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 Apr 2017 Sophie Matheson
Words can **** someone
Shorter the more impactful
Words can save someone
Sometimes the shortest words have the greatest meaning such as love, hate, death, life, health. Then when you combine these short words that's when they can **** a man or save one. For example "I Do" or "I hate you"
 Apr 2017 Sophie Matheson
E Lynch
You smiled as you cut me,
convincing me it was for my own good.

As I bled you smiled,
and queried my current state.

I panicked and cried,
as I saw it seep through my shirt.

I begged for help,
for anything to make it stop.

You looked upon me,
faked pity in your eyes.

‘I wish I could do something to help’,
you could have considered the consequences.
I have trouble keeping up
with myself these days.
I waited a year just to starve out
the taste you left in my mouth
for possibility.

Maybe you still live there.
Maybe you're still seeing that girl,
the pretty one from San Pedro
who made jewelry for a living.

It's a sweet and cradling thought,
the unknowing. What's sweeter still
is feeling such confidence that I
will never know.
I cut myself
picking up the pieces
of your already
broken heart

- Carson Hurley
The spilt milk soured,
it happened almost as quick
as when the glass first fell.

You looked at me
denigrating my insolence,
pitying my pathetic attempt
at being smooth.

The only thing smooth
in this room was the
milk bleeding across the floor,
like clouded glass
I could see my
horrified face
in the reflection.

All I felt was shame
unequivocal shame
I've searched high and low for love
only to find reflections and mirrors.
nothing can save me
from the burden of loving myself.
I was silly to think that maybe there was something
here and I was enough for you.
My poor, numb heart needed someone
and I thought you could be the firefly
to thaw me, but now I only feel
the stupidity of my actions,
of how unapologetically I pursued you
with so much blind hope.
I waited. I waited and waited
and boy, did you have me fooled,
because I thought you were going
to wait for me too.
~~ You have humiliated me. ~~

— The End —