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MisfitOfSociety Sep 2019
Your mouth must be just another *******,
Because all I hear is **** coming out of it!
People like you like to **** in the wind,
But get upset when your clothes get wet!

You have come to reap what we've sown!
Typical of you to take what others have grown!
The people you stand with mean nothing to you,
Just something for you to sink your teeth into!

You blood *******, parasitic vampire!
You're a disease! A growth! A cancer!
But you can't help it,
It is in your nature!

It is in your nature!
Kathy Sep 2019
Why am I like this?
Constant chaos and pain,
If only I could go back,
There's a lot I would change.

I would never stop dreaming,
Of a brighter and richer life,
I would never stop smiling,
Despite the inevitable strife,

And I swear to ******* god,
Most of this is my fault,
I chose this life for a reason unknown,
With my heart stuck in the vault,

When I feel hurt I hide away,
Caused by my Cancer moon,
Maybe my life would be different,
If trauma wasn't present so soon,

Everything happens for a reason right?
At least that's what I want to believe,
Because I don't know how much more I can take,
Before I set my soul free.
Le Père Labat était grand amateur de pastis
Qu 'il coupait de son rhum guêpes
Bien agricole à 55 degrés
Comme décollage
Avant d'ingurgiter coup sur coup
Un ou deux diablotins de Marie-Galante
Rôtis à point au boucan
Dans les hauts du volcan
De Dame Soufrière.
Le Père Labat pour compléter  aimait sa purée d'avocat et banane jaune bien écrasée à la fourchette.

Or il advint qu'un jour à Pâques le Révérend Père
Plus vorace qu'à son habitude, comme illuminé,
Engloutit douze diablotines afin de rompre le jeûne du Carème.
Vous imaginez  l 'indigestion que dut subir le saint homme.
Cette overdose charnelle se manifesta par une érection phénoménale
Qui prit possession du quidam qui entra en transe perpétuelle.

Il y avait là fort heureusement un docteur feuilles qui habitait dans les parages
Un maître quimboiseur
Fort connaisseur en herbes et onguents
Qui lui fit prescrire une bonne soupe de gombo bien pimentée pour lui éclaircir la bile.
Mais cela ne fit aucun effet. L'homme apparemment était dévôt de Priape.
L'urgence était urgentissime. Il s'agissait d'un cas de vie ou de mort.
Il y avait sur une  goélette qui arrivait de la métropole
Un médicament miracle du nom de képone.
Un médicament miracle qui allait résoudre tous les problèmes
Le bois bandé ecclésiastique qui avait comme effet
Non pas de produire d'intenses érections mais d'avoir des bananes fruits et légumes de haute tenue.
C'était un nouveau médicament du nom français de chlordécone
Non remboursé par la Sécurité Sociale du Roi et du bon Colbert
Mais qui avait été testé sur d'autres cas terminaux comme celui du prélat.
Le saint homme dut suivre un régime de quarante jours et quarante nuits
Qui consistait à gober à longueur de journée des bananes jaunes
Trempées dans du jus de canne arrosé de moitié de chlordécone.
On ne sait par quel miracle mais le Père Labat fut sauvé et rentra illico au pays de ses ancêtres se consacrer à l'étude et à la méditation.
Mais jusqu 'à aujourd'hui encore les terres de la Soufrière et d'ailleurs  sont contaminées.
Les bananes antillaises hantent de leur Chlordécone invisible et inodore les prostates cancéreuses de ces messieurs !
I'm standing in a small living room, dead center. My family and even some people I don't know, all proud Mexican people, stand around me.

I don't know why, but this memory is blurry and filled with static.

Some buzzing, angry voice cuts my ears. The sound a sharp, electric squeal. It hurts less as I get used to it, but I've been used to it. My ears tune the squeal and I know this sound. My uncle maybe. To be honest I can't remember.

My mind drifts off.

I blink in the light from the projector. Words flash across a sterile screen, something about an opioid overdose. First aid training presentation. I sit in a chair that's too small for me. My hips feel bruised.

Someone in class answers a question but I'm barely paying any mind. I can't stop thinking about drugs. I read the words in our follow along study guide earlier and now I can't get it out of my head.

The hum turns into a low rumble.

I glance over to where it's coming from, the corner of a ****** apartment, the rumble creeps through the wall until it hits the sliding door to the balcony. Lightning bolt. I'm tripping acid somewhere I used to live.

I know I'm not there though. Just more flashbacks. Just more memories of things that feel good.

The phone rings.

I'm in my car, my cousin hesitates through the phone. My grandpa has cancer. I don't know how to feel because I've been avoiding him. I try to feign distress. Maybe make him think I'm not a terrible person for not knowing if I'm supposed to care…

I know I feel something. My stomach feels uneasy, like it always does. Except right now it feels uneasy like it usually doesn't. I tell him I need to hang up. I do. But it feels like a lie. I am self centered.

I am quiet.

The living room full of brown skin and brown eyes, red spit. They yell at me. My uncle's make fun of me for being ashamed of my skin. My last name is Montejano, but today my thirteen year old self has disowned my family. I'm tired of being called immigrant at school.

My cousins are solace, peace. I'm sure one of them told, but they pretend they care and some of them mean it. I am the bully in my family, I see them and I wonder if I even deserve my brown skin.

The memory sort of fades as I listen to the talking in front of me. Projector playing a slideshow. Things I should be writing, things I know. My right index finger is cut by a glass I'm washing in the sink.

