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Tetiana Jan 16
Grief enfolds her shoulders
and her eyes look down
at all of those soldiers
under the ground.

Her thoughts fly
to the shadows around
who softly pass by
and frost all the sounds.

Rows of flowers will bloom
in the yellow-blue colours,
feel the silence and gloom.
Will she ever recover?

Says whatever she wants,
looks in eyes through the picture,
has no hope for response,
prays as said in the scripture.

She'll come later, bring some sweet.
How could she accept - this is it,
nothing left to complete?

How can her heart beat, how?
She is left with a vow,
who will love her from now?

An indifferent look at the stone,
all next minutes unknown.
Will she be all alone?

No more silly jokes again.
Sadness bowed her head.
All his deeds are not vain.

Rows of flags wave her grief,
truth is hardest belief
which you've got to achieve.

Unfortunately, pits are still empty

She quietly reads words on bands,

She will say about devotion,

She talks but he will not talk back.

He lies with his brothers,
she'll live with some other,
A life is a moment,
it's not her atonement,
she isn't that weak,
just fatigue.

Журба за плечі обійма
і погляд опустився.
Прийшла в життя її зима,
немов кошмар явився.

Думки летять її туди,
де тихо ходять тіні
і від замерзлої води
проступить білий іній.

Ряди квіток цвітуть завжди
у жовто-синій гамі,
прийдеш помовчати сюди,
під цими прапорами.

Кажи що хочеш і дивись
в ці очі крізь світлину,
за спокій тихо помолись,
надійся на спочинок.

Ще прийдеш потім, принесеш
солодкого й смачного.
Як прийняти, що це вже все
і не вернеш нічого?

Як серцю далі битись, як?
скажіть їй хтось як жити.
Чи зможе хтось її ще так,
так сильно полюбити?

Чи засміється ще вона
від радості єднання?
Байдужий погляд, бо одна
в тяжких переживаннях.

Не скаже більше він, на жаль,
своїх невдалих жартів,
схилила голову печаль -
вона тепер на варті.

Ряди за обрій прапорів,
що майорять від туги,
розкажуть істину без слів
про болі, про наруги.

Пустують ями ще, на жаль,
чекають побратимів,
яких віддати мають нам -
ми віримо - живими.

Слова типові на стрічках
вона читає тихо,
побачити б в отих словах
для цього болю вихід.

Сказала б ще раз про любов
і як його чекала,
та думка холодила кров:
вона цю долю знала.

Ще поговориш ти, та він
вже більше не озветься,
востаннє зробиш ти уклін
розірваному серцю.

Він не один лежить,
вона ж одна піде додому.
І день як мить,
і рік як мить,
життя як мить,
лиш втома.
Maria Jan 14
You and I in the Universe and no one around.
Like my life has completed the circle right now.
There were people, so many of them, but now no one.
And I want to change nothing at all for no one.

I don’t want to hand back that unwanted and useless run.
To someone, for something, for some reason, for or against anyone.
I didn’t know goal, I didn't feel meaning, I didn’t see end,
But rushed and teared to pieces without any bend.

I didn’t see light, didn’t hear the truth at all.
And I realized that my measly life not to all.
But I was like a demented and crazy crack.
Rushing in there, I said the whole time: “No one step back!”

I’ve paused my life or maybe I’ve stopped.
And in that hysterics I’ve almost overshot.

You and I in the Universe – let it be so.
Hold my hand. I’m blind and in the gloom in whole.
But I’m alive! Look, I’m breathing by chest.
I’m not in a hurry now. I just want to rest.
Tetiana Dec 2024
мене долає.
Так хочеться здатись

причина для того щоб здатись.
всім думка з'явилась - пора попрощатись.
Зусилля всі марні, і все не виходить як думалось всім.

знебарвлює дні, знецінює смак і пригоди життя і виходить все так, що втрачається сенс не спинятись.

не крапку поставлю після цих всіх напруг, недоспаних ночей і думок про нарешті призи за заслуги.

зводить щелепи і так хочеться від всієї душі прокричатись і закинути все, тихо здатись.

