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Trinkets Jan 26
poor brainwashed people
dressed in suits
born in time unordered life ensues
taught nearly all not nearly enough
believing life is tough
believing in what humans should
with too much power
believing into
existence hell
on earth is swamped
with minds creative
a dying earth not saved
with science made unable
ideas are ranked
by suits valued importance
paying for a voice to only
thoughts of suits feeling
not heard must make a stance
poor brainwashed needs of self
realisation not in correlation
of the need for salvation
greed unimportant next to being
the one who looked down on the rest
poor brainwashed suits believing
themselves to be the best
the world continued burning
the right ideas through fear
kept mute
must not be overhead
when suits see fires
lit in tribute
LaCayla Jan 2024
As I sit here in my bed,
I think about life.
The daring natures
that are thrown at us from afar.
The temptations entice us.
Like predators,
they hunt out our fatal flaws as if it's just our human frailty to give in to such nonsense.
Leaning closer to such temptations with curiosity dripping from your eyes,
you cant your head to one side.
And you become mesmerized by the demonic allurement.
These forces attract you and involuntarily haul you into their fallacious lies.
Now you've been brainwashed,
and don't know right from wrong.
These lies indoctrinate you,
and teach you their tactless ways.
There's others all around you,
but you don't seem to notice them.
When they try to help you,
you become oblivious to what's going on.
You rarely let others in,
only when the cacodemons take a break.
Others try to debunk the situation for you,
but you see nothing illogical.
Only when reality hits you,
do you become scared of what it's done.
You pretend like nothing happened,
and the vile temptations realize they still got you.
They start to reel you in again,
starting where they ended off,
pretending like nothing ever happened.
As if you never tried to escape.
each time they get you back,
it becomes harder and harder to abandon them.
I wrote this a really long time ago, and somehow my account disappeared and no one emailed me back, so i created an account with the same email...Anyways! I lost all my poems :( but I had this one saved!
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2023
step right in
where commodity and fiction
are deliberately blurred,

electrostatic dust collector,
after-shower body air-driers,
a spatially disconnected
from the world roll-on wife
complete with a dining table
that sinks into the floor;
don't tell her she's an android;
just don't.

she is captured
and ever ready,
she was a stenographer
but quite unsteady,
her mouth a spark of vowels
when her far off places
are aroused.

repeat this soothing motto — space, place, memory.

outside is scenographic sensation:
lightology. unbreathed air. porcelain skin.

she's the soft electric assurance
of a better life — the life which rests on device alone — a strong, sweet poison which infects the blood.

she is "the light of any home"...
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2022
I see starfish from
my false bottom

stretching the wave,
a shimmer to the sound
—slow, fast, wide, and narrow,

then gray over blue
in the empty mirth.

I see trouble and strife,
a beacon of
trembling consistently
on each note as if
she had the permanent fever.

I see death and transfiguration,
(equal bedfellows),
out of the ground
as glorious

there's ether on hand
and a lot of bridge work
to cross the vocal span of our
vibrato wars.

I've only got time
for the business at hand,
these cobwebs in the corner
(of history) can linger,
or die like

on the Queen of Compromise,
who never was,
who might have been,
who will always be.

am I cantillating
or have I ventured into
false memory syndrome

GaryFairy Sep 2021
break down the student, break down the test
if everyone knows, then we only mean best
break down the teacher, break down the desk
which one is bigger? less class or class less?
break down the hallways, break down the school
which one is the dunce with his own stool?
break down the walls, break down the fool
you know you're done learning when you need a new tool
S Smoothie Jul 2020
You call offensive speech hate speech

You believe in unnatural ideas and that they are infact natural and that you have been programmed to accept unnatural behaviour

You shut down debate and free speech -

Unless it is ideas you like and resonate with.

You believe everyone else is stupid because they don't have the same view as you

You believe what your idols say without question

You dont tolerate the beliefs of others

You believe that their propaganda is harmful and a programming tool for the sheep.

You believe everyone should think like you or else!

You hate people because of their culture or belief system does not match yours

You want to rewite or erase history

You preach people with the opposite views hate you, are insane and are to be feared and overcome.

You belive you are entitled to use extreme violence, hate speech, supression and abuse because your cause is just.
S Smoothie Jul 2020
You call offensive speech hate speech

You believe in unnatural ideas and that they are infact natural and that you have been programmed to accept unnatural behaviour

You shut down debate and free speech -

Unless it is ideas you like and resonate with.

You believe everyone else is stupid because they don't have the same view as you

You believe what your idols say without question

You dont tolerate the beliefs of others

You believe that their propaganda is harmful and a programming tool for the sheep.

You believe everyone should think like you or else!

You hate people because of their culture or belief system does not match yours

You want to rewite or erase history

You preach people with the opposite views hate you, are insane and are to be feared and overcome.

You belive you are entitled to use extreme violence, hate speech, supression and abuse because your cause is just.
mel Jun 2020
Complex thoughts,
Turn into neglect.

I call this Brain Rot.

Brain Rot is the effect that society has on you,
forcing you to fit into a world full of fault.
Forcing your complexities to be unknown,
And taking form into our own identities,
Leaving us with no recognition.

Do we truly even exist in this twisted world?
Notes from my icloud
Undead Nomad Dec 2019
you are a blood stain on my conscience
I cannot clean you out of my head
I have washed this mind
a thousand times

and now the water is dirtied with red
sullied with residue
from the tides of time
covering my thoughts with merlot grime

every passion
every pain
rubbed into my grain
adhering to me like glue to dirt
I had picked at the scars until they hurt
all the while chanting
cursing your name
praying to overwrite these thoughts
begging to be brainwashed
Kenshō Nov 2019
Thrice fold bent,
    one arrow gleaming-
from which we are sent
    all is one
          or at least seeming.
God must be asleep,
          yes, dreaming.
Side road tent,
    plastic tarp teeming-
Come one come all!
    Torii gate beaming~
Some rise some fall,
    Krishna consciousness streaming-
Ten Thousand beings enthralled,
    now just for the meaning...
Part 3 of 4 of #4Post-Cards
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