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K Balachandran May 2014
She is a breeze,
gently wafts in,
in the fiery climes
she quickly transforms,
arousal of passion
makes her
a whirlwind fierce,
her spirited twists and turns
were beyond prediction
her predilection
to dominate becomes
so insistent
she turned to a twister
had an unrestricted run
the giant redwood
was uprooted in no time
K Balachandran May 2014
The panther's blazing eyes
stares at him first , scrutinizing,
her rough tongue likes him clean
when amorous longings subdue.
Don't leave just yet,
I'm not ready to let you go.

Don't let the pain overcome you,
My love will be your strength.

Stay just a while longer,
That our last encounter may be the greatest.

— The End —