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 Aug 2015 Appointed
How do I make love
To someone far from me?
The bed I lay on grows colder
From lacking the warmth
Of your body
The pillows are no match
For the soft, electrifying
Touch of your skin
Yet I still try
To find life
Somewhere in them
But no matter how
Hard I try
I can never hear a heart
Sing my name with every beat
Beneath all the fluff and
The feather
What do I do
With all this passion, desire
And emotion
Overwhelming me
Drowning me
And robbing me of air?
When you’re unaware of it
Ignorant even
Or did I just forget
To watch over my emotions
To not let it overflow
And go to such waste
Because maybe, probably
You won’t even appreciate them
But then again,
I don’t mind
I’d let my love run freely
And spend it, waste it, give it all
For you
Yet how?
How do I make love to you
Through this poem
Through my words?
When you don’t even know
How this anxiety numbs me
From every other sensation
That is not you
Will I only make love to you in my mind?
Stuck there forever
Haunting me every night
Or will the sunshine of
Your love
Bathe me in warmth someday
And make flowers bloom
Until then
I can only make love to you
In my mind
Through my words
Through this poem
That I’d hope would
Touch your heart as
You've touched
 Aug 2015 Appointed
Elisa Holly
My head rests on your chest,
listening to the breath that is inhaled
in and out.
Mine just tightens
as I close my eyes and dream
that you loved me.
Hours earlier,
we are locked in sweat and moans.
Your eyes meet mine as you lean forward
and kiss me until I am yours.
You know what you want.
And I whimper in disbelief of the lack of more. "But don't you feel it too?"
You look at me, "of course I feel something.
But not enough to change what I want. And remember I don't fall."
I close my eyes
as I am swept in body heat and caresses.
My heart beats with a hollow sound
that my mind masks
with a dream of your demise.
You don't fall?
Well, I hope you trip as you chase me
when I leave.
But for now, I continue to fall asleep
to the rhythm of your breath
and the fantasy of your affection.
 Apr 2015 Appointed
Fade Away
 Apr 2015 Appointed
Sometimes I think of you
And my chest gets all tight
And my heart feels heavy
And my mouth gets dry
And I get the worst headache
And I miss you more than anything

But then he texts me...
And suddenly
I don't even
Remember your name.

And all the pain
Just seems to *fade away
 Apr 2015 Appointed
 Apr 2015 Appointed
You can't see,
as I wouldn't show.
It's an art colouring,
with hidden secrets,
you are the one with the secret soul.
The false veil is taken.
Lighted secrets cast the darkest shadows....
 Apr 2015 Appointed
 Apr 2015 Appointed
Sands clutched within palms,
now my oasis.
The Oceans share my destiny
I aspire for the sands to see the Oceans!!!
 Apr 2015 Appointed
I need someone to play the game
Someone to numb this pain
Someone to keep me sane

You, my friend, seem just right
I'd like to make you mine by tonight

I need someone to lead me on
Someone to be less alone
Someone to help me move on

You, my friend, seem just right
I like the way you make me feel alright

I want someone to shake me up
Someone new to change things up
Someone to keep my chin up

*You, my friend, you will do
I think that I want someone just like you
 Apr 2015 Appointed
Elisa Holly
In the sheets of my bed,
I can’t seem to get up.
I am being held there
against my will
as I am flooded
with cravings of you.
I wonder if you will ever be able to satisfy
this continuous hunger.
 Apr 2015 Appointed
Elisa Holly
We hunt. We chase. We run
like moths to a flame
for the simple glimmer
of a shared love,
but what we are truly attracted to
is chaos.
 Apr 2015 Appointed
Elisa Holly
You could give the devil a run for his money for the souls you corrupt.
(The devil only I know.)
 Apr 2015 Appointed
Can you feel my heart bleeding

I'm trying to find a way out and you're blaming

Blaming me for making you feel so mistaken

But the truth is that its not you fault I'm breaking

They called me words and you were just there starring  
They knocked me down and you weren't even caring

But now you come back and say that you understand

Understand the fact that I've been all by myself

Waiting for someone to get me out of this mess

But you know what the biggest mistake I did?

It was waiting for you or anybody else

I thought that they could save me but I was wrong

I felt so guilty but guilt isn't helpful anymore

And cutting myself was the only thing I knew

But now I see the world from a whole different view

Don't get me wrong I'm not that kind of human

I might seem reckless but I'm in fact just very clueless

I just needed care and it was the only thing I didn't receive

So instead I started harming myself thinking that somebody would believe

Believe the fact that I'm just not perfect

Look Me in the eyes and tell me what do you see

Cause in case you didn't know it's where my demons remain...
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