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Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2019
In you
I could see
Something divine
Something close to magic
 Something beyond words

Whole life
I could be thankful for
Keeping alive
The writer in me

Genre: Inspirational
Theme: To all who emit inspiring vibes
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2019
Like that

You are right
Genre: Observational
Theme: Being the witness
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2019
Give it a hunch of happiness
See how gracefully
It blooms

Give it vibes of pain
See how carefully
It hides
Genre: Observational
Theme: Examined Life
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2019
You are
My kind
That is enough
To defend
Genre: Romantic
Theme: The same wavelength
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2019
Where is your,
Dream destination?

It's simple
To travel through your eyes

I saw you, I wonder
How do you gracefully
Inspire me
Without a clue
Balancing elements of

You are, You
None, can be
The one
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Where dream meets reality
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2019
When I am introduced
With the new one
They tell
Their name
Their profession
Their status

For a kind information
I have nothing to do
With it

Their reflection
Either Temporary/Permanent
What matters
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Instinct matters
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2019
That day
When he/she
Read definations of
He/She imagined
What love, could be like?

In no time
With a magical strike
He/She realized
Bond is divine
Felt a need to redefine
What love is.........
Genre: Observational
Theme: Something needs to be redefined
you were on your break when i walked into the bar
scrolling on your phone
to fill the void of boredom;
i presume.
didn't figure out your name by the time i left
does it even matter?

what does matter
is what i noticed about you
in that short amount of time:
a cold aura that surrounded you
a neatly trimmed beard to hide your acne scars
and a shy, yet assertive look that you shot my way a couple times
it was nice seeing you
till next time
the bartender was cute, and his stoic demeanor made him so much more enchanting
Floating away with stardust in my hand,
Pieces of sunshine with nowhere to land,
Basking in lightness I don’t understand,
Holding stardust is like love in my hand.

Carrying stardust wherever I go,
To hold with me a bit of cosmic glow,
How it shines so bright I will never know,
Sprinkling stardust is letting my love show.

Kissing the stardust around my head,
Sleeping with starlight beside me in bed,
Into the darkness it’s lit where I’ve led,
Following stardust to true love ahead.

Needing the stardust as much as I do,
Alive with glow of energy new,
Its glorious aura in all that’s true,
Loving stardust, my star, that stardust is you.
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