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Simon Soane Oct 2020
Right now,
as you lay warm and blessed,
your possibities are endeless:

You could be a ballerina who discovers a fresh science of soar,
you could be a globetrotter who finds a new meaning of tour,
you could be a plumber who invents a tap,
you could be the voice that makes all your friends' clap,
you could be a hair dresser who is known for her perm,
you could adore reading and be a book worm,
you could be athletic and win at sports,
you could be the lawyer who wows all the courts.

But now is not the time for possibilty,
only certainty:

the certainty that the two people you see the most shine on you with all of love's beam,

and think you are the best
they have ever seen.
John Gabriel Oct 2020
When I was a kid, my parents told me never to associate myself with strangers because they are bad people and would just do me harm instead of good. It was years later that I learned it was the opposite. How ironic it is that strangers would be more like my family and my family would be more like strangers to me. For it was strangers that gave me comfort when I was abused by my parents and my ex girlfriend. It was strangers that got me through my darkest episodes when I thought all was lost. It was strangers that showed me that life can be beautiful and be filled with good things. They helped me become a better man for myself and for the people around me. They supported me, helped me stand when all I wanted to do was lie down and give up. This group of people have done more for me than anyone could ever fathom. A stranger saved my life when my own parents could not. Thanks to them, I am better now and I am prepared to go further than they have gone for me because these "strangers" aren’t strangers, they are my friends and I love them.
To that stranger that saved me (you know who you are) thank you for giving me hope and strength. For showing me that life can be better. You will always have a special place in my heart.
kate Sep 2020
i cling to these memories like how a child would with her mother's skirt. gently but not harshly, too afraid to rip it to seams or fray its warmth. it's a hideous skirt, mom. i fondly look back at it anyway, unable to fully let go
Pigeon Sep 2020
trauma drifts down through the branches of my family tree
like summer pollen
MSunspoken Sep 2020
Numbing chill
Amongst the gale
Ice cold breath
Trembling still
Heart be lost
Buried in snow
Tundras melt
Icebergs weep
Fingerlike rays
Warm on skin
Breath of life
Thaws a heart
Found by a beacon
Carlo C Gomez Sep 2020
Her constellations move differently

She no longer controls star systems

Only one remaining cluster
now orbits her

But it is more than enough

For they need and love her as their light-giving empyrean
Title inspired by the poem "Benign" by fellow HP writer Puds:
Manfred Kriger Sep 2020
All my life I have been a burden,
my mind can not comprehend the thought of someone loving me and my heart is familiar to loving but unfamiliar to someone loving me back.

My mother has been an amazing provider but has continued to be a terrible communicator and an even worse emotional support but not a day in my life did she let me go hungry.
This poem comes at a time where alot of things in my life just aren't making sense romantically my life is falling apart and it stems from an emotional disconnect.
Yosi Sep 2020
mommy please
may i go to my room
daddy has arrived
and i can sense his fume

daddy is near
and he holds the broom
please oh please
may i go to my room

i beg you let me
escape to (in) my room
ill be safe there
my imaginary womb

mommy do you feel it
that certainty that doom
you can come too
with me to my room



hello son
his shadows loom
what say we turn this
house to your tomb

i look up at him
all bluurryy with gloom
understanding ill never
make it to my room
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