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A Mar 2016
I  am facing yet another war, and I know you are too.
So please know,
This battle is worth fighting for you.
I rather be loved by the outcasted,
Then to be hated by the royalty.
But I will always be a princess suited in metal armor.

I promise to hold your hand and clense you of your wounds,
I promise to always listen,  validate, and accept you no matter what weight, age, color, size, sexuality or diagnosis.
I promise to always fight for your safe haven to become the world you live in.

Even if you do not think you are worth it,

I always will.

Equality for all,
Or equality for none.
Lisa Lesetedi Mar 2016
The taste of sin on your lips, you've got me begging to sip more.
Of the forbidden fruit
Be free, but save me the last dance
To tango with the devil is something I adore.
If it's evil you are the root
Route, I do not know any other.
Two steps forward , you seem to take me farther
I let darkness attack
Even stars need the darkness to shine
Sweet nothings Devine
Hearts heavy
You raise the levy, to break my spine
I bleed love the color of cherries
You have my spill as wine
As you dine , on my bruised ego and shredded spirit.
It was all a game , and you were in it to win it .
Princess and the ***
My feelings ****** upon
Monsters are not born
Like the one you made me
Past loves beauty I could not see
The beast that lives within
I was in ,thick and thin
Loving you was the true sin.
To think I could change you was wrong
But since I'm not dead, I guess you made me strong.
The world is a cold place without you descending hells heat upon me
But it's a perfect fit for a heart you turned to ice
It was a huge sacrifice
But my curse a blessing for my failure to feel has set me free.
Let the tail be told, of you and me.
It's still a sketch
Something to do with battling your own demons...I use the term demon loosely because it could mean anything.
James Alai Feb 2016
tonight we ride!
we shall band together and raise our swords!
to hell with 'em! they don't stand a dust mote of a chance!
follow me!

show no fear! we are men!
this day is ours!
on the morrow we will return home rich with glory
and our names will be sung in songs!

swines! beasts in men's clothes!
feel the kiss of cold steel!
savages! all of you!
dine with the devil in the land of hell!
we take no prisoners! We yield only to death!

tonight we ride!
Silverflame Feb 2016
War is coming, it is on its way.
Don’t try to hide, it will find you anyway.

War is coming, what will you do?
Will you resist its power or just let it through?

War is coming, it is now or never.
You either get to run or stay forever.

War is coming, are you still here?
You’ve had your chance, the end is near.

War is coming, stand tall among the white knights.
Tonight we die with honor and fight for what is right.

War is coming, it is just a footstep away.
But we will not surrender, and never will we obey.

War is here, and it shows you no mercy.
Bodies are falling to the ground, it is bloodthirsty.

War is here, death is all around.
The cannons are blowing, you can’t hear a sound.

War is here, now you are all alone.
As it stabs through your chest, you fade towards the unknown.

War is over, not a single eye is left dry.
You fought bravely, it’s alright to say goodbye.
One look and we both know were stuck in a battle between each-other. Trying not to fall into each-others deep and endless void. But no matter what i do to distract myself from her piercing and radiant eyes, i loose the battle and i fall in weightlessly, Breathless and frozen. But for once in my life, i feel complete and utter peace, As if i belonged there.
Raven Feb 2016
He met her
and all the wars
inside him grow silent.

He loved her
and that's when he realized
she's the only thing
worth the pain of
****** hands, broken bones and bruised skin.
Eleanor Rigby Feb 2016
There are monsters under our beds
Who are fighting battles inside their heads.
I think we should take our meds

Because we're crazy people.

-- Eleanor
Jonah Long Feb 2016
Every scar, every wound
every bruise, every lie
your battle scars
SJ Feb 2016
The land was dead, lost long ago in the first battle
Where men's blood flowed and the world's concious was rattled
Limbs of the old willow tree are a dark ashen gray
Setting the mood in a sorrowful way
Reminding all that this was a place of loss and anger
Here Death was no longer a stranger
Men's emotions overflowed and bubbled up from their cage
No longer able to avoid the differences, they gave into the rage
During the first battle of this once thriving kingdom
Both sides had been fighting for their versions of freedom
The willow stood tall in the midst of the battle not making a sound
Silently weeping as blood soaked the ground
The tree had survived for many years
All that time it'd never shed so many tears
Not when lightning struck down its neighbor one stormy night
Not when the ground rumbled and caused the villagers a fright
No the night when blood ran thick and men's screams filled the air
The battle for a freedom that they both could've shared
That was the night the Willow started to fade away
Once lively now just a dark shadow that continues to stay
Haunting a piece of land that is a bitter reminder of what use to be
Now just a thing of death and destruction in a place that use to be free
Screaming souls of men that were lost can be heard near
Another reminder that causes the Willow to shed a tear
So if you ever here the willow weep
Remember of the lost souls it continues to keep
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