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Allen James Mar 2019
The mere thought of the beast
unlocks his cage.
Anne Scintilla Feb 2019
why do i feel caged
                                   —by the same fences, that was
               meant to make me safe.
comfort comes with a cost
Madison Feb 2019
I'm here.
I'm visible.
But I am disconnected.
I'm too afraid to shatter the walls.
As long as I stay in here no one
can hurt me.
I'm not quite happy,
I'm not quite sad.
But I am safe
Ameed Jan 2019
How painful it is to be given freedom for a tiny glimpse?
Your ropes are unleashed, you can think without being scared;
You can talk, run, jump and maybe soar without caring about others.
But then you must go back to reality, to your world where thoughts are frozen awaiting execution,
And tongues are rolled in awaiting permission.
This is pain itself, pain that is more painful than remaining blind and not tasting this simmering sip of freedom.
It is that aching because it is sudden, because it is dragging us from our caves and throwing us in an utmost sunshine for only minutes.
However, freedom is worth a thousand pain like that, freedom is worth everything, everything.
© 2019 Ameed Shehayeb All Rights Reserved
Mary Frances Jan 2019
I reached out unto your cage to release your shackles
but you closed your doors hurting my hands.
The pain is real and I am left confused.
All I ever wanted is for you to be free.
Yet you bowed your head in defeat
and retreated back into the shadows.
I'm not sure for whom my tears will be.
Do I let them fall for you?
Do I let them fall for me?
I've wounded myself and the scars are reminders of you.
I never thought holding on to you would be this painful.
I'm ready to take the fall with you
but you are full of what ifs and maybe.
So I guess I'll just let my tears fall for me.
Matthew Jan 2019
As she sings her sweetest tune
She also sings of freedom
She sings of what she lost
Confined in her cage

When she stops to take a break
She stares at all her friends
They stare at her with futility
For they are trapped like her
But she is not deterred
She tries
And tries
To leave her prison
When the gate flies open, she spreads her wings
And prepares to soar
She ***** her wings and flies
even though she never has before

She sings her song again
Of new hope to see the stars
Of the sun, so close and warm
But she falls to the ground, dead
With a bullet in her breast

Her friends watch as she falls
And slowly one by one
Are endowed with her courage,
Watch their cages dissipate,
And soar without failing
Bringing a reprise into the light
It was a poem I made a long time ago
Abby M Jan 2019
Tucked between bark and the life blood of trees
Shrouded in shadows and leaves
Deep at the core of the heartstrings of woods
From magic and elmwood conceived

Living in silence but also in wood
Falling for none but the axe
Standing in stillness, her shroud is a cage
Her only consolements are tracks

She watches and wishes as travelers come
Hoping that one will commit
To chopping her life giving elm cage away
And helping her learn to forget

A man did just that in the forest one day
He swung and his axe whistled through
She fell to the ground and she tried to get up
But her elm cage had trapped her there too
Eileen Black Jan 2019
A Bird in a Cage (Villanelle)

I am a bird in a gilded cage
where I cannot spread my wings,
a scared girl wanting to rule the stage.

Like a world renowned sage
unable to say anything,
I am a bird in a gilded cage.

Like a storybook missing a page,
a fictional kingdom without a king,
a scared girl wanting to rule the stage.

A longing nothing can assuage
but to win the fight and hear the cheers ring,
I am a bird in a gilded cage.

Maybe one day at a different age,
a hope to which I constantly cling,
a scared girl wanting to rule the stage.

A war in my soul ever waged,
with fear as the victor, I refuse to sing.
I am a bird in a gilded cage,
a scared girl wanting to rule the stage.
Allie Dotson Dec 2018
A clear sight I can see
A future that has opened up to me
A cage that belonged to who  
with A door that is now open too
A heart that hasn't stopped beating Ever since I met you
A glimpse caught in a moment of stopped time
The wings fly faster then the seconds going by
The sun glares making their light reflect
Surrounding the future with many years
and Perhaps I have been deceived
That I am capable of hearing a Ding
I do not need a trumpet or drum
just a sound will do me in
for even just a small patter
Is more then I thought I could hear
for before you I lived an entire life of silence.
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