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Aman Aug 2019
They happen in the heat...
Of the moment...
Someone can rise in heart....
Someone can descend....
But the special ones are those....
Which happen....
And once remembered....
Makes a person....
Spent ...
Both emotionally and physically....
They can cause so much....
To heart and mind....
But with time....
They are like memories....
Which are golden.....
Remembering one can make....
Anyone cry without hesitation.....
But to all of us...
They will be always a lovely....
Love, conversation
Keiri Aug 2019
D: Walk on by.
Keep your head high.
Turn your cheek aside.
Don't question why.
Don't trust the lie.
And when they lie about you.
Ignore them and look at the sky!

K: Why will I look to the sky?
Isn't that were people go who die?
Don't get me wrong, I won't deny...
That I have to believe or at least try.

D: oh, sweet child, there is nothing but stars.
But still lift your chin upwards.
It will show them you don't care.
That you are a girl who's fair,
That's not easy to scare.
And if they'd even dare,
Lay a finger upon your skin?
Don't you stop and stare.
Show them you can bear!

K: Lift my chin upwards?
I'll look stupid, no one does that.
I won't know what to do with my head.
Isn't there something to be said.
Or am I so easily read?
My legs always feel like lead.
And my armpits wet.
What do I even do with that?!

D: Don't you doubt a single word.
One day you will want to be heard.
Don't you ever feel disturbed.
You are a bird.

Fly and be free.
Soar and believe in me.
Otherwise you will regret.
A lonely life, alone and sad.

K: I wil Mimi, I do.
I do believe in you!

D: I'll have to go now, and you know
He is awaiting me.
The man is not to be feared.
He was very gentle, you see.
He asked me how I felt.
He had a nice soft glee.
So charming, death was he.
I didn't even try to flee.

D: Remember what I said. If they bully you, chin up to the stars. Maybe, maybe not, I will be there.
This was very hard for me to write... When I was a child, I didn't have many friends. One of my best friends was a 50+ year old neighbour who had cancer. I always went to her, and she taught me everything I know and hold dear. She died 5 years ago, and this is one of the last conversations I had with her about when the girls in my bus were gossiping about me. When this conversation happened, we both knew she was going to die the day after, it was a planned death, she was in pain and had an euthanasia.
Elizabeth Zenk Aug 2019
am i something other than the scoff of thunder?
other than the whimper of the wind?
do my words mean more than the weeping of a storm?
or am i the same as the breeze out of reach of the hurricane’s rage?

shall i linger like ash
or drift like sea-foam?

what matters more
how loud my song
or how long it echoes?
or how long it echoes?
Chabadtzke Aug 2019
Behold! The sight
               of shifting eyes
      bouncing ‘round its fellow pair
As darkness falls
               and contact dies
      mirroring the moon’s harsh glare

Hearken, ye!
               That subtle sound…
      the dying gasps of slaughtered words
               as they are drowned
      by dropping pins and cricket-birds

Alas! The stench
               of stale vibes
      the sweaty feel a handshake leaves
The aftertaste
               your mouth imbibes
      of musty webs that Silence weaves
chitragupta Jul 2019
I'm calling her name,
even though I've run out of things to say.
But because the clock is ticking,
I do not want this conversation to end.

If my words bear insignificance,
then I shall in patient silence, listen.
But I may never relive, re-love;
So tonight, let not her voice fade.
My silence is poetry. Hers is an assassin.
Jay Jul 2019
Droppin' on in,
It's been a minute since we've talked,
Your hair has grown,
Your face has faded,
It used to be brighter
If memory serves.
Have you been well?
New job? New love?
Only if you don't mind.
Have you heard that new song?
Have you seen that movie?
How's that startup idea gone?
Where has all the time gone?
We should talk again sometime.
Or not,
Whichever you prefer.
hello frens
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
Small talks are refreshing,
Intellectual talks are mind stimulating
and deep talks are soul enriching.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
“If you want to talk about it, I am here for you. Just like old times or new times, I don’t know. But I am here for you.” Cancerous words he spilled onto the screen, for they just multiplied the happiness that now sparked within her. Brewing hope and burning her eyes with emotions that flowed her eyes, leaving her mind fuzzy with joy. They finally opened their hearts to one another; a raw, vulnerable, authentic conversation after years. It was a conversation where she was drowned in the most beautiful-devastating of ways. A conversation she never wanted to end for the words seemed infinite and emotions seemed everlasting. She held onto this moment as perfect as it was as her eyes slid go sleep.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
“You know what hurts? The fact that you don’t want me the same way I want you. You don’t mind talking to me, but you don’t have the urge and want to talk to me anymore. You don’t mind having a conversation if I message, but you will never want to message. What hurts is that I can see it happening, subtly and gradually. I can see you losing interest in me. I can see those eyes wandering in search of someone else when once they were focused on me. I can feel the distance, I can see you fading.”

- Excerpt from an open letter
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