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“I don’t understand how you could love someone whom you’ve just met. I mean, I’ve never understood how that happens…”

“Maybe you just haven’t found the right person to fall immediately in love with yet.”

“That’s the thing, love just comes…you don’t really find it.”

“Love doesn’t come when you don’t find it.”

“I know it does because I’ve experienced it. You don’t “find” love, it finds you. Love is something that’s developed, not felt immediately…”

“You have a point. But if so, how come I’ve loved you the moment I’ve laid my eyes on you?”

“Well…then I’m afraid that’s not love, my dear.”

“Don’t you feel the same?”

No. Maybe, I do. Maybe, I will.
Tetra Hachiko Jul 2019
You say you dont know who you are
You rearing to leave us a scar
I still dont understand the way
You sulk through life each day
Not that im one to pass
But im getting quite crass
With the way you say
Nothing is better today
M H John Jul 2019
the light in people’s eyes
who have dealt with loneliness
glows brighter than others
because they have had to find
conversations within looking
up at the moon
Isaac Spencer Jul 2019
I've been waiting for Death to come knocking-
On my front door, oh I've seen him stalking,
The lock is dusty, the screen door is creaking,
I think I hear him speaking,

And he says-

I've been patient; I'm Death, walking-
Down every side street, I hear people talking,
God, money, drugs while their life blood is leaking,
Nothing on Earth can stop me from seeking.

I hear Death, he's outside talking-
I walk out, the porch swing is rocking,
The chains are rusty and his voice is thinning,
I'm weak, he's at the beginning,

And we say-

I've been waiting for Death to come knocking-
On my front door, oh I've seen him stalking,
The lock is dusty, the screen door is creaking,
I think I hear him speaking.
The uniVerse Oct 2016
A girl stood before me at the supermarket
a few random items littered her basket
pink socks poked out from her sneakers
they were covered with little creatures
an inch of flesh stood between
those ankle high socks and her jeans.

Nice socks I exclaimed!
she turned around inflamed
looked at me and said
I have a boyfriend
her face now red.

Are they his I asked?
her face broke into a laugh
sorry I got so defensive
guys make me apprehensive
I don't really have a boyfriend
sometimes I just like to pretend.

*I know how you feel I replied
in embarrassment I've often lied
and whenever I'm struck by beauty
of someone new I meet
I can't look directly at them
I look towards their feet.
Mystic Ink Plus Jun 2019
उचाल्ने, थेचार्ने मान्छेहरु
धर्तीका छालहरु हुन्

तिमी समुद्र हुनु
शैली :प्रेरणादायक
I live for revenge
I think that you're passionate
Convinced that I'm already dead
Lavish and debonair
I'm in debt to the devil
For sleeping in His bed
Your impeccable guile
Compliments your style, mon frere

It's signed in fine print
From blood that was shed
Clever opponents notice fault
By words that they said

The shell of my former self
Now resides in my head
But there's no truth to the rumors
In fact, you're my favorite undead!

All that's left to cleanse my plate
To feed my greed driven palate
It's as though bountiful boisterous
oysters flood the palms of your hands

Is the life of sin reflecting this malice
You've got a natural talent
Filling my cup with fresh debauchery
In return for empty, eternal youth
Sometimes God has mastered His plan
And infernal immortality

There's no glory
To the story of Dorian Gray
You lack a certain pride
Replacing a soul for a void
An earthly presence inside
An endless hole for a voice
The essence to express yourself
With nothing to hide

An eternally bending road taken by choice
I can't decide if you were blessed
Or just took the lesser divide

For I touch those that I love with lust
All I know is when I look in your eyes
The left hand reaches, covered in dust
I'm taken for a ride
The rusty right preaches and rushes
We're so close even though
There hasn't been much time

Boasting dangerous anger
Strangely deranged
From making better strangers
Out of envious pushes
And I hope to know you better
But it's though you're never mine...

I sold my soul for no recourse
The door is closed
The window shut
The home divorced
The deal was wrong
The girl is gone
She left me short
So run along, you best be on
It won't be long
I'm after yours
Thank you fatemadememortal for the influence to this idea!
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