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Bandhana rai Jul 2017
Your dreams are not unworthy
So do not give up on them.
They simply need a grain of faith
And you simply need to water them, faithfully
Sprinkle them with your efforts and watch them
One day grow fully, and they will, undoubtably.
If only you fight for it resolutely.
Simon Fernandes Jul 2017
She made him Punctual from a late latheef
An extrovert out of a lone desert
Chivalrous knight who was an insensible trash
Responsible man who always forgot the dates
Kind human whom world saw as a hooligan
Studious kid who was a topper in reverse order
Majestic man out of a whiny babe
She made him drop the Deadwing, which had his soul
listen to Chainsmokers which was once detested
share his share of chocolates and make an amendment
Let the pillion occupy the special reserved seat
Dump all the colossal ego just to see her grin
Ignore the friends as if some ***** jinx
Get drenched because she found bliss in it
How do you feel now, that the bait is consumed
There is no more interest, no intrigue left

Get the control of the handle now
Rev your ****** out on the road you like
Stop not till you find the the right place
Hope is what keeps us awake through ghastly nights.
Sam Jun 2017
Anticipation builds as wind combs the water. Stars twinkle and dash as if running from a life they want to shed. 'We aren't too different, in a way', he thinks as clouds float and cover their escape. An engine rumbles to life as if resurrected from a thousand year slumber. Roaring like a dragon as his foot depresses the pedal.
                                 He had no plan really. Just go where the road ends and hope for greener pastures. Reality sobered him from lunacy's clutch. The screeching of his brakes, tires kicking pebbles to a hopeless tumble from the ledge. They sailed desperately, dancing from the cliff into the river below.
Gelz May 2017
It hurts when people look at you
Like you're a big mistake
They say there's nothing you can do
So you just cry and shake
They **** you with their judgments
And say you're a disappointment

But this is what I'll say to you
Don't let them change who you are
Let them underestimate you
Then show them just how wrong they are
Spread your wings and soar up high
Prove them that you can touch the sky

Let those who doubted you
Rue the day they belittled you
Shoot an arrow of kindness
Stab them with politeness
**** them with success
And bury them with a smile
It makes me feel so alive
As i watch it bleed
It makes me feel so alive
Its such a sudden need

The pain is like a rush
If you saw me
You would definitely blush
Because this is not who im supposed to be

But im afraid
Its who i am
The price must be paid
So that i can stand

Stand myself
Without this knife
I would crumble
And i would end my life

So i continue to cut my skin
I dont care if its a sin
Its what must be done
If im to continue to see the sun

Everyone needs something
To cope with pain
This is what i need
For there to be any gain

I love the blood
I love feeling it flood
Down my leg
Im not going to beg

For help
So inwardly i yelp
In pain
And i watch the rain
Of red
That will scare me skin
And i want it to end
But i cant stop
Its out of my control
I have no soul
Im just a robot
Who must bleed
I have to feed
On this bright red sin
So i cut again and again

But there has to be more
Christ has settled my score
I wont give up
I wont stay stuck
I will keep moving
I will let go of this knife
I wont let it rule my life
An old poem about self harm, but there is hope to get this past you dont have to continue down this dark path, there is a God who loves you very much, and he is there for you, he is a father to the fatherless.
Sometimes I'm fine
Sometimes i just whine
I feel like a failure

Like everything I do is wrong
My life like an annoying ****
All I do is clash
Everything I touch comes to crash

I always mess up
And then I fess up
To make amends

But still I fail there too
I fail most when dealing with you
No particular you
Just with all people I do

And yet even still
I'll try to follow your will
Because you love me

Even though I'm a failure
You love me still
God loves me even when I can't stand myself.
Niko Feb 2017
Please don't leave me.
Can't you see?
The words on the wall.

When I take the fall,
I reveal my true words in blood.
The words I spoke were lies.
I had to hide the pain.
I didn't want to reveal my broken heart.

I wrote words on the wall.
To let go of my deepest thoughts,
I fought a lot.

So never forget the words on the wall,
and remember why I told you to never leave.

Deepak shodhan Jan 2017
Don't give up sweety
dnt give up
When failures knock your
Don't be afraid to face them
even more
When people around you
laughs at you
Don't ignore; show them
what you can do
Keep walking sweety
keep walking
when thorns appear on
the way
When ground under your feet
is decay
When you are surrounded
by fire
Evil heckles, only what you
can hear
Remember sweety remember
You are born to touch the
stars remember
Never stop sweety
never stop
Till you reach your goal
never stop!

Ma Cherie Dec 2016
Endless roads with shattered glasses,
they bur into an aching feet,
looking for some soft green grasses,
or anywhere to take a seat,

Travel on in distant darkness,
looking for a tiny light,
blinded by the endless starkness,
as you go off into the night,


Cherie Nolan © 2016
Metaphors for life ❤
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