The wound is large. I can see loose tissue while I wash it out. We find duct tape and some paper towels from the burgers we had last night.

I snort xanax. I'm outside.

Someone's playing guitar, I'm looking at the ceiling. It's just a memory but it feels so good.

My grandpa is in the driver's seat of a semi truck. We are passing a massive golden spire surrounded by trees. Somewhere near Maine or Virginia. As I try to remember the place we were, his face fades. His black hair is grey. And I don't remember it.

We're sleeping at a truck stop where he warns me not to open the doors at night. I don't sleep.

I step out of my dad's pick up truck a week later and it's the first time I experience perspective shifts, his truck isn't as big as my grandpas.

This is the first time I realise how small I am.

I'm pulling into a parking space as I get home from work. I can't remember how I got here.
Jonathan Moya Sep 2019
Death, I notice, often comes
with a smile and a kiss,
a tender tuck of blanket into legs,

a pull to the shoulders
making shroud complete,
a tender whispered secret.  

“Good bye” or “Good life”,
it might be saying.
But so does love.  


The  light of the cancer center
is so clean, clear and bright
that it makes me squint

pondering whether the jovial trucker
with the Tennessee drawl
and the St Nicholas beard and physique,

on his fifth dance with the Big C,
that started in his eye
and remission to his liver,

is a harbinger or heavenly host,
a glint from the gaze of God
or the last secret whisper of love.


When he is awol the next week
I assign him to the casualty list
knowing that I am the lucky survivor.

I am the thick among the thins
and he is the blessing angel
destined to return to the Lord.

I live with the ambivalence,
the hope and the guilt,
looking for dancers among the blasted.


I refuse to name my cancer
not granting it control
or even the idea of breath.

The drugs, however, that’s different.
Oxaliplatin is oxygen.
Leucovorin is lungs.

They pour into my port
and in the liquid air
I learn to breathe again.
Randy Johnson Sep 2019
My eight year old son was sick and I'm falling apart.
My eight year old died and it has broken my heart.
Even though he was just a child, he died of cancer.
You may be wondering why and I may have the answer.
Cancer is something that runs in my family.
And because of that, my wife blames me.
I begged God for a miracle but my son didn't get what he was needing.
He died and his mother hates me, she has started divorce proceedings.
Why do things like this happen, why has my life been so unfair?
I lost my only son and my wife and it's too much for me to bear.
Please don't feel bad because of what I just did and please don't cry.
I've taken an overdose of pills to end my misery, I intend to die.
Asonna Aug 2019
Zodiac sign, written in the stars,
Fate's not too kind for this fragile heart.
How does one deal with the critical blow,
Both parents, same day
Same anatomy..
How is it that this one day both my parents tell me they have cancer.
Statistically how. It blows my ******* mind.
Stars aline, like ****.
Whats the point of life.
Early 40s and they just might die
Good thing im already dead inside..
My parents live 6 hours from each other, dont talk to each other, yet they both have cancer in the same place amd they both told me today. How does this ******* happen. How.
Ackerrman Aug 2019
Cut through to the left ventricle,

Like hot knife through butter,

Spreads through life,

Like internal bleeding.

Open hand incision,

Like a drunk surgeon. Having fun.

Burst through the door,

Like riot police.

Get scared,

Like the man hiding squat in the middle.

Chest heaving,

Like the aorta closing.

Wrap my arms around myself,

Like I could stop the world from rocking.

Scream through the crowd at the stage,

Like my words could pierce the veil.

Stand silent under a streetlight,

Like the only light of the world shines

And I am bewildered- dumbfounded; and helpless and hapless.

Like a moth, staring with brevity into the sun until extinguished.

Wide eyed.

Like stepping on a snail.

Digging into supple skin,

Like nails cling to desperate skin

Sinking with the mess we're in.

Like a razor blade,

Held to the edge of your life,

Like playing games with Lucifer,

Who dances to discords of every defeat; every loss of a smile,

Like a wretch-

Writhing in the dark.

Like the smell and taste of dirt

Can't be confined to the ground.

'Like' is a word ready to topple and roll away;

The truth grasps the scruff of your shirt

Like innocent white cotton clings to your heaving lapel;

Holds your hand long after you're in bed.

Like cheap cologne

On a sailor's neck at port.

Like playing-


Like elevates-

Above the line of filth,

Like a shaky grab-hand trembling under weight,

While your partner looks on in despair,

Like you are fading away

In your fight with misanthropy,

Like a child shouting into a well:

The words come back, but denser,

Like they scabbed over

In the process of burning away...

Like lightning bursting;

Illuminating Magenta sky.

Like the universe creates itself

To fight death,

Like blue flame fights crimson,

Shades begin to run,

Like creating,

A new colour,

Like conjuring,

From air.

Like God.
I wrote this about a colleague that fell ill. Good woman, hope she gets better, she deserves better.
Raise a glass of freedom
Toast the changes coming
Listen to the future
It's roaring in, not humming

A voice lost to the ether
Told us 50 years ago
Raise a glass of freedom
Now, it is his time to go

The name, it doesn't matter
You know of the man I speak
His words forever with us
The man, was never weak

His name is one of legends
First his father, and his sis
But, he didn't hang upon it
His choices were all his

So, Raise A Glass of Freedom
Let it echo in the halls
Toast now to Peter Fonda
And grab life by the *****
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