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A M Ryder Oct 2019
We buried ours
And they buried theirs
Then it started all over again
Keiko Tei Sep 2019
His name was Johnny. His close friends and family liked to call him, little johnny.

This story is about little johnny, with his report card nearing, he wanted to throw one last Hail Mary.

He tried his best and paid attention. He did all but one math question.

On the night before the big day, he knew that this was it. He fell asleep from fatigue, before everything he learned could even hit...

Next morning, little johnny feeling proud of his effort, went off to school feeling great from his rest.

Unfortunately for little johnny, the results show...that in the end he still failed his math test.

This is a story of little johnny, and his mediocre report card.

I plan to write one for every time I am reminded that it's just as important to acknowledge your existence as "normal" and "mediocre" as it is to believe that you are "special" and "unique".

The truth is that no one has read stories about people who fail, fail, and fail again, without really obtaining success in the end.
Sania Sep 2019
She wanted to be herself, but she failed
She wanted to live up to other's expectations, but she failed
She wanted to break the chains, but she failed.
Failures, repeated failures made her cold.
She lost her courage, her character, her self respect, and her self-confidence.
Suffering, failure, loneliness, sorrow, discouragement were parts of her journey.
  So she decided!
Far better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure.
A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to golorious success.
thesa Aug 2019
tell me
how many times may i still fail
until also you
will leave
Luna Maria Aug 2019
what if God
regrets creating
a human
like me?
what if I never reach his expectations?
M e l l o Aug 2019
remember almost
every word
you have spoken
while probably
cannot even recall
the sound
of my voice.
I wrote this piece exactly last August 7, 2016. Sharing this piece here in Hello Poetry after 3 years now with a title. Lol
To be a man, is to face your fears everyday.
Carry this meat suit in a dignified fashion.
Question life and its maelstrom of sorrow.
Forgive the failures of others.

To be a man, is to protect your friends.
Hide your disgust at others happiness.
Move unnoticed through a crowd of people who struggle everyday.
Find, laugh and be merry with your best friends.

To be a man, is to know thine enemy.
Prepare for your future trials by training the body.
Always mistrust the ones you love.
Pretend to feel empathy and recognize their true intentions.

To be a man, is to control your violent impulses.
Never acknowledge the visions of killing that you see.
Hold back the feeling of tears when spoken kindly to.
Never help the destitute.

And when I stop being a man.
And the facade finally breaks.
And the families who stabbed me in the back, come for more.
And when everyone has quietly left me.
And I am now the destitute.
I cradle my body.
And tremble alone.
A poem I thought up. Very harsh, but very easy to relate to imo. Hope you enjoy it, though I wouldn't.
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