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Angela Rose Oct 2017
I am not religious
I don't attend a mass every Sunday
I am not someone who gets down on my knees for my lord regularly
I am not the woman who has begged for salvation for my sins
But oh God do I pray for you
I have been praying for you for so long
The amount of worry I feel for you keeps my eyes open at night
It makes me physically sick how much I worry about you
If my words and my trying cannot make a difference than maybe my prayers can
I can't bare to watch you hurt yourself, I can't bare to watch you self destruct
I love you
So I pray
Kass Aug 2017
Oh you of little faith, why do you doubt?
I never thought it was possible to get it
I did not want to risk it, so I went after the safer road
I thought I was being prepared
I thought I was thinking ahead
But no, I have such little faith

I should have never doubted You
I should have never worry
I should have trusted You
But my pride took over the roots of my body
And formed a knot to lash out on You
I was afraid

You make things possible when it is meant to be beyond the bounds
It was closed, but You opened it
Opened for me to get
I drowned in the storm, but You reached me
I am Peter with little faith
Mike Virgl Aug 2017
The clergy men often say
"Devout and holy we gather"
"Sit down for only we"
"Interpret god"

Did you remember the day?
When all the priests that stood
Gazing from under their hood
Lied plain for you

All promising that your pay
"Would go to our most pure father"
"His heavenly host cures"
"And leads us home"

Yet, look what they did to pray
For that little girl did
Kneeling down as pearl did
For Father or for God?
Innocence stolen by men forced to dire actions by an ancient society of hypocritical monsters.

This just has been an idea of mine I've been working on, it may not be that great.
Solange Hooks Aug 2017
White paper lantern
you are so light and frail
but that does not stop you
from wanting to set sail.

I fill your empty space
with my worries and regret
it does not weight you down
but it helps me forget.

A fire is lit within you
and then you start to glow.
Take my prayers with you
Its time to let you go.

I watch you float away
into the starlit sky
Which of the stars are you?
I cant identify.

God lights a fire in me
then I begin to glow
I’m filled with the holy spirit
From my head down to my toe

I am now called to rise up
and shine for all to see
so that they may grow a fire
and float alongside me
Kass Aug 2017
Do you hear that?
The hollow.
The emptiness.
The isolation.
The sound of void.
You look for other things to fill the void.
You search and search, but what are you searching for?
Everything else awakens desire, temptation, anything to fill in that void and it is still not enough.
You were too busy looking for something else that you didn’t see what is right in front of you.
He has been there the entire time.
He can fill that void.
He can bring you happiness, joy, love, and peace.
Look for Him, turn to Him.
Seek Him and you will find exactly what you’ve been needing.
She bought me good times
and really felt my lines
it made her say many things here
like venture on a map
so let me inundate her wraps
under Christmas Trees abroad
that balsam lights her cigarette and
there is hers with Maria in Cali
Heat index in July his summer
ShFR Jul 2017
He's known to flip a bat on occasion,
it's blatant
-- radiating cool kid,
a mutant?
© 2017 by S Fraz All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of S Fraz
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
It’s interesting:
you can spot a fallen-away Catholic
by the language they use-
once learned, it can’t be taken away.
Catholicism leaves an indelible mark
on the tongue,
a pattern in the script.
People jaded,
even rejected by wayward sheep
and wolves in their skin
bear the same brilliance
the same cry for understanding.
The Shepherd didn’t meet their expectations,
or maybe they’ve abandoned all belief in His existence.
No matter the qualm,
they all bleat the same.
There’s no removing the brand of baptism,
the vocabulary of vocations.
Even if a wall has been built
between them and the Church,
they still write the creed of their Fathers on its bricks.

This is not a reprimand,
nor a criticism;
it is a hand outstretched
to all who broke away.
It is a voiced desire
to teach
and learn
by their side.
This life does not hold all the answers,
but we can pursue Knowledge Himself
and reach the peak together.
I don't know everything about my faith, and in this lifetime I probably never will. I want to learn alongside all those who seek, knock, and ask for understanding, acceptance, and love.
thepoeticwit Jul 2017
Why do we glory
in the death of
a Saviour?

Did He die
so we could live in vain?
Did He die
for our gain?

Why give Your life
for theirs
When they still
live in the transgressions
that You payed for,
the very same sins
that killed You?

Why glory upon
the death of
the Saviour?
Was His sacrifice
for nothing?

Why do we slave over
the image of
a dead Man on
that tree?

Why do we have to
offer sacrifices
at the altar,
when One sacrifice is
all it needs?

Why do we glory
upon the death
of the Saviour?

Shouldn't it remind us
of the glory
of dying to ourselves
so we could live?

Hasn't He resurrected?
If He still lives
why treat Him
like a dead man?

Remember then
when He comes again
and when we
tremble upon
not the death but
the life
of a righteous

Do not glory
in your sins.
Don't be complacent
just because a price was paid;
there is more you need to sacrifice
for the sake of your soul.

Why glory
in the death of
the Saviour?
No, instead
watch the glory
of the living God.
Pondering upon the image of Christ in His crucifixion...
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