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 Mar 2018 Fire
I'll Pine Alone
 Mar 2018 Fire
"Guys like him don't fall for girls like me."
"And what kind of guy is he?"
"Someone who my endless abyss would destroy."
 Mar 2018 Fire
The voice
My Poem
 Mar 2018 Fire
The voice
I stand in the middle of the room
My classmates are commanded to listen to me
I am the 14th person to present and so far, everyone has done a good job

I stand in the middle of the room
I begin to saw the name of my project
“My Poem”
I cannot remember what it was about
I do remember, what I felt

I stand in the room,
Hoping that everyone feels what I felt when I was writing it
I felt excited, my stomach had ‘butterflies’ I think
I felt the heat in my heart and the cold on my shoulders.
I felt the tingles all over my body, and the air escaping me

I stood in the middle of the room
I stand in the middle of the room
I was in the middle of the room and said
“My poem”
I heard a chuckle.

I ignored it because the ‘in love’ heart in my chest was more excited than It should have been
I continues and my voice began to play tricks on me
And the r’s rolled and the words were suddenly in another language
My mind still ignored it and continues
Because I felt I could write, and read this and everyone could love it

I stood in the middle of the room,
I waited for the, applause, the smiles, the congrats, or even a simple ‘good job’ like everyone else
My teacher said, work on pronunciation. She said it again. Pro-noun-ci-a-tion
Ok. ‘Work on grammar.’ ‘Work on sentence structure’
“Work on being American” the chuckle said
Or the person who chuckled?

It didn’t mean much, you know
I loved writing so much that it did not matter
I would be a writer, I would continue to
STAND in the middle of the room and share my talent
And when I did, he chuckled
She chuckled, I was Mexican

Not a writer. Writers can’t be Mexican
Unless you write in Spanish and in Mexico
But I was too American for that at this point…

SO the next time I wrote I was ashamed,
Maybe if someone else wrote my writing?
But it didn’t matter,
When the teacher began reading,
The chuckle reminded the class it was the ‘Mexican’ who wrote it

“Mi nina” My mom would say
She reminded me that no only was I Mexican
I was a woman,
Only men thrive in this world
I believed it
And that is why my name is ‘The Voice’
Not my actually name,
Disclosure: I accept criticism on how to better my writing
NOT on what to write or on my background
Thanks, for a lesson I will never forget:

I make my own destiny!
 Mar 2018 Fire
Article 1, Purpose

1. This act is aimend at exposing the lack of solidarity inside modern society

2. It shall give an opportunity to overthink ones own morals and values

Article 2, Definitions

1. The term people shall refer to individuals regardless of their ***, age or nationality

2. Narrow minded shall comprise all comments that are based without having any experience in the concerned field of application

3. Judging shall refer to the creation of an opinion of any kind

Article 3, Scope

1. This act shall apply to all people judging others on their narrow minded and enclosed beliefs

2. This act shall apply to all people in favor of expulsion measures of refugees in need

3. This act shall comprise all people that want to isolate themselves and are in favor of closing borders

Article 4, Application

1. All people in accordance with article 2 paragraph 1, 2 and 3 shall refrain of the action of judgement and exclusion mentioned in article 3 (1) and 3 (2) without having experienced war themselves

2. All people willing to close borders in accordance with article 3 (3) in order to protect their own interest shall imagine themselves in the same stage of helplessness before acting in such a nonsensical way

Article 5, Justifications

1. The justification of a measure enshrined in article 3 paragraph 1, 2 and 3 shall not be justified on the following grounds

(a) Hatred

(b) The fear of losing benefits

(c) The false allegation of knowing what is actually going on in Syria
I wrote this poem after reading an article of a Syrian mother, who had to flee the country to prevent getting tortured and killed. She counts every day until she can get back her children, which had to be left behind with the rest of the family as money was insufficient to smuggle them, besides the danger of the journey itself. I read the comments and saw people raging and filled with hate that she left her children behind. Saying that they were disgusted seeing her. This kind of behaviour inspired me to write this (let's call it a) poem.

The fact that I am a lawyer or soon to be lawyer explains the format of my writing. I apologize to all who have difficulties reading it. Trust me it would not be the worst kind of legislation you have ever laid your eyes upon ;)

Cheers to all believers of human dignity
 Mar 2018 Fire
Orange Rose
I never wondered why the sky was blue,
Or wondered why the trees would lose their leaves.
I never asked why mourning doves would coo,
At morning time when silence rode the breeze.

I never asked why sunset turned clouds pink.
Or wondered why the grass would roll down hills.
It wasn't that I didn't like to think,
But questions never came to me at will.

I never questioned why you said "I do."
Or ever held uncertainty for your smile.
I never doubted you'd always be true.
I knew you'd be beside me every mile.

I didn't notice when the tears would fall.
I never questioned why you'd always lie.
I never thought about our last phone call.
But always wondered why you had to die.
almost all my poems start out all light and fluffy and then reality punches you in the face.  i don't know why.
 Jan 2018 Fire
Scarlet M
My knight does not need to be
in a shining armor,
nor blessed with prestige
or countless honor.

It only needs to be you,
someone who could wield
a sword, respectable enough
to be able to strike a heart of gold.
This piece was inspired by Heathe Ledger's movie "A Knights Tale" thus from where I took the title. I loved the film so much I made a poem out of Jocelyn's love for William. One of my favorite lines from the film was when Jocelyn wouldn't tell William his name and he said, "perhaps Angels don't have names, but only pretty faces".
 Jan 2018 Fire
Scarlet M
 Jan 2018 Fire
Scarlet M
And when all the stars
fell down that night,
she seized them
not with her hands
but with her eyes,
just like how
she caught my heart.
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