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 Dec 2014 Appointed
When I empty my pockets of childhood memories
and lay them out on the tabletop,
I return again to my father, and his constant reminders--
Stand up straight. Be proud,
And I held his advice in the palm of my hand:
pondering my ability to throw it away into that river
of lost instruction, forgotten pleas, cumbersome nagging.

But instead, I collected his stone words,
and later used them to build
a life like his:
Of dignity, pride, purpose, and strength.

I return, each day, to the wooded path
where we'd walk among birch trees lining the road
like monuments of our time together.
And I'd reply, trying to be beautiful,
I am standing up straight,
And he'd say,
*I’m proud of you.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
As she bends,
Mittens grip the shovel’s wooden handle,
Firmly lifting the burdens
of snow.

Puffy gear smothers her lean figure
Where she rests a moment on the deck rail.
She has no interest in looking pretty.  
In the elements of Alaska,
Comfort supersedes fashion.

Within the sound of the shovel scraping
And the cascade of powder
into the Beyond,
She conquers, for a moment, the white
Woes of winter. These dreary days--

Her sullen friends--
Give her the gift of learning
to smile,
And teaching her children to smile.
Wear it long enough,

And you’ll feel it become yours.
She heaves burden after burden
Forgetting each as they dissipate.
The bare slats of wood shine, finally
Beneath her boots.

Everywhere, speckles of ice dance with light.
Gazing toward the sky, her task complete,
She drinks the bits of sun, a gift
Raw like joy.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
 Dec 2014 Appointed
Let me not forget

Find and collect again
the moments of you&i;
in December wind and a field soaked with

I dip my toes &
can't stop myself from jumping
into waves of retrospect that

Let me not forget
 Dec 2014 Appointed
"hi, how are you?"
"hey, how would you feel about going out this friday?"
"hey, did you have fun last night?"
"let's do last friday again sometime."
"hey, cutie pie."
"hey, sweetheart."
"think about me at school today."
"good morning, beautiful."
"don't forget that i love you."
"i will always love you, darling."
"hey, i know it's getting hard, but the two of us can get through anything."
"i miss you."
"you'll be okay. i promise."
"just because this happened, doesn't mean i will forget you."
"hey, sorry it's been so long. how are you?"
"hope you're doing well."
I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I just got to thinking about how much "hello texts" change from the beginning to the end of a relationship, and how they go from eager to eventually nothing at all. It's heartbreaking.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
i guess you could say i'm successful
i guess you could say i have potential
i guess you could say i have a bright future
but at what cost?

if your life is
pouring over endless pages and
vocabulary words
saturday classes and
the endless typing of monotonous papers
are you really living?

i want to be like the girls
who wear tight dresses
and drink too much on friday night

i want to point to a place on my map
pack up my things
and make new adventures

i want to feel the exhilaration
of falling through life
with no idea where i'm going to end up

i'm so tired of being
i want to be alive
I live in the poetry I cannot write and
I dream in the forever I will not find.
Alone, as it started, as it should be.
Into his hands i pass, gently.
His sand seeps into my eyes,
gritted and foreboding adventures await me.
18, the number of adulthood,
but never yet have I felt more a child in an adults world.
Judged as a mature spirit, that still heaps milo with milk,
and i sit, as the last hours of my childhood roll swiftly away,
tumbling, slipping through my open hands.
It pangs me with a sudden sadness that, I
finally an adult, have no constrictions  to surround me,
only a number of roads, on which to start my adventure.
That night, when you broke into my chest
I hadn’t ever felt that pounding within my breast
like a balloon burst against my ribcage pressed
and I was heaving through corrupted lungs
while you befriended mouths and others tongues
and I woke up like an animal with sinking teeth
a blade staggering from beneath its hidden sheath
And so the blood stained clouds I painted red
while I opened up and healed as it spread
this perfect disease that I so often bled
 Dec 2014 Appointed
You don't hear the voices in my mind
The weaknesses they find
The mistakes they remind
The past they rewind
The abilities they undermine
The flaws they've underlined
 Dec 2014 Appointed
Her heart
Was the most beautiful place
The only place
I would ever call home.
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