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solfang Nov 2020
last night,
I dreamt of you;
in the dream,
we were holding hands
while walking down
the park we frequented,
we were laughing,
and your presence felt stronger
than the times
we were once together

and even in the dream,
I was well awake and aware;
that this is nothing more
than a dream
my dreams are personalised; often enough, it is about things I can never achieve or desires that I have never gotten. This is written for an old crush I longed to have a chance, but I've learnt to let go
solfang Oct 2020
when Wednesdays are here,
my love slowly disappear;
loneliness became what I fear,
when I no longer call you
my dear

perhaps after a year,
my mind will be in the clear,
my emotions, more sincere;
even if some days,
my feelings for you reappear,
I will be brave
and not shed a single tear
So, I broke up; when we were still together, Wednesdays are the day we go on dates. I guess at one point I realised that I fell out of love because I can see that even he was too.
beth haze Jul 2020
Kindest boy with a library that
reached the ceiling and
the same personality as
my best friend, they would talk about
movies in the middle of the street at
three a.m.
Everyone wanted us
to end up together but
it would never work out
in the end.
Moody boy with dark circles
that rimmed his eyes, always
wanted to talk about romance.
He looked at me with the softest eyes
but couldn't hold a conversation to
saves his life.
I don't know why but
I always think about him
when I'm feeling bright and
- dates at seventeen.
‪You’ll take us to the same places‬
‪You’ll sing us the same songs‬

‪To you they’re just disposable, ‬
‪To me it‘s something more‬
It = the meaning behind those things, the memories left behind them.

A person I dated turned out to be dating someone else at the same time and I found out we were both being taken on the same dates, the spots, the same exact pictures only with a different person in frame... even made us the same promises, that they didn’t even keep
Dream Fisher Jan 2020
In the moments before she leaves
When her hands sweat bullets
With full anticipation of the future to be
She looks in the mirror, worried.
She looks out the window, he isn't there yet.
She looks back to the mirror,
Her hair is a mess, she fixes her bangs to one side,
She looks again outside, he isn't there yet.

She's pacing, wasting time in anxious
She notices her make-up smudged
While he's driving down the road
Looking in his side mirror to judge
Why she agreed to an evening
Leaving him self-conscious of his soul
His eyes meet his eyes and in his own gaze
He feels he could swallow himself whole.
Pulling into the driveway,
He inhales deep and says
"Don't let this one get away"

He walks to the door feeling his pulse
She walks to the door trying to breath slow
He thinks she's going to look perfect
She thinks he's going to look perfect
She turns the **** and pulls
The ending, time will only show.
Peter Tanner Nov 2019
The bird struggled to its feet
The day had finally come
In fear the bird gave a small tweet
The first flight is frightening to some
Fly or fall, two options nothing more nothing less
To me this is comparable to my own stress
I asked her out, she said yes.
I thought my trial had ended
I flew from the tree and didn’t fall
But now is the greatest test of them all
Will I survive the world of prey?
Or will I fall victim and dark be my days?
No one knows til the end is come
Not even the bird itself until it has lived a full life and bourn it’s young.
Or one with the earth the bird has become
She said yes but will the first date go well? If not will it spell the end?
Peter Tanner Nov 2019
Did I chicken out or was it not the time?
The moment was so fine but not right
The fight within me ceased
It was a feast of joy and of song
Nothing could go wrong
Maybe next time i'll see if with her I belong.
Asking somebody out is hard especially when the mood is so light and happy. I hope to know in time whether I see her in a romantic light or not.
R Jul 2019
September 25th 2018
You decided it was finally time,
Time to see if we worked.
We sat and watched baseball for hours
And then went on a walk.
That was the day you let me in,
The day I knew you were different.

November 13th 2018
Our first official date.
We met each other at the school dance,
It was late and chilly.
Red on black,
A first kiss.
The world stopped for just a second.

February 14th 2019
Valentines day,
You surprised me at school.
You were concussed,
but still came across the city for me.
Hot chocolate, heart shaped home made cookies, and a rose.
I trusted you.

March 16th 2019
The day after your birthday,
It was a party and I came late.
The basement was freezing,
but you stayed awake to make sure I wasn't shivering.
I stole all your body heat that night.
You said you'd never let me go.

March 25th 2019
You decided I wasn't enough.
Out in the courtyard,
We were drifting a part.
I cried twice that day.
I loved you

April 15th 2019
My birthday.
You said you missed me,
but it wasn't worth it.
I cried myself sleep.
I knew I lost you.

You left several times,
You came back each time.

Are you worth it?
Will I still give you a chance?
A photo cube of memories.
Me & you.
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