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CasiDia Jun 2016
funny about the walls we built
       during hours spent digging up
        crazy things we all felt
         made up out of garbage.

          why could nobody stop the war
          when it climbed into their screens?

    when everyone's favorite thing turned off
     you could see the sky flickering for miles.

               that day was my favourite day.
               it stood still against the bright
                 blue backdrop and you could
             hear the angels taking pictures
            on their smartphones laughing
                about how foolish we were
                    for believing in them.

                  back then I didn't know
               how to look at all the walls
                   building up on the earth
          or at the angels with smartphones.

           but now it sorta feels like maybe
          I've found a place to be near them
               by trains in the union yard
              in the streets walking slowly
                   and at home with my feet
         burried underneath the ***** dishes
                laughing about how foolish
                           I am to believe.
Frida Virrueta Jun 2016
I lay in awe as an angel lays beside me
and I can't help to wonder if this is it,
if this is the heaven-sent, God-sent miracle I've heard one has to experience to believe, to believe in God, to believe in heaven, to have hope, to believe in blessings. I wonder if she - this angel - is what one needs to believe in divinity, for It's impossible to meet an angel like her and not be tempted, and practically forced to, and be left with no choice but to believe in the celestial. It's impossible not to believe in God himself after you've been able to lay beside such holiness, after you've been able to watch an angel sleep in all Its sacredness, speak in all Its sacredness, revive you with all Its sacredness.
You're left with no choice but to believe that those days you believed to be your last days of life, those shaded days in which you prayed to a God you never before saw, the almighty invisible being you believed was deaf to your plea, wasn't really all that deaf.
It's impossible not to believe that God himself - the God you now only believe in because of the angel who leaves you no choice but to believe - sent you and angel, that he has heard you.
I lay in awe, blessed I lay, as an angel lays beside me, for how can someone with those hypnotizing eyes that devour you every time not be an angel, how can someone with that majestic, goosebump-causing skin not be an angel, how can someone with that gracious walk not be an angel, how can someone with that spirit-grabbing yet spirit-giving touch not possibly be an angel?
I lay in awe as an angel lays beside me
I believe, as an angel lays beside me
I now live, because this angel lays beside me

                                                               ­                     - F.V.
taia May 2016
i used to pray once
when i believed in winged men
and life after death
Loveless May 2016
"Can you see my wings?"


"I'm a monster"

"Those aren't the wings of a monster"

"Then whose wings are they"

"Those are the wings of an angel"

"And what do angels dream of?"

"I... I don't know"

"Angels dream of becoming human"
Another translation

Some people have unique features. They are different. Their unique features are symbolized as wings above. They think of themselves as monsters but instead they should just think of them as angels. Why they choose to do with their uniqueness make them angels or monsters not their difference. And so they foolishly want to become normal again.
Alienpoet May 2016
In the catacombs
of an ancient burial site
guided by stars and the moon's pale light.
Lies the starlit angels tomb
In the gloom of a game of chess.
Deaths endgame
Guided them all to rest
Death and the devil played
Death always wins
His Graveyard game
They played for the souls of the angels
But the devil lost
Death's price was their souls
The devil was frozen in the frost of a frozen hell
To return one day to the earth
Under a different guise.
GaryFairy May 2016
born with a halo shattered
human afterbirth in dirt
withered wings, feathers tattered
protrusions of pain and hurt

only an angel can be born
held by the devil's hands
flesh becomes hard when it's torn
only an angel understands
Children and animals are the only innocence in this world.
Pauline Morris May 2016
Living a life full of shadows, full of echoes
Voices from my past bellows
In my head and in my heart
They seem to want to tear me apart
To make me pay a price I don't owe
The devil put a price on my soul
He's tried to crush me
Rush me
Brush me aside
Make me hide
God's angels join in
Chasing away any friend

I'm not ment for heaven or hell
I just ride the growing swell
Until I'm dropped into the hole
Where all the unwanted souls go
The black abyss will be a welcome sight
No longer having to put up a fight
There in the darkness I'll dwell in delight
Far from hell's dogs
Or those heavenly hogs
Kenny Whiting May 2016
Since Jesus came from Heaven above
   and died for all the lost,
The angels dance and sing each time
   one sinner finds the Cross!

Their praise and worship for My Lord,
   sounds many times each day;
When Jesus finds another lamb,
   who'd somehow went astray!

See, not so very long ago,
   myself was lost in sin;
But Jesus broke the devil's  binds,
   'fore satan reeled me in!

So now I think about the joy,
   when angels got the news;
I know they danced with joy for me,
    I know they'll dance for you!

Let's give them more to shout about,
   tell other's 'bout Our King;
Let's keep those angels on the move,
   they love to dance and sing!
Cheyenne Najee May 2016
you all speak of God and of angels like
looking at one won't burn your eyes and
touching one won't singe your skin and
smelling one won't scorch your lungs

you forget their thousand eyes and
warrior tendencies--
their ability to detach and to fly and
to cast unworthy ones far away

you all speak of God and of angels like
you know them.
have you seen one light up a city or
set fire to the droplets that fall from the sky?

you know nothing of the blood that runs from my lips every time they kiss me
you know nothing of the cuts on my palms from the ridges on their hands

you all speak of God and of angels like
your heart won't ache for them like
your heart won't break for them like
loving a celestial being is easy

loving someone who brings you pain is not easy.
loving something that can only hurt you is arduous.
there's another version online that's slightly different. I think this is still a work in progress.
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