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Izlecan Mar 2017
filled up with enmity coiling up inside
The chest billows up
Thy want to heave it out
Then destined to tranquility

The claws scratch the flesh
Death gnaws on the remnants of longevity
Unless visions have a chest
To burst out into effervescence

Spontaneous sigh is kicked out of your breath
The clavicles sharpen, the eyes ogle ahead
The nothingness dilates
The flicker has no entrance for itself to adumbrate

For utopia has its own gore
To marvel over inside,
The plasters of bliss
Have guffawed over the gullible dusk

The gloom has left with a whisper
A muttering not to be heard
The relief has sewed on flesh
With the clouds coming out of thy outburst

The relief rebirths the serenity
Has been meandered, halted
For thou shed leaves
Making agony to clouds of no return

Utopic defiance,
the idiosyncratic anectodes
Stains of externalized innundation
For the literal existance of hope.
Lauren Prather Mar 2017
Isn't the dream to live by the sea shore?
In a small wooden home shutters opening with the wind.
A cool breeze jumping down the spine,
a small layer of sand covering the hallway

Watching the sun set over the calmly rippling water

watching the lightening over the vast darkened blue space

Watching and listening to the seagulls join together for a party

I've always dreamt about the sea.
I've had this image of the utterly perfect house since I was little.

The brown and teal blue home with teal perfectly in line shutters
looking out at the beautifully blue tinted green body of water
I can hear the thrashing of the tides during the storm
I can hear the whisper of the waves before dusk

For now, it's just a dream.

For now I'll triple lock the doors,
never say "hi" to the neighbors, a chaotic group of men who partake in illicit activities
never step outside after dark,
live in a pit of terror every night falling asleep.

But I will have my dream.
I crave the sheer idea of this possibility.
Tonight I lay my head on the beaten up discolored and rectangle block,
once soft and fluffy, full of freshly stuffed cotton and feathers

dreaming of a home, my home
                                      by the sea.
Nickols Feb 2017
"I could actually, win," I said to myself.

Then reality hit me in the face.

And I lost, before I could even try.
It's been one of those type of day.
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
sparks are spilling
from your eyes
you sprinkle them
ignite our hearts
in scorching waves,
we drown

can there be one
you'll save;
what fate awaits
survivors reaching shore;
they go to war
and time will tell
who burns out
and who

(amongst the embers
a victor shall be named)

and even though
I never cease to burn
the last to stand
I see too late
the game is rigged
and charcoal hands
with ashes cold return
Brent Kincaid Jan 2017
I want to be where people love each other
Where trust is the way things are.
I want to practice everything I preach;
Learn to love folks for who they are.
I want to get up and be very glad I’m here
That I have food and clothes and shoes.
I want to sing praises for the life I lead
And to replace everything I use.

I want to see all the people that I know
And let them know I cherish all of them.
I want to consider thoroughly before I speak
And not insist people follow my whims.
I want to hear all the music the world plays
And sing along when I know the words.
I want to share with the people I know
Every helpful thing I've ever heard.

I want to laugh every day and not be sad
Unless some poor soul I know is hurt.
I want to contribute to make things better
Even if in the end I lose my shirt.
I want to be strong enough to speak up
If someone is trying to tell lies
To take things from those that own
And the victims don’t even realize.

I’m going to raise my voice and celebrate
When the downtrodden manages to win.
I will applaud and shout “Good for you!”
If they trip, say “Get up and try again!”
I want a world when money is not
The final word in every dispute.
I want to know there is no one who says,
“You must do what I say or I’ill shoot!
Drew Jan 2017
Between goals and dreams,
Rests a life that was.
Among the stars and sky,
Rests a life that was.
Underneath the tears and pain,
Rests a life that was.
With hope and fire,
Rests the life that is.
So much to do, so little time.
the lost girl Jan 2017
"let there be light," he said.
and there was the light*
we lit our cigarettes
and burned down our lives
no I can't handle this song
no I can't even rhyme
cause it's so meaningless
to always be undone

so tell me what to do
Just tell me what to do...
Sinfull hands
aimless minds
S Layaan Jan 2017
Eyes fixated on the skies
Watching a star
Dancing to a tune
Such an enthralling dance
Oh she's coquetting with the moon
Illuminating the heavens
Lighting up the skies
Like a diamond delicately strewn
So ethereal
She jumps and twirls
Like a dainty ballerina
So out of this world
But she's got to hurry up
The sun is on its way
There will be no let up
End this amorous array
To discouple this heavenly tryst
Just like yesterday
When she tried to persist
And the days before that
But baby you can't twist
These legislations
Go get all miffed
Just like yesterday
When you tried to desist
And the days before that
You catchin' my drift?
Eyes heavy with slumber
Vision covered in mist
I sleep to the sight of a blazing sky
To the sight of a passionate rift
Dreaming about this celestial pair
They danced and hugged and kissed

Broken dreams
And shattered hopes
I walk all alone
Along these slopes
It's a bumpy ride
Full of twists and turns
A road called life
You live and learn
To love and to hate
To give and forgive
To fall and rise back
To be free and to be captive
Some rules maybe followed
Some better be broken
To choose to be silent
Or to have spoken
To be a shining bright star
Or burn like the sun
To be calm like the moon
Or choose to be none
Be a crashing wave of the oceans
Or a ruthless storm
Be gentle like the river
Or be the fire, comforting and warm
Or be the fire that can burn
Everything around
Or the fire that burns
And illuminates its surrounds
Be the guiding light
And learn to be the leader
Or be the darkness of the night
Or you can be the dreamer
So I walk all alone
On this road called life
My dreams in my pocket
And tired sleepy eyes
I need to rest
Can't do it anymore
What's wrong, what's right
So much to explore
It's a long way ahead
This journey full of struggles
And heartbreaks and sorrows
A whole lot of troubles
But how do we endure this
Keep going on
What gives us the strength
To continue all along
I ask myself every day and night
To find answers that I need to know
Maybe this need is the reason why
We choose to fight and choose to grow

S. Mohamad
Bret Jan 2017
This pillow holds
all of the secrets
of all of my the tears
that stained the fabric
and the whispers
of all of the hopes and dreams
that have been shattered
by the one
who used to tell me
I could.
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