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hannah Dec 2017
As we all wake up
But we aren't the same
Continuously living the same as we did yesterday
Dying inside cause we feel we have nobody
Everyone not caring what they say
For some people, fight to save their life
Giving her life
Her life is now actually being noticed
Inside her, a fire raged
Joyfully she would lay it all down
Killing her soul softly
Love didn't win
Mending broken hearts
Never thinking of herself
Out of the ashes
Placed others needs before her own
Quitting the pain
Ripping through a past of scars
Shutting out others thoughts
Unlike all the others
Violence would cease
Was it all in vain
Xyst: something she has always wanted to see, now she can
Yellow, blue flowers and many more flowers to see
Zymotic is something she felt
Xyst: a garden walk planted with trees
zymotic: relating to or being an infectious or contagious disease.
Deepali May 2019
Have you ever wondered ?
being creative ?
have you ever tried to explain it?
remember when you tried to explain certain things,
making them understand what all you feel within;
and thought them to be people like you
which you were sourcing in your'
inside ique !

Ever felt some breath lost,
when every time you speak,
the listener might not revert off---
your voice, what exactly you mean?
reverting in a disrespect manner
not "YOU" but,
your creativity.

Find your creativity,
and this human be the only,
the only person who shall see;
the actual dimensions going fleek,
from travelling through time to universe
leaving human soul,
the mirror soul.
come out from mirror and explore your creativity.
Dita May 2019
Where does the creativity go?
When you've learned to protect it,
learned to shelter it from the demons
that spilled ink onto your pages.
Pages splattered with tears that folded pages,
Glued so tightly with promises
to never let them in again.
The seal is becoming weak,
Tugging at the pages kissing each others backs
Words that were bolded now struggling to find a way to breathe.
Look back at the edges, bend over to listen
Define the taste of the invitation sent by your creativity
You left your creations here,
Follow it within and find it knocking at your chest
Your mind
Your heart body soul- awakening connections
Your creations, they're yours
Water the thorns and the roses too
Watch them mingle
Lead the next trip, the seal is broken
New pages are ready,
guided by your print.
Nolan Willett Apr 2019
No, you have not been published
And the unlucky majority have never heard your words
Your insight and your passion
Your love and your reactions
Your hard-crafted similes and metaphors
Will not be born on any sepulcher
But you cannot be distraught
Your creative genius was hard-fought
And your words are still sublime
And will stand the test of time
We may not be like Coleridge or Keats
Like Eliot or Yeats
We might not be the jewels in the crown
Maybe not meant for renown
But you still have undeniably
Made your contribution to the shrine of poetry
Your perceptions are astute
And your warped feelings acute
Besides, these people of genius were never
Recognized in their own time, ever
So let’s try not to despair
And let our words echo from nowhere.
Chris Apr 2019
How to write a poem?
I ask this question often.
Don't make it too deep
Don't make it too shallow
Engage your reader
New ideas come and go
Chase after them
Or let them flow
Dive into your creativity
End it on a mellow note.
Glenn Currier Apr 2019
If I but open my fist
leave the damning shouts
on the evening news
no telling how far I could go
what I could release
from a heart also opened
how many galaxies I could find
mountains I could climb
peaks I could occupy
above and beyond
the clouds.
Thanks to Erian and the poem, “I’d go far further” for the inspiration for this poem.
Jason Comeaux Apr 2019
has spied in me
a hollow dark and cold.

She gives it free,
that panoply
of new ideas bold.

But as of late
that dinner plate
of musings has been bare.

Could it be
Has little left to spare?

© Jason Comeaux 4/12/2019
Kim Apr 2019
It is powerful,
It is growing,
It is tangible,
It wants to escape.

Words fight with colours,
Sights blend with sounds,
Flashing and pulsing,
They need to get out.

It swells in your heart,
It courses your veins,
It floods through your brain,
It needs a release.

Music shifts to patterns,
Dreams change to lights,
Shapes become energy,
Ideas start to form.

It roars in your ears
It pulses inside,
It overwhelms everything,
It takes control.

The brightness unites.
Thoughts become words,
You write the first letter.
It is free.
Just getting some words out to release a choking ball of creative energy and inspiration that's currently overwhelming me.
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