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Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2019
Who is he/she?

If you see once
You will not forget
That, he/she is
Genre: Romantic
There: Let me define you
LWZ Jun 2019
Warm like the sunset.
Brisk as November.

I lie between your thighs with meaningful intent.
Orange and yellow phospherence fills my space after you have left.

Dense air fills the area.
Smoke infiltrates my lungs
inhaling the poison, I become addicted.

The aura grows demented.
Brown and yellow.
Orange and green.
The haze is to be seen as if in a childhood dream.

Something quite familiar,
but nothing like I've ever seen.

Distillation of my soul.
What has once been lost,
is now sure to be found.

Distortion of the mind dominates the spirit.
The heart inevitably beats pure, white, innocence.

I'll judge myself more frequently than anyone else.
Passion explicitly rests in the mind.
My desires are a gift to me.
The sun setting will always be free.
leeaaun Jun 2019
“ Don't get intoxicated by others poison.
You got your own aura to get drunk on.”

© Lee Aaun
hj Jun 2019
I want your fingers in my hair
wanna feel your breath against my lips
I want your hands roaming my body
your eyes exploring my soul
I want to stay away from everybody
every body there is but yours
I want the moon to lose our shape
can't find our bodies separate
I want our auras to lose colors
and find one rainbow beaming in the dark
I want you dark and in color
I want your lips the taste of cigarettes
I want your lips the taste of hot chocolate
I want you daisies
I want you irises
But I want you
and only you
Mystic Ink Plus Jun 2019
Every person I meet
They got

Questioning eyes
Answering soul

Some in between
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Instinct
jas May 2019
you are the most beautiful person i've ever accepted into my life
my heart tingles sending electrifying waves straight through my veins
drawing ever sense of mine to
your soul

the power of connection that brings two spiritual beings to collide into one is indefinite
your aura annexes the neurons traveling throughout my body

this path appeared without my knowledge of intertwining fate
in where I'd never encounter a most perfect individual
one full of the universe multiplied by years of worth

till the end of time and back, for there is no death of a soul
if I could just freeze this ripple in time where our bodies encounter
with a warm intoxicating embrace
so exhilarating,

in this life that exists today,
I'm delighted to have accompanied your presence
an aesthetically pleasing inner being

one that encourages me to have a better perception of existing
to live life vicariously with a passion

a mentor
beloved friend
one who reads my soul like an open book

you are my soul and I am your mate.
influential in every way
the words that you say
leave me crazy
but in a good way
I swear

i've been putting my actions into words
I cannot compare to observe
so if you, you know

my soulmate
i wrote this for one of my dear friends i enjoy. much love for you - p
Mystic Ink Plus May 2019
I ask
(My mind)

What should I think?

It recommened
Without denial
Genre: Experimental
Theme: The idol
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