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Caro Aug 2020
Bless the earth underfoot
the breeze on my neck
the still dawn
the open sky
the feather fall
the beetle climb
the crow call
the swift fly
the cloud drift
the rising sun
the golden field
the river run
the grass seed
the ripe plum

Bless this breath
this body
this good earth
this new day
Maria Mitea Aug 2020
When the geometry of sombra
seems to have a life of its own on the world's metamorphic rocks,
the underworld seems so close to my eyes, and annoyance takes shape above believing
it is more intelligent than
I, who can see the train coming from the distance uncertainty won’t
bother impotence resting on earth’s shoulders, and Sleeping Giant can wait forever for the lost sailor.
What a blessing!
Joel M Frye Jul 2020
You are light itself;
you are blessed, you are blessing.
Peace always with you.
Reprint from an old account.  Just consolidating my poetry.
Ash Jul 2020
You chase the blessing without the lifestyle,
You want the power without the prayer cycle,
You talk about God when you need saving,
Then ignore his ways, when your ways need paving.
A true believer knows we don't have to wait,
Because the son came down and opened heaven's gate,
God called us to reign as kings,
Whoever is free in Me is free indeed.
The enemy came to destroy, steal, and ****,
The Son overcame Him, so we may have joy in His will.
With authority comes responsibility,
With the cross comes bearing.
Love requires truth,
And truth requires changing ,
So stop trying to amend God because your life needs rearranging.
I S A A C Jun 2020
What if we weren't meant to be
But I was meant to see
That with you I could never be happy
Or fulfilled, just cheap thrills
To fill the void I need to fill
Alone not in company
Alone; just me
The mirror you are is much appreciated
It showed me my beauty and demons
An honest reflection produced reflection
Then fumbled into introspection
Then I suddenly realized the blessing
That your lack of clarity brought me true clarity
Clairvoyant, my third eye open and anointed
My energy focused and pointed
My trajectory in the world forever changed
That's why I can say I love my karmic to this day
I accept the pain because of the gain
Growth is being honest
Aghast was the feeling within,
the moment I heard saying,
"The grudge in me never ceases,
If I look at you, it upsurges."
What was that? Hatred or Jealousy?

Together we grew,
Together we played,
Together we enjoyed,
But she was loved more.
What was that? The age or Comparison?

Appreciated for her appearance,
Admired for the best smile,
Pampered for the sweet talks,
Gradually grew the inner bitterness unaware,
Igniting in her, the spark of arrogance uncompared.
As I was placed ever in contradiction.
What was that? Seed of praise or despise?

The child in us possessed the love,
while in the name of maturity the gap stretched,
The silence took deep breaths
Between each conversation
We, the alike thinkers
Now parted with difference.
The daughters of two sisters,
Misunderstanding cultivated the distress.
What was that? Distance or Belief?

The question still perplexed
Whose fault was that?
The childhood innocence ripped with arrogance?
The comparison that planted the vengeance?
But ultimately, it is the misconception established with pride.

Now after these many years,
the love in me for her never faded
but grew more when we by chance interacted.
What was that? The pure love or move on?

Having the belief that our thoughts were alike,
My heart ceased not to pour my inner feelings,
As my childhood pal, my sister, my twin.
But still the ignorance in me continued to control,
My maturity to understand the completely changed person.
It took sometime to get in my senses
that her eyes looked hither and thither
with lies unrelated,
and conversations proposed,
not to share but to grasp
whenever connected virtually.
What was that? A changed self or Gossip Monger?

The vengeance inside gradually
turned to revengeful remorse.
And the love had turned to blame,
With pierce striken words she poked
Of accusations and falsehoods,
But none seemed to disturb me.
What was that? Mellow in me or Her immaturity?

With composed tone, I did stand for me,
confidently, a new me,
neither raised my voice,
nor reacted losing my poise,
but assured that in her life,
"Never could you forget to remember me and never, remember to forget me."
What was that?
A blessing from a mellowed soul.

Comparison is a needle, if sewn with a positive thread, would bestow a Mellowed soul.
BlackHeart Jun 2020
A year that everyone wishes would be cancelled
So much death, hate, pain, racism, etc.
As much as I’ve been feeling the impact of all that’s been happening you somehow keep me grounded. You’re my peace, my favorite person, my best friend and lover. You’re my blessing, my queen and the best gift of 2020.
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