake Jun 2018
Oh do not look at me like that.
Although I pulled the trigger you loaded the gun a long time ago.

Oh do not complain that my loose canons of speech are finally repulsively soaring.
When you gave me a deadly spark.

If you do not blame,
Then I promise I won’t too,
The collateral damage of two wishful hearts needs no ownership.

So stop trying to win a forgotten war,
What’s done is done.
No more friendly fire.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
To hide a secret
I found that the best way is
to hide in plain sight
People see but don't observe!
I've lost count of how many times the truth was right in front of me and I didnt see it.
Well, we live and learn.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
My mind seems to float
in shadows of rising mist
Mysteries of time
I think I think too much...
Be back soon
Lyn ***
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