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Oscar Apr 2019
my veins are the cobwebs of my soul,
intertwining and winding around my thick bones;
i'm like scaffolding, tall, and rigid, and ready to come down.
thick ducktape binds my seams together.
my eyes are the keyholes to my soul, they stare out and wonder:
what happened to the bright blue skies and thick, green trees?

my fingernails have rusted, cracked and sharpened at the pain.
long years of clawing my way down a winding road have led
me here, sewn together by dreams once wished upon a star.
my ribs have caged my hope for so long, bared iron,
protecting my heart and all that's left of what once was.
i hold my breath, and i'm ready to come down.

sunken eyes like the grave of my mother,
dark, rough and duller than cake at a funeral. i hold my breath.
living is like drowning, the anchors of my dreams anchoring
me down into the void. i scream out. i kick out. i claw out.
i come down, shaking and aching and ready to break.
cobwebs cover me, dust coats my lungs in pain.

i'm ready to come down.
Linus Stevenson Apr 2019
let's put time in a cage
like a bird on a mantle
a canary to sing
of times gone by

let's put time in a cage
trap it here with us
hold it close to our hearts
and never let fly

let's put time in a cage
model the evergreen
live on in love
and never let die

let's put time in a cage
and open it when
each other we hold
hearts satisfy
For Kara
M Apr 2019
Little pink ribbons  
Locked in a man-made prison
Accumulate dust.

I have not forgotten

The lullabies in their shadows.
Tea with too much sugar
Mom’s high heels with bows on the toes
& always a little too much room.

now ***,
a few too many sleeping pills,
stilettos with red soles.

blister forming
Near the heart.
this is a rough draft of an idea I came up with when sleep deprived. constructive criticism is welcome!
Gabby Dec 2018
Hearts are wild creatures. They don't do well with rules and are rarely willing to compromise. They are illogical in what they feel. The emotions they bear are quite intense. They break easily, but can be difficult to unearth. They can be gentle, compassionate, understanding, comforting, and delicate. Other times, a raging storm, burning with passion, aggressive, cold, and unforgiving. The emotions wage war and can be deadly. Maybe this is why hearts are kept in cages
sixpoetry Mar 2019
my chest is no longer a chest
but a cage which my deepest of feelings
find themselves trapped
with rugged locks offering the glint of freedom

they swell from deep within
their waves lapping against the iron bars
screaming into the darkness
begging to be heard through their piercing of my silence

but who is around to translate their cries?
who might speak the world’s language
well enough to decipher the mystic codes
in which my soul communicates?

these words will never escape their holding cell
and will never reach the surface
water will forever seep into their lungs
and their cries will become gurgles under the unforgiving pressure of the tides

no matter how far down i swim to their rescue
or countless rings of keys i try
my tortured words will never reach their page
or escape the deadly prison of my mind
aster Mar 2019
You made a cage out of
your rules and your ideals.
You picked me up
and you locked me in it.
I’m caged.
I’m slaved.
And I’m lost.


You can cage my body,
not my thoughts.
You can dictate my actions,
but you can’t manipulate my mind.
You can exert harass my body,
but you can’t compel my soul.

Your cage can’t tame this free spirit.
Your cage is too small for these huge wings.
So, I will break free
and fly into the open.
And I will Fly high
as high my dreams go.
And before you know,
I would already be flying way high for you to reach.

Finally, the cage is broken.
I’m free.
I’m alive.
*And I’m Un-Caged
You can never cage my soul.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2019
Never cage The Eagle
If you want it to soar!
With a heart filled with sorrow
No amount of love
Can cure a passion lost, caged heart.

No amount of pleading
Will make room in The Eagle's cage
For it to fly and soar.
No matter how much you beg
On bended knee
It will never fly again.

It's qi will leak, from its very core.
It's will to live, will vanquish.
As It gives up It's Life Dream
Slipping silently into
A quiet numbness.
All desire to live passionately, gone.

The Eagle you love
Will turn into a hollow body
That still breathes
With a  resignation to a hopeless
passionless, dreamless caged life.
Growing beyond feeling, beyond caring.

Yet, one day when you die
Or your Eagle passes first
The Eagle will open to find what was lost.
Whether in this life or the next
It does not matter.
The Eagle will rejoice and fly again.

From the look on your face
I don't think  you liked what I just said.
You do have a choice.
You can choose to set The Eagle free.
In freedom, feed your Eagle with respect
Love, acceptance and care.

Be in awe as you watch
Your Eagle fly toward the heavens
Reflections within the gleaming sun.
Casting It's soaring shadow
Over  rivers, canyons and high mountain peaks.  

With gratitude your Eagle will return
Again to your loving arms.
Because you love your Eagle enough
To set It free.
I have seen this so much over the years, where a husband or wife put the other in a cage, restricting their thoughts, beliefs, mobility, and/or actions because they feel insecure in the relationship. The person caging the other person becomes afraid of losing their love. They try to do everything they can to keep their love there just for their-self. Eventually the other spouse does get out of the cage by death of the relationship, finding an addiction, and/or their own personal death. It is much easier to love in the emotional climate of freedom.
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