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thepsychkid Dec 2015
'Cause if you wake up and it's still raining,
you can sleep some more.
And if tomorrow may not shine,
go out. Dance with the rain.
Sometimes that's all we really need.
'To see the beauty in the rain.'
Leigh Aug 2015
amidst the decaying, black soil, a daisy
neither a figment of one's imagination, nor abrasively prominent,
it sits quietly
defiant amongst the encumbering pain
a lone promise unyieldingly rooted
Tania Crocker Jul 2015
I don't accept help well,
I was raised to hold my own.
Cowin Alan Jul 2015
They say in order to survive
a man made of sterner things
organs blood tissues marrow  
Sadness hollow darkness sorrow
bones that break
and hands that shake
am I not meant survive?
Sterner stuff is not what comprises
I cannot take all of life's surprises
I do not think we are meant to just survive.
I want to live. Even then then, I need to redefine what it means to live.
oh my stars Jun 2015
They leapt at her,
Crept inside her mind and
Altered her thoughts.
They intervened with her emotions,
Caused her to imagine new worlds
Of which she was not a part.
They scared her
And with her rope of ignorance,
She strangled the words.
Cowin Alan Jun 2015
My dear.

Everything we endure, seems to mutate us into something else.
The fact is, we will never be who we were.
Nor should we be expected to be.
We are a collection of our sins, and accomplishments.
But it doesn't mean we don't deserve to be happy.
ZT Jun 2015
Vast darkness
That envelopes your world

Tiny light
A candle that you hold

Vast vs. Tiny
With these words alone,
Clearly vast wins


Darkness vs. Light
This battle
Light always win

For no matter how vast the darkness is
No matter how tiny the light is
Darkness cannot swallow light

For darkness will always depend on light
Depend on its absence

Darkness may win over you
Only if
You chose to put out the light that you hold

A single ray of light is still light
And a single ray of hope is still hope

No matter how dark your world may be right now
No matter how dark your world might become in the future
If you continue to hold on to that light
To your light
You will win
In this battle
Called LIFE
There will come a time in your life when you feel so down, burdened like you carry the weight of the world. When you feel that a future of darkness awaits you, you can worry, but you should never give up. Because your present carries a light and a hope called life. If the future is dark, bring that light you hold to the future and make it shine.
p a i n May 2015
the others said you're not worth it
but to me
you are worth it
you're worth the pain
you're worth the hurt
because when you love someone
you don't just give up
and walk away
you fight
you fight for that person
even if it hurts you in the process
because in the end
it will all be worth it

Cat Fiske May 2015
life is going to ****,
*but you don't give up,
Positive in the negative,
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