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Jul 2015 · 555
Will you?
Joanna Jul 2015
I'm in pain and I can't escape it,
I'm shackled to it and can't embrace it,
I'm sinking slowly into the abyss,
And I'm not sure if I'm someone you'll miss.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 306
Joanna Jul 2015
I vowed not to love you
But then you looked my way,

The minute your gaze held me
I knew there was no option but to stay.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 301
How I Miss You
Joanna Jul 2015
I miss you.

And I don't mean I miss you the way that a chubby kid at fat camp misses cake,
I miss you the way the plants miss the sun because they can't breathe without it,
I miss you the way an astronomer misses the stars throughout the day because knowing they're there simply isn't as amazing as seeing them at night,
I miss you so much because you are my breath of fresh air in a world where people are just smog,

I miss you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 247
Joanna Jul 2015
You melted my heart
And I didn't even know it was frozen.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 644
Joanna Jul 2015
I try to turn away,
but your eyes tell me to stay,
So rather than running, it's in your arms I lay,
Even though you're dangerous, there's something enticing about being your prey.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 238
Joanna Jul 2015
Hold me tighter,
Kiss me harder,
So when you leave I still have your scent on my skin
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 374
Joanna Jul 2015
You're my breath of fresh air in a world where people are just smog.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 999
10 Words To Heartbreak
Joanna Jul 2015
One day
you'll be a story I want to tell
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 514
Remember Love
Joanna Jul 2015
Her heart no longer knows how to fall,
It's been trapped on the ground and has forgotten it all,
Every kiss, every whisper, every secret moment stolen,
All of which were tainted when her soul became broken,
So she lifts her eyes to the very sky above,
And prays that she remembers how it feels to be in love.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Our Moment
Joanna Jul 2015
I haven't taken a deep breath since the moment our eyes first met,
I fear that if I do I'll realize that there can never be a next step,
I ache so deeply for what I can't have and yet still I choose to gaze on,
For if I have but this moment with you I want every second until it is gone.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 347
Technological Sadness
Joanna Jul 2015
My heart drops when the screen lights up and your name is not the one on it
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jul 2015 · 294
Joanna Jul 2015
Oceans of emotion,
Waves of regret,
Oxygen has not found me yet
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jun 2015 · 622
Star-crossed Love
Joanna Jun 2015
You inspire poetry I should not write,
You're the forbidden fruit I should not bite,
Amongst this darkness in you I have found light,
You're the wind to which I find my flight,
And if our souls can never be, intertwined eternally,
Then to my dreams will I flee, so that your embrace may encompass me.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jun 2015 · 651
Toxic Oxygen
Joanna Jun 2015
We always fall for the people we aren't supposed to,
Because they're the forbidden oxygen that keeps us from blue,
They're a poison, a toxin, it can never last,
But your heart never beats harder than when moments between you pass,
And since we have a numbered amount of breaths,
I want as much of you in my lungs until there is nothing left.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jun 2015 · 337
Vicious Cycles
Joanna Jun 2015
How is it so that my smile can be the answer someone has been looking for,
And the torture someone else has been running from?

When is it that mere infatuation becomes overwhelming damnation,
How can open eyes become so clouded?

Why is that after awhile the pain becomes something beautiful, a daily struggle we gladly bare,
When is it that we choose to sacrifice our happiness for another out of care?

You cannot blame someone for letting you fall when they warned you they wouldn't catch you,
These traps of love are ones we weave but in the end I'd be nothing without you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 770
Joanna May 2015
What happens when your ink across my skin runs dry,
Does it stain or does it fade?
I hope I am etched into your memory the way you are carved into my skin,
Pull me closer darling you are my darkest sin,
In your silence you have said more than your tongue ever could,
You've marked my life by making memories in every place we have stood,
So I ask myself how is it that you free yourself from chains that are dragging you under,
Open your eyes and realize that you have within you the power of thunder,
Dear sweet darling, my greatest deceiver I hope you learn to make haste,
Otherwise your sins shall catch up and I hope you like how misery tastes.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 333
Joanna May 2015
My mind fumbles for words to express how I feel,
Every memory of us replaying on repeat on a reel,
From the moment you saw me to when our lips meet under stars,
Until you closed yourself from me and locked your heart behind bars,
I've never known how it felt to have a gaze once so warm,
Turn into a stranger who's words would harm,
I'm not sure what triggered the dark change,
But you became the kind of poetry in my heart will rage.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 275
Joanna May 2015
You were so sweet, you were rotten.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 548
No Second Chances
Joanna May 2015
You do not get the joy of hearing my lips say your name,
You do not get know how I feel inside or that occasionally I'll cry just to feel alright,
You do not get to tell me that I was or am no longer the problem,
You don't.
Because you broke my heart and you do not get to try to pick up the pieces.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 352
The Nature of You
Joanna May 2015
Funny how you felt the need to cut me to make sure I could bleed,
God how wish I could've seen that you were not what I need,
But your eyes were a poison that seeped beneath my skin,
Killing me slowly not from outwards but within.

