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Señor, deja que diga la gloria de tu raza,
la gloria de los hombres de bronce, cuya maza
melló de tantos yelmos y escudos la osadía:
!oh caballeros tigres!, oh caballeros leones!,
!oh! caballeros águilas!, os traigo mis canciones;
!oh enorme raza muerta!, te traigo mi elegía.Aquella tarde, en el Poniente augusto,
el crepúsculo audaz era en una pira
como de algún atrida o de algún justo;
llamarada de luz o de mentira
que incendiaba el espacio, y parecía
que el sol al estrellar sobre la cumbre
su mole vibradora de centellas,
se trocaba en mil átomos de lumbre,
y esos átomos eran las estrellas.Yo estaba solo en la quietud divina
del Valle. ¿Solo? ¡No! La estatua fiera
del héroe Cuauhtémoc, la que culmina
disparando su dardo a la pradera,
bajo del palio de pompa vespertina
era mi hermana y mi custodio era.Cuando vino la noche misteriosa
-jardín azul de margaritas de oro-
y calló todo ser y toda cosa,
cuatro sombras llegaron a mí en coro;
cuando vino la noche misteriosa
-jardín azul de margaritas de oro-.Llevaban una túnica espledente,
y eran tan luminosamente bellas
sus carnes, y tan fúlgida su frente,
que prolongaban para mí el Poniente
y eclipsaban la luz de las estrellas.Eran cuatro fantasmas, todos hechos
de firmeza, y los cuatro eran colosos
y fingían estatuas, y sus pechos
radiaban como bronces luminosos.Y los cuatro entonaron almo coro...
Callaba todo ser y toda cosa;
y arriba era la noche misteriosa
jardín azul de margaritas de oro.Ante aquella visión que asusta y pasma,
yo, como Hamlet, mi doliