There are many reasons
to not get out of bed.
Keep reading on
and remember what’s been said.
Now it could be a hangover
from a party last night.
Or recovery from pain
inflicted during a fight.
It could be a nationwide holiday,
or a self-made holiday.
Or you could be anti-social
and want everyone to go away.
Now you could be knocked out
from the fresh fumes of paint,
or maybe unbearable weather
has caused you to faint.
It could be a habit,
something done all the time,
or you could be recovering
from doing time for crime.
The bed’s too comfortable.
The alarm didn’t go off.
Graduation was yesterday.
Or you want the day to get lost.
You anticipate a day
that’s bad all the way.
You’re rebelling against your parents
and you don’t care about your grades.
Even if staying in bed
isn’t your usual form,
you could just simply want
a break from the norm.
High School English Assignment