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Asher Feb 14
Once a hand held me,  
now I rust in silent dirt,  
spikes dulled by lost wars.
Vianne Lior Feb 18
Shells whisper of time,
Fathers weep for fallen sons,
Words dissolve in dust.

Steve Page Feb 12
I miss my little brother. Especially at harvest. He was a hard worker – strong back and long reach. The kind of brother you want around.

‘Course, there was much more to him than strength and size. His art demonstrates that. He used to love experimenting with oils in his down time and had a knack for vivid battle scenes.

They say you paint what you know and not a year went by when he wasn’t called up for service. They would come to the farm to say the king needed him, and there was no refusing that call.

What he saw on the front line haunted him. So much was expected of him of course, but I think we overestimated his ability to cope with the ordeal of combat. Folk mistook his stature for a propensity for violence that needed release. We knew different. He was happier in the fields.  

I heard dad talking with him while he painted. It was clear my brother knew the value of a champion. The lives saved. The men who got to go back to their farms and families. The gods had gifted him, dad said. But when I see his canvases, that’s where I see the gift. Lasting reminders of the trauma that lesser men can wrought. Reminders of the suffering one man can save us from.

I miss Goliath.
There are always 2 sides to a story.
Healer Jan 30
Accumulated ice of yesterday,
Freezing the bleeding path,
It is melting away my today.

The lingering certainty of this life is yet to be resolved,
Are these fleeting hardship is all I have got
A barren soil, shackled by the weight of frost?

Will I be a ship docked never crossing that desolate river
Forever moored, gazing at the endless edge?

Will this sunrise brings through another chapter of my life?  
Or merely fade away without a fight

From this fate how do I disguise?
where do I hide?
The me from different timelines
asks for answers
I can’t seem to find,

Do I pick a star or hang the sun
to make up for the light I lack,
for the vacancy I have

Or should I scatter my dreams like seeds on the wind,
Hoping one takes root in this
Empty battle?

When the time comes
Will my pride be laid down?
striped bare to the currents of fate,
Will it be enough though
Ferrying me to the other side
neth jones Feb 25
is this is some kind of nocturnal dance       ?                   
              one to tune the world to whim
  it's spun around our column     
   you saturate into the night   purple and staining
unrestrained   beaming in your hostility   and  blue as wishes   i approach
rude as great depth  you supper on my motion                             
         scupper me   whilst looking as bleached  as surrender
                                                       ­     or behave
so  i charge after you  inflated  and the moonlight is revealed

moon    mewling and fully realized                                                         ­
now  for illuminated clouds   to have their bellies torn at
the earth charges with gymnastic prat        
       you go at witchcraft in a pranky manner
girling and ferning your thrift score gown      
      you drag this disco into the greeting forest
the treating darkness fills in
   like furniture addition
and the beats quicken to encourage

i tail you with athletic mammalian stride                        
whilst you whip your expressions
                       weaponized   at my pursuit

but  both of us have nature on our side
germing with merit              
every hunter    every heat            
there's teeth between those tree
and we dance    oscillate  with grins
                              and battling antics
wiving the night music
Avici Jan 22
In the shadows of my serene composure
Perturbance ventured my susceptible core
Corollary hallucinations compelled my inner channels to disarm
Commenced the chaos at the departure of calm

A storming blitz led by a fortifying fleet
Disruptions levitated to the greatest summit
Every portal being forcefully barred
Catastrophic propositions nearly forged my dreary graveyard

Instantaneous reinforcements initiated an expeditious resurgence
Sirens snapped my vulnerable systems back to sense

My efficacious consultant explored miscellaneous alternatives
Warfare and fleeing being the superlative prerogatives
Befittingly, combat seemed extremely gallant
Escape undignifying the prowess of talent

It all panned out en route a thunderous showdown
The ultimate clash being unveiled as the ‘Psychological Crown’
Em MacKenzie Jan 11
I’ve heard it takes a lifetime to live a minute
and it takes a minute to live a lifetime.
You don’t know what you’re in until you’re in it,
and you don’t see the sun until the sunshine.
So I’ll resign to waiting in line,
wasting my time, and losing my mind.

I know when I’ve been beat,
so don’t be surprised if I retreat.
I’d rather face the music then face the heat,
rather ******* tears as they’re sweet;
as sweet as sweet defeat.

It takes only a second to start a war,
and then naturally all hell breaks loose.
Do you know which side you’re fighting for?
Did you even get to choose?
So I’ll resign to the front line,
biding my time searching for a land mine.

I know when I’ve been beat
so don’t be shocked if I move my feet
to find cover from the fire on the street.
At long last the circle is complete
and it’s as sweet as sweet defeat.

“I’ll get you and your little dog too”
it’s all I’m hearing, and it’s ringing true,
along with “what’s a poor boy to do?”
“You have a choice: red or blue”
do you dare turn reality askew?
Or take your chances and wait for lieu?

I know when I’ve been beat,
so don’t be worried if I take a seat.
I can’t win the battle and I won’t cheat,
I’ll be lamb to slaughter; made to meat
and I’ll taste as sweet as sweet defeat.
The white flag is stained and ripped.
This bone-tired body is a battlefield
where I keep returning
to bury the same soldier,
over and over.

His face shifts like seasons—
familiar and foreign,
the line between my lines,
fading into fable,
floating into folklore.

He’s died here a hundred times,
and I survived every one.
But I keep coming back,
thinking I might unearth
something softer.

My hands tremble from holding too much—
soliloquies, symptoms, scapegoats,
saltshakers, semicolons, starry-eyed sighs.
My knees buckle under the weight
of a history I can’t rewrite.

No matter how many poems erupt
from my shell-shock,
how many mornings I crawl from trenches,
listening to the sound of birdsong—
I always return, ***** in hand.

He stares up from the dirt,
his mouth unmoving but full of accusations.
"You never let me go,"
he whispers without sound,
"and I’ll keep rising until you do.
Don’t you get it?
You buried yourself here too."

How many deaths does it take
to make a ghost let go?
I’m running out of shovels,
but never out of wishes.

Some wounds are wars,
and some wars never surrender.
If I stop digging, will the war finally end—
or will it bloom
in the silence I leave behind?
dead poet Dec 2024
the piano plays a song, sublime:
i believe it is a hateful crime -
to remind someone of a battle lost
fighting for a love, that was out of time.
dead poet Dec 2024
there’s an emptiness that
consumes the world,
like a newborn babe does her
mother’s *******:
it needs the force of life -
to become a weapon for death;
as it kills the light switch  
in the warehouse of hope;
as the sound of darkness
blinds even the bats;
as the echoes of piousness sink
to turn lawless mercenaries;
as the lantern flickers off
to the heaving of hedonism
that spawns in the void -
dark, and unconquerable.

until someone strikes a match.
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