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Sombro Mar 2020
Kiss me with deflating lips
Beach body beached on my mind
Fated errors in our minds rejoice
At distance confirmed and hammered in

To lift a veil and see the wolf
Corrugated eyes blend with the sea
Of unthought masses watching TV
Of the dark road, the foreign path

It's hopeless when your sleep
Loses its pull, its fire to be
What happens when legends draw their maps
And don't mark the road you knew they'd make?

I know I'm too young to feel this desperate
Never found the days that would keep the nights warm
Never saw the glint to the Tigers bite
Never saw the moon above the wave

Too old is an expression lost on eyes
Glassy for timebomb putty
Artists weary become manufacturers
When ignored, when declined

Beach body, that's what I had, a belief in clicky thoughts
Understanding caved in to knowing
And knowing fell to fact,

I've built my way, carved in gritty stone
That as sand my footstep knows
I'll crawl forward, step by slip
And follow the path up till the ahead.
A word on creation, and on walking paths that are aging
Zywa Mar 2020
I write 'you', just look,

then you can see what it says –

and you will read love.
“Petite suite voor solostem” (“Petite suite for solo voice”, 1961, Ellen Warmond)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 60s and 70s"
Isabella Mar 2020
I sit, my mind empty.
My thoughts flew away.
Carried with the wind,
And forced me to stay.

On an adventure.
Leaving me behind.
Past the mountains, through the seas,
To see what they can find.

Taking inspiration.
Soaring with it, fast.
Bringing me ideas,
Tight within its grasp.

But for now, I wait.
While my thoughts fly free.
Waiting for the ideas,
They will bring to me.
Isabella Mar 2020
Creativity is thriving in my heart.
But inspiration is falling apart.
John McCafferty Mar 2020
A useful key to creativity
Write a list of things you need to
do today before you get distracted
by the brain to procrastinate
Prioritise three aims that helps you
produce to consume
The days flick through fast without
a view ahead of what to do
Life is shorter than expected so
hold a set of goals in pursuit
Looking back on what was done
later on fulfils a cycle to review
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Damian Murphy Mar 2020
Do what it is you love to do
And poetry shall come to you,
Though whatever life puts us through,
Good or bad, may inspire us too.
Kenechukwu Mar 2020
Unearthing a few grains of soil could create sinkholes
Or create more solidarity
The ones that grow and stand tall
Are ripped out and harvested for sustenance

We live in it
grow in it
sustain it.

Our bonds are like packed soil,
porous but poreless
in appearance
a state of perpetual disturbance

With every handful forcefully taken
endless grains fall in on themselves.
To save face
save race.
Gray Dawson Mar 2020
The stars shine bright

as the moon emits light

It's all prettier than I write

I write about depression

My obsessions

and my daily confessions

It's easier to write

than to fight

most of the time

I write by candlelight

or so I wish

I instead write by a LED light

The one I bought on wish

but that's not the important bit

The sun & the moon

will always upstage

this fool

after all,

they're too

**** beautiful
Tom Atkins Feb 2020
Light. Space.
Line. Interruptions.
Triggers and memory.
A gallery with art on one wall,
a mix of truth and pain.
compelling whispers shout.
A place to learn what you say,
what you create,
matters less
than what is seen and heard.
Light. Space.
Line. Interruptions.
Triggers and memory.
A poem for all creators. We think we are creating X. But as soon as our creation is read, seen, heard by others, it becomes something entirely new.
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