And oh the way you made my heart beat fast only quickened the speed of the venom,
It was over before it began and you wiped your hands of me the way mechanics get rid of their oil on denim,
You are proof that this world can change in an instant,
One moment so familiar and now we are just distant.

At first I thought that maybe it was me,
But then I realized that it's in a coward's nature to flee.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 272
Sold and Broken
Joanna May 2015
Bit by bit I am sold,
To every lie your body has told,
I have romanticized what I adored,
And it has left me broken on the floor.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 290
Cold as ice
Joanna May 2015
I'll miss you, but you'll never know that
Because you were so cold it iced my lips shut
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 639
My demise
Joanna May 2015
From your lips fell a sugar so sweet,
It left me spoiled and rotten and unable to keep,
From your eyes a gaze so warm just like the sunrise,
You were the very art of my demise
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 542
Joanna May 2015
As time slowly passes and now I see things I never knew,
Thank you for making it easy to get over you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 526
Joanna May 2015
I miss you.
But never from my lips shall you hear me say,
How much my happiness revolved around you in some way.
You were a flame that gave me light,
But you also burned.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 498
Little pieces
Joanna May 2015
I thought that if you broke my heart I wouldn't love you anymore,
But now I simply love you with all of the little pieces.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
May 2015 · 315
All I had left
Joanna May 2015
So tired of losing, so tired of bruising more quickly than a fallen Apple,
So tired of grasping onto your words the way saddened people do in a chapel,
How is it that you cut something off that is causing you pain inside,
When I can't speak and instead am doomed to emotions that I must hide,
I'm lost not found amongst your embrace, it is a deep abyss by which I am chained,
There is no bottom and I'm falling faster, there is no hope to be gained,
You were broken and then mended just like a mosaic, a compilation of every emotion,
But your edges are rough and have yet to be smoothed like the pieces of glass that become reborn in the ocean,
You've punctured my heart and now here I lay on the floor solely gasping for breath,
You didn't just take my breath away, you took everything that I had left.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Apr 2015 · 231
Joanna Apr 2015
D on't keep using your lips to tell me your lies
O nce again I am broken and left alone in my cries
N ever knowing when I should trust again
E verlasting love is not given by men.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Apr 2015 · 161
Joanna Apr 2015
Your lips used to set me on fire,
But now I just burn.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Apr 2015 · 291
You're my literature.
Joanna Apr 2015
Before you I was a blank page and now you've left a crease,
You've reassembled the 26 letters of my life in a way that gives me peace,
You make me want to furiously throw ink across my once boring pages,
To resemble the adventures in which you have released my heart from its cages,
You're made up of similes and metaphors that I want to spend all of my time solving,
I grow closer and closer because my feelings are evolving,
I fell for your covers and even further for what I found inside,
I'm lost within you and trust you as my guide,
Teach me your ways with your verbs & your nouns,
You're like the book I never want to put down.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Apr 2015 · 311
Joanna Apr 2015
Can you tell why it feels like my heart is tearing in two,
Why is it that it seems like we are doomed: me & you,
We haven't even started and I already see our end,
we're like porcelain because once we crack there is no mend.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 588
Look In A Mirror
Joanna Mar 2015
You're like the gap of silence between heart beats.
You leave me in anticipation,
consumed by utter contemplation,
Will I beat again?

You're like the rose surrounded by thorns.
There's no way to reach without getting pricked,
This is your way to avoid getting picked,
Is it worth it to bleed for your love?

You're like tide on any given day.
You're beautiful and yet unpredictable and coy,
Wielding the power to give or destroy,
Will I drown or will you save me?

