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YoungSymba Jun 2015
The sun shone.
We haven't shown.

The dark arose.
We bloomed in it as a rose.

During summer we missed the cold.
During winter we wished it was hot.
Spring sprung and we wished the autumn leaves would fall.

We are who we are. We don't ever grow desires that desires us to become something we are not.

We are the misfits.
In my own space
In my own time
I turn the Wifi on and suddenly...
The world bursts into my face
Fashion! Weddings! Crime!
Could you not?
The door opens and suddenly...
"Do you like my new pants?
What are you doing?
Can I watch you?"
Could you ******* not?
My phone vibrates violently
Message after message
"Y r U ignring me"
"Answr me"
"wanna chat?"
Could you just  not?
Harass me why don't you
Un-friend me while you're at it
Block me for all I care
Just please,
**COULD YOU ******* NOT!
YoungSymba May 2015
WE never camouflage with the masses nor follow trends and direction out of gullibility. The path WE're  on may signify bleakness in the days to come and may look filthy to some.

Wait, the plural emphasised  just struck my concern and weakness..are WE unified? or perhaps unity to US is all contrary and single word equivocation.  Wait.. who are WE?..that question repetitively asked by my subconscious sarcastically.."I" answer "WE are who WE are. The misfits"
Aspen Apr 2015
staying up all night
getting high to forget my problems
judging everyone i see
watching too many movies
ignoring everyone
constantly overthinking
drinking until i pass out
sleeping all day
paying bills late
biting my nails
screaming into pillows
missing old friends
not taking any advice
avoiding social opportunities
pocketing candy at the market
(this isn't even everything)
The Good Pussy Feb 2015
                          " 'I know not
                        what is coming,
                     but be  what it  will
                   I will go to it  laughing.
                     Better  to  sleep with
                      a sober  cannibal th
                      an a  drunk Christia
                      n •It is not down  on
                      any map; true place
                      s never are.  • Tell m
                      e not  of  blasphemy,
                      man;  I'd   strike  the
                      sun if it insulted  me.
                      ... and  Heaven  have
                     mercy  on us  all-Pres
                     bytarians and Pagans
                     alike  for  we  are  all
                     somehow dreadfully
                     broken, and sadly   n
                     eed mending • There
                     are certain occasions
                     in this strange mixed
                     affair   we   call    life  
          when a man                 takes this
      whole universe        for a vast Practical
   joke, though the wit  thereof he but deepl
y discerns, and more  than suspects that th
      e Joke is at no             body's  expense
            t h a n                         his own.' "
Herman Melville
Sully Dec 2014
Will I remember the reminder?
To turn on my brain again
I woulda thought I'd be kinder.
Dead red-eye at the day's end

Leave the silver in the sink
Let the dishes sit and soak a dream
Spot the terror in your rearview
So far closer than it may seem

Spot the drips drip dripping down
And I'm speaking like a black-white clown
Full of thoughts, but they're in your voice
Nothing better than a broken toy

This kid is churning like a big machine
Just like a cheetah on a T.V. screen
He's just an elemental, mental boy
Iguana man: search and you'll destroy

Make up a letter from the magazine
Pair of nail scissors and the short clippings
Nothing so near and dear and true to you
as how familiar smells the duct tape glue

You know nobody told the bumble-bee
And now you know that it was news to me
Strung out coyote stepping off a cliff
And he could fly except that he's scared stiff

You know I'd like to change my name
Into the curlicue, ampersand
So that I'll always stay an inkblot stain
Until the books all rot and turn to sand.
Philip Smith Nov 2014
Distant, Detached, Unfriendly, Unapproachable, Unsympathetic, Withdrawn, Antisocial....

I keep my distance for fear of being hurt by those I let my walls down for.

I am detached from worldly possessions because they cause pain when lost.

I am unfriendly due to my inability to smile through the bad times.

I am unapproachable to those with judging eyes.

I am unsympathetic to those that have their needs met.

I am withdrawn so that no one can see my past.

I am antisocial due to my observant nature

I am aloof
KZ Oct 2014
Being antisocial isn't a bad thing.
It means you don't let idiots steal your time.
Not a poem...more like a say!
rob Oct 2014
taken back by this inner ***** when i get high
cuz i cant work up the courage to smile
look you in the eye, and say hi
i look down and stare at my screen
pretending not to notice and focus on doing certain things
however all that's in focus is the increasing sound of you getting closer
i hold on tight and try not lose my composure
parlayed, with a stress disorder.
the root cause is probably this *******,
that ego
that i wont let go
by being so reclusive
you noticed
im sorry peaches and oranges
lame ****
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