часу і сил, шкода мрій бо виходить пусті вони всі, не судилось їм всім позбуватись.

не дозволю я їй надламати мене, запріснити життя, відмовчатись.

лиш тайм аут візьму, відісплюсь, відлежусь і в роботі піду оживати.
An original poem Fatigue, translated version is on my page.
Tetiana Dec 2024
Fatigue overcomes me
I want to give up
A weighty reason to give up.

A familiar thought appeared: it's time for goodbye.

All efforts are in vain, everything does not turn out as I thought.

Fatigue discolors the days, devalues the taste and adventures of life. Where are the feelings of sense to move on that I want?
But I put a comma, not a dot.

I will not give a full stop after all these tensions, sleepless nights
and thoughts of finally about the merit prize.

A cramp tightens the jaws
and I want to scream out with all my heart. And drop everything, quietly pause.

Are the time and effort, my dreams empty?
If I am destined to get real of them all.

Fatigue, I will not allow it to break me.
Why do my dreams seem so small?

Fatigue. I'll just take a time out,
get some sleep.
I never let any doubt
be in my head deep.
Jill Oct 2024
Country nighttime turned off the world
Absolute window blacking
Any other life void-invisible
Universe shrunk snack-size
Existence is only this cab,
these tiny lights,
this fuzzing radio
One direction
Only ahead
Only these tracks

A change in rhythm signals new territory
Lower infrastructure spend
Budget acknowledged by
transitioning drum track
More toms
Double kick
More bass, but
no less hypnotising, no less soporific, no less slowing, no less…

Driver vigilance alarm earns its keep
Pierced by safety sound needles
Bleary eyes split open
Only closed for seconds
Enough to dry 3am eyelash glue
Intermittent, intensifying battle
Open versus closed
Here versus where
Wake versus yawning, rocking, mesmerising, irresistible…

Assistance required
Scan for options
Snoozing thermos drools its last drips onto the floor mat
Moment of silence for coffee, our absent friend
What else?
Lunch box offers carrot sticks
Sharp, crisp, smug
No help. What else? Cake.
A silent bargain
– okay calories, we’ve had our differences, but we need to pull together
Health is tomorrow, safety is now

Sleepiness shrinks and stretches place and time
There is only here
Only now
Battle and bargains
Winning and losing
Until the sun comes up
AE Sep 2024
The brilliance of a clouded morning
is often overlooked in memory of the sun
I have been twirling these thoughts
between my fingers for far too long
yearning to reach out through broken windows
to immerse my hand in a dense morning fog
not knowing what will find them
and to take this ache in my bones
that tends to follow me home
rinse it under the falling rain
waiting for the sun, waiting for a new day
until morning comes in a quiet dream
and I wring out these bones
and yesterday's clothes
throwing them into laundry baskets
woven from this tired soul
and taking it all out to dry
MetaVerse Jul 2024
i'm restles§ & laZy
& wirəd & tired
& not ⁿ°ⁿuncraZy
& antiadmired

a little bit manic
& chillaxed as a maniac
i picnic with Panic
& retardədly brainiac

& God as my wittiness
i'm ●ver herə tryin'
to c○pe with the shittiness
of livin' while dyin'

Glenn Currier Mar 2024
When I stop
I notice your unwavering presence
your persistence surprises me
because I neglect you.
Lovers don’t do that.

In my dreams you are there
passing through my imagination
like a genie yearning to gift me.
Your stories teach me about your desire
to interrupt my ordinary.
I even remember a few of your tales
and try to figure out what they mean
for my dull self.

I know. You don’t like me discounting my self
because when I do so
I discount you my precious one
and the awesome power of your love.

Inspire me today
a day of needed and neglected work.

You are here my love
in every fiber of my body
every impulse of my mind.

I will dive into the river of your compassion
and be refreshed by it.
Alexis K Mar 2024
In my own body.

Unable to life the weight.
Pulling me into the cement.
Unable to hear the world around me.
My heartbeat too loud.


In my own mind.

Locked behind bars,
And Unable to need.
Numb, or screaming trying to get out.
Both locked inside the walls.
Nobody but myself to hear.

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