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Mazen Edlibi Feb 2020
I’m Failure!

She said that with a shining crystal tear in her eyes…

She broke my silence!

Shrinking in her bed, hiding her face, with a tear which killed my strength and toughness… I felt naked.. felt I have no power to make her safe!

Like a little child, eager to have that warm hug, that safe hug, that secure corner… and She broke my boundaries with world I don’t belong to….

Did she saw me how I see and feel her!

Did she felt how she had my back safe and my feelings secured!

Did she realized how stabilized our time and life together!

You didn’t fail me!

You didn’t hurt me!

You didn’t make me feel tired!

On the Opposite….

You did let me feel my humanity…my worthness…my existance…my signature…myself!

And after all that you are saying “I’m A Failure”

You can feel Sad..You can feel Pain…You can feel Disappointed …. You have the right to be Human!  And we will still experience Sad, Pain, Disappointment beside other things however we didn’t Quit… we didn’t Surrender… we still in the Arena that we created and will create and that we will keep creating together and with each other.

Be who you are and don’t be a shame of showing your uniqueness… your worthiness…showing how treasure you are for me…

With love..with admiration..with humble I tell you…you are Enough!
For the one who makes me feel the true of who I am
LeoH Feb 2020
As I wrestle with the paradox
Of embracing my magnificence
While remaining humble
I remind myself
I am but the empty vessel
Ready to be filled
With the splendor of the divine
I always find if I start taking credit for my victories, I get dropped right back to my empty struggling self!
Pyrrha Jan 2020
He knelt at the side of her bed
Like a throne or alter
His mind full of hope or surrender
Even he didn't know which it was

He held her hand
Told her he couldn't understand
What she was going through
That he didn't know what would happen

But he told her he'd be there
He'd be her comfort and all her courage
She would see him in her dreams
He would never leave

He swore it like a Knightly oath
With his hand over his heart
He told her tomorrow was uncertain
But today would last forever

And so she never died
She lived forever in that moment
Like a Queen with her fervent strength
A Goddess with her humble tears

She lived eternally within his promise
Pyrrha Jan 2020
Being a voice for the voiceless
Is not making a choice for them
It is teaching them to make a choice for themself
It is telling them that they are worthy
And giving them the empowerment
To advocate for themselves

Being a voice for the voiceless
Is not manipulating the broken, the lost or the weary
It is not deceiving the hurt, the trusting or the kind
It is outstretching your arms, opening your palms
And not slamming them shut when you've had enough
It is being humble, humane and compassionate
It can do more than save a life, it can change a life
Path Humble Dec 2019
for she who loved me vainly

in a way that produced the result she undesired,
my response harsh and swift,
her fan-tasy has no place on serious battlefields

those poem are battlefronts mine,
that are the numbered chapters in
My Revelations

still, she still reads my poetry

think on it, it’s confusing,
my unkind cut that came from deep anger,
it was outed but not for her, because of her
but for me

for to love
permission must be asked and both

and the line is wavy but 100% solid.

but reading my poetry, is that a violation as well?

my poems are me inside out.

but if you look in me deepest,
forgiveness is there,
not seeking contact,
but hate
is inconsistent
with walking a
path humble
uv Dec 2019
It does not matter to the world,
Who you are
What have you DONE!

There will always be someone
To take your place
No matter
What you have WON!

It does not matter to the world
what you are made up of.
you do not do it for yourself
It matters to no ONE!

Not even Einstein or Bill gates
any other man with a million traits
Could keep a pedastal for too long
It is the way it IS.

If you keep quite and fade away
It is you,
who will be wasted
It is you,
who will loose your SAY

It is
the reality of this world.
The wheels of destiny
are at play.

It is
  Bend low  
And have it all your way.
Humans are selfish, even the most selfless man  who does great deeds, earns respect for himself (FOR HIMSELF)
Hence being humble in this self righteous world
Is a  poem in its own way..
George Krokos Nov 2019
A person’s life in the world can sometimes take a tumble
which could mean they need to be a little bit more humble.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Nik Bland Nov 2019
You are absolutely the most gorgeous
Goddess on two feet
Those ambitious
Auditioned, failed
Had to sign a non-compete
You exemplify amplified
Realism till I’m knocked right off my feet
And meeting you leaves me
Tongue tied
Buy and refund vowels
Because I can barely speak

You are Artemis and Athena
Sometimes meaner
You’ve both the brain
And brawn to back it
Not many times do sights
So right
Prove worthy of me
Being flabbergasted
Mere mortal men’s minds cave in
And bow at your intricacies
And you blush, turning crimson
As humbleness rushes to your cheeks

You may not feel the heat
But I know the stakes
Grade A
You are prime to me
Prepared, unshared
With utmost care
And it’s the only time I’ll compare you to meat
I’ll avert my eyes as you rise
A gentleman for eternity
Because love was fantasy
Utter blasphemy
Till you made a believer of me
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