You're just a person, someone with a name,
But in your world it is a zero sum game,
For you to be happy, others must suffer,
The choices are to either shatter or grow tougher.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 459
Poisonous Closure
Joanna Mar 2015
Break my heart again
this time I dare you,
Shatter my mind and soul
This time I'll be over you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 719
Joanna Mar 2015
I don't want to be able to look at my life and remember it without you,
I want to be entrenched and drowning in your sea that is blue,
I want to breathe and relive your touch,
Every gasp, every tremble, your eyes that captivated me so much,
I don't want something simple and I don't want to be coy,
I simply want the kind of love that leaves you destroyed.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 4.6k
Agricultural love.
Joanna Mar 2015
My heart isn't for the picking like a ripe Apple,
It's been damaged, it's been bruised, it's been carved with a scalpel.
And there's one common factor in every ounce of pain,
It all stems back to you and my tears fall like rain.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 886
Joanna Mar 2015
He felt nothing, I felt everything,
You were always my sweetest nightmare.
You destroyed me and I apoligized,
You are someone else's poetry now.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 242
Release me
Joanna Mar 2015
I don't know what's real and I can't tell if it's you,
Is this my reality or have I dilluded myself too far to see what's true.

My heart aches quietly for a rest that will never come,
Except for the moments when it is to you that I run.

You have the power to put me at the very best highs and lowest of lows,
I'm begging you if you love me, if you love me let me go.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 560
I've been shot.
Joanna Mar 2015
How can I break free when loving you is weighing me down,
I'm so caught up in trying to fly and don't realize I'm still on the ground.

I'm typical and predictable and I never learn,
Too afraid to hit the ground so I never go for what I truly yearn.

I'm drowning in the pool of the very tears I have cried,
Not realizing that all I need to do is simply stand to survive.

Was it love or was it hate? either way it doesn't truly matter,
You took a gun and pointed it at my heart and our memories have stained me like blood spatter.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Mar 2015 · 315
My eternal ache
Joanna Mar 2015
For now as you kiss me,
I know that you'll miss me.
Even if you say you can go everyday,
Without my prescence and love as you lay,
My lips will always ache for your touch,
But that doesn't compare to how deeply my mind and soul miss you so much.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Feb 2015 · 314
Joanna Feb 2015
You tell me to be happy, but then say choose one, two, or three,
You tell me to venture far, but I am chained and not free,
You tell me to speak openly, but your hand is around my neck,
Everything about me is kept perfectly in check.

I am weighed, valued, and measured by some numbers on a scale,
Told to study and money it's not acceptable to derail,
from the path you have been put on simply by being born,
God forbid, if you did, you'd meet with society and its scorn.

All I want is to be happy and breathe without concern,
Not wake up everyday wishing I could have done what I yearned,
I do not want money if it's stained with my blood,
I am done killing myself for things I don't even love.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Feb 2015 · 213
I like it
Joanna Feb 2015
You're my poison,
And the worst thing is that I like it.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Feb 2015 · 260
Deafening silence
Joanna Feb 2015
Oh darling,
Silence is not an answer,
But it is more powerful than a scream.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Feb 2015 · 282
Love Drug
Joanna Feb 2015
The worst part was that I knew you were poison,
But was already addicted,
I'd lay awake at night: sad & conflicted,
It got to the point where I would give anything,
For one more kiss, a touch, the shivers you'd bring,
I look into your eyes as my soul slowly dies,
Like a drug, you're my lows and my highs.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 465
Joanna Jan 2015
It is both sad and funny how your heart can break in two,
when you're surrounded by people who claim to care about you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 259
Not holding on any longer
Joanna Jan 2015
It was when you said you didn't feel the same,
That I could finally start breathing again.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 190
Capture me
Joanna Jan 2015
Show me how the earth shakes when something is meant to be,
Make me fall so deeply in love that I willingly never want to be free.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 777
My soul
Joanna Jan 2015
What once broke me is what now builds me up,
You're my insanity and clarity in one lovely cup,
This is what it feels like to be entirely out of control,
So deeply in love, touching soul to soul.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 128
Joanna Jan 2015
And I wonder, do you write poems about me too?
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 267
Seeing You
Joanna Jan 2015
You bring me to life with a single smile,
Talking never feels long enough despite it being awhile,
You shatter my soul and yet you're my glue,
Now I know why my heart beats fast when I see you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Jan 2015 · 424
Nothing at all
Joanna Jan 2015
How is it that I saw galaxies in your eyes when you never saw mine,
Trickle disappointment down my body through my own spine,
Was I blind or were you just a good faker,
You were nothing more than a joy taker,
Time goes on and my heart grows small,
Surely soon enough it'll be nothing at all.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
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