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Kat Apr 2018
Everyone enjoys a good competition.
If they say otherwise it would be a lie.
They can say that they don't like to compete
But they enjoy watching.
They have races and competitions everywhere.
Everything in life seems to be a competition.

In school it's:
Who has better grades?
Who's better at sports?
Who can do this better?
Who can do that the best?

In families with children it's:
Who's better at this instrument?
Who's doing better in school?
Who's taller?
Who's this?
Who's that?

With me it’s:
Why is she prettier than me?
Why is she better at this than me?
Why does she think she’s garbage when she’s better than me?
Why is she more social?
Why is she better at music?
Why is this?
Why is that?

Humans are a completely social race.
No matter how introverted or socially awkward a person is,
At least once in a while,
They enjoy humans interaction.

Human interaction comes with conversations
Conversations come with stories and experiences.
The people having the conversation, they're competing
They spill story on story
Toping one another.
It doesn't really seem like a competition but it is.

You already know that life is a competition.
Who can become the wealthiest?
Who can become the CEO?
Who has a better house?
Who has nicer clothes?
Who has a prettier face?
These are just a few examples of things that people compete for in life.
Everyone just wants to be the very best.
This was so bad. I'm sorry. The part when it says why is she this or that, the she is a reference to someone irl. She’s on hello poetry and I’m kind of jealous of her.
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Many don't realize
When it is time to apologize
They want to push their point
Way past that finish line
And will continue to decline
The rest of the competition
But we still continue to let them sprint
Lou Apr 2018
Vampiric lambs feast on their Sheppard's herd.
Breaking bread of thy neighbor
How loves call of fertility
Now the bane Bull of consumption's horn.

The Sheppard ****** to death by panic.
Unable to guide or save, is now on the menu
Prayers silenced over the band of gargling stomachs
His papyrus stand of power dissolved in crimson soup
Milk and honey crossed out of the starving mans Gospel

Warp the plains in sabbath machinery
Capital becoming its own atoned staff
The meek claims of natures *******.
While drawing a line to the factory

The staff now a fork on the dinner table' crossroads.
One seat at the table for Perdition
Groaking civilized parallel.

No hope lies on silver dished entree
Cornucopia is the decapitated Sheppard' head
Apple fastened in mouth

Olive pits replacing holy eyes for edible sight
Pickled tongue to speak holy when the belly is full
Ears dehydrated for the holy word.

As said with Christ, we dine to forgive our sins.

Lambs forgiven
Vampires forgiven
Cannibals forgiven
Meek forgiven
Hungry forgiven
All is forgiven

We are organized and all is forgiven.
God forgives in his name.

For tomorrow, we cut out our new Sheppard from papyrus,
Tomorrow, we ***** his word.
Tomorrow, we take the skewers of the Kebab
And give the Sheppard his staff.

Tomorrow, we chastise the hungry.
For his spilled blood.
For his eaten flesh.
All classes in social hierarchy erects some sort false omnipotence in some people. What happens when the leader fails his flock? He gets eaten as a sacrifice. I guess the higher you are, the more disposable you become.
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Off in the distance
She chooses to stand far way
To prevent conflict

Even though we love her
We two choose to go to war
To form the right angle
The is the third version of Triangle. This revision came from the same problem with everyone being confused on its meaning. The other comment I received to make it clearer was to possibly make it longer. I took a go at doing that and this is what came out. Read the previous versions and let me know which one came out best!
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Out of our love's reach
Away she will stand untouched
By the war we wage
This is the second version of Triangle. The change here was to keep it similar but make the meaning more clear since it confused many people on what the original was about. Read the original and VIII to let me know which one is best!
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Off in the distance
Away she will stand untouched
By the war we wage
I wrote this really early on in my poetry career. I have been critiqued on this one a  lot so I ended up writing different versions of it. Check out VII and VIII after reading this one and let me know which one is better, please!
Laura Mar 2018
Like hungry dogs we turned on each other.
Two *******, tearing skin from bone,
strips of fleshy dignity dropping from jaws
as we fight for a *****, as we fight not to feel
the smack of one more rejection.
To feel pretty, to feel desired, to be worthy-
the things that women are built upon.

It’s in Athena’s wrath, that turned the Gorgon’s head
to snakes, and made her sweet face unsightly.
Cixous said that she was beautiful and laughing-
at first I didn’t understand, but now I see it too.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
“Son, how much did you score?”
Beside you, who else did score that?
     ●2 others
“You have to work much harder”, she told.

Let me know,
If possible, scores above 10/10.
I’d like to join too.
Theme: Expectation Vs. Investment. [Roadside conversation]
let the race
go on and
be won and
be lost
without me

I will be
on the side
of the road
with the daisies
and the crickets
and the wild-growing

a fleeting whoosh
to the rushing
and they a whoosh
to me

as clouds
hang humid
and yearn to
speckle their
summer mist
a-top puffs of
breeze and
rosy cheeks

I will be
spending my
sunshine day
with face
upturned and
hair a-mess
eyes not
looking where
they're going

© 2017 Adelaide Heathfield
You can choose to race toward a predetermined end alongside a slew of equally eager competitors. And end up exactly where you decided to be, with a number fixed to your shirt and if you're lucky, a medal hung round your neck.

Or you can choose to wander off the track completely and see where it takes you. It might be dangerous. It might be lonely. It might be peculiar.

There are racers and there are gallumphers, I suppose.
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