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Geary evans Nov 2016
I am talking to you
Yes i know what you hear
I see what you see
I feel what you feel
I bear the burden you bear
Only if i could help you
erik lubbe Oct 2016
Tell me how can I be sad
When I have you
When I seen your face
When our eyes meet
I go somewhere
To a place of happiness
For where no sadness dwells
And these empty halls have love
Like the one with us
I fell the love withen you
Do you truly fell the same
When you say you love me is it real
Or is it for show
How can I not love you
How can we not fell love
Love always wins
You can't fake love but you can fake "I love you"
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
Sometimes, the best of you is brought out by the worst
After people do their damnedest to destroy you
After they have stabbed you in the back
And shot a bullet through your heart
You find the strength to get up, to fight
You take your wounds...your bruises...your scars
You pick up the pieces and build something  new
And the dents and cracks left over
Well, if you run sandpaper over a diamond, it'll eventually smooth out
Something I had to do because I refuse to break.
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
The world can be so cruel
on a poet's heart so frail
Sometimes it gets soaked
by the winds that come in Gale
Inspiration can come and go
it's bleeding out like time
Not everyone understands the words
especially if they don't rhyme

My heart is only protected by my Poet's Paper chest
bleeding ink
The words I'm writing down
they don't always make much sense
I keep scribbling

I really want to share
to feel that someone cares
that they understand my poetic plight
my words on winged flight
my tongue I cannot bite
My Gypsy Heart
my fight...
what I might hope...
..... is right

I write that which I seek
knowledge and wisdom deep
secrets that we keep
they crash upon this chest

like the oceans waves that pull me down and under
In clouds where Gods stand
and throw me out their Thunder
My Paper Heart asunder
I grab the lightning bolt

so I know these words they might ReSound
and be quite more profound
in the collective pages of our history

Like art
like all great art
sometimes not appreciated
till after we're gone
And even if someone doesn't know my words
I'm still singing you my song

I hope I do not offend
I don't try to pretend
My Paper Heart defends
by speaking what I am learning

I do not claim to know the answers
I just put some words on paper
and save it in this chest
covered by a vest
I feel I am so blessed
It might be just a guess
these words in ink put down

Soaked in the loving ground

like a time capsule to be opened
one day... if these words don't mean something today
then maybe they will tomorrow
Writing them brings me joy on the pages that I borrow
on my poets paper chest
my words of all my sorrow...and love.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
For my friend James :) I hope you see this
James Walker Mar 2016
they say
what doesn't **** you
makes you Stronger
the pain lasts and the
blood-pump grows weary,
A heavy
heart is quite the burden
and shoulders only hold
so much..
for as long
as the sun
shines there will be
The tough times
Are balanced
By good times too
Agnes Angelina Feb 2016
Although the storm hit me up
The waves carry me away
And the rain hard makes me feel cold...

As long as i got your refuge
As long as i got the strength you gave me
And As long as i got your safety arms to hold me...

Everything will be alright in the end.

As long as you're with me
I'll make it through...
Even also the *hell
would be fine for me to passed over.

After all, you are M Y  S T R E N G T H.
Just over the horizon
My beautiful angel sleeps
With tears of fear,
A heart thats torn,
And a mind thats filled with greif

Just over the horizon
She waits for me once more
And i promise ill see her soon again
And our love will forever soar

Wait for my love my darling
Dont give up
Caloy Jan 2016
The clouds are gray,
The road is so dark,
Our hearts may bleed ,
Even the world is against us,
Just don't give up,
He will give thee a new strength,
Please don't give up.
Yasha Harkness Dec 2015
When you feel like you're screaming but your throat has stalled like a decrepit engine
Even as the fear rises akin to bile in your lungs and your senses are drowning in confusion
You keep screaming because your heart wants to still its own pulse
You know that feeling where you wake up heart racing breath huffing cold sweat on your brow
They say its because your heart rate dropped so low your brain defibrillated your heart to keep you alive
Its worse when you've just been dreaming
It takes your dreams whatever kin they be and Ends them
Ends you.
You wake up
    You wake up
        You were falling
            You were about to die.
And then you look at the calendar and go 'I have to do things today.'
And you wish your heart was still falling.
Singing a song you never heard before but which you loved because it was so Alien to the idea of you
You think, don't give up, don't give up, and you make it a mantra.
Your heart beats to that rhythm like your brain sending you memos of its continued survival.

You are still screaming on the inside. You put some music on to drown yourself out. And you are at 'peace'.
not my time of dying
Cat Dec 2015
Inside the Masonite
The contour lines aren't dark enough
Left behind a stark remark
Start as a lark in the dark
And you're smart for standing there
Behind the mines
But on top of boxes
And piles of boxes
Cigarette buts on the curb, left behind from following the curb line
Down the road
Around the mounds and above the dips
Follow the curb line up
Don't fall into a drain
Because the drains will always lead you somewhere
But they always end
And they're never clean
Doesn't make sense to anyone aside from me really
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