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Bhavesh Shah Feb 26
Moon on the shore
Brings your heart ashore
You always begged to be loved
You can't be loved for more
Her petal lips touched his body
As I cried breaking my soul
You made me miserable are you happy now
I'm a nobody I can't be loved for more
-Bhavesh Shah
Bhavesh Shah Feb 26
I don't know why
but I'm dead inside
waiting for my tears to dry
My soul left my body
leaving me to dry
You can't hurt me now
cause I'm dead inside
-Bhavesh Shah
I was asked to explain what I mean by
"Dead Inside"
Typically I pawn off a joking motion
waving my marionette arms
to hide the rabbit in the hat
I adequately nick-named misery
because it keeps me company.
But if you sawed me in half
I'm quite certain all you will find
inside is a silhouette of  man
dancing around in a light box
doing the same fruitless jig over and over.
A couple of loose strands
and a few holes in the images
but the end is the beginning
and I am putting on a show for you all now.
The curtain is  my mouth
strung so tight you'd think it was a smile
And the words I say spin round and round
not a genuine frown in sight.
The light may be on inside
but the picture never seems to change
day after day,
collect the pieces off the floor
get up,
fall in love,
trip over the same type of girl
have my heart shatter into pieces
fall back down on the side of the road
remember how uselessly alone I am;
rinse and repeat.
This is paper thin love
and see through expectations that will not fail.
And it doesn't matter which way you spin it.
Its A tragically bad silent comedy
that doesn't need a narrator to explain
Just how miserable the person inside really is.
My heart is just a silhouette of a man
and if you think you can put some tangibility
behind it and not have it shatter into 1000 pieces.
Congrats you too have joined the circus.
and spin round and round in my light box.
Hunger May 2023
Hot tears stream down my face and burn my skin,
Hot flames consume me is i burn for my sin,
Living itself should be i crime,
Just barely scraping by on the dime,
I guess hell would be better then being alive,
In this world how do so many survive,
Suicide rates have never been higher,
As peoples need for help becomes more dire,
But so many screams will never be heard,
So many people ignored every word,
Mind like a cage that keeps me inside,
Id ask to be free but I already died.
Mel Gadd Mar 2021
10 years ago you left this earth
10 years ago you died
you quit breathing
and I continued
you no longer smile
or cry
10 years ago you stopped living
yet I continued
and now
I gained eternal life
a life that was meant for you
and now
in everything I do
I can only think of you
and when I remember that you are dead
sometimes I wish
that I was you
this is a poem i wrote two years ago while I was in the hospital. at that time i felt like there was no hope for ever feeling joy. I just wanted to die. However, i am still here and am doing so much better. i have found happiness. even if there are still moments i cant see the light, i can always know that I'll find it again. so if you ever feel like giving up, keep fighting. work hard and you'll make it. there is always hope.
riri Feb 2021
she started realizing her worth
until she was set back again
she realized she drove everyone away
no one wants to deal with a broken little girl anyway

maybe she doesn't deserve anything
maybe she deserved the pain
after all she wasn't a perfect person
she's made a lot of mistakes

"maybe it's karma" she thought
she was spiraling more and more each day
she grew more angry with herself
and dark thoughts took over again

they creeped back into her mind, right when started doing well again
this time, the thoughts are more intense and strong
the temptation is there
but she knows she shouldn't give in

she wants to so badly though
she thinks she deserves to feel the pain
after all she drove everyone away
no one wants to deal with a broken girl anyway
she's so close
Jaicob Jan 2021
I wish to be tossed
Onto the soft, rich topsoil
And devoured quickly
By wriggling worms and insects.
I wish I was dead.
A haiku about fertilization...  Nothing more :)   No secret meanings at all... This totally isn't a desperate cry for help
We wake up most mornings with a sigh
Wanting a few more hours to lie
And get at least another hour of sleep.
In this thought we get in so deep

We begin the day with a smile accepting life as it comes
Overcoming struggles in all its form
But often forget to say our prayers
And forget to thank God for helping in all areas

In humans, four of every five
Keeps breathing but they're not alive
Living everyday wIthout having something to run after
Living life like an aimless drifter

Pictures don't ever change, just the people inside of them do
Whoever told you life would be easy, I promise was lieing to you.
Life remains the same, only situations change
Only God helps make them less hard and led strange
TyeniWrites Jun 2020
Sad but smiling
Dead but breathing
Hurt but happy
Existing but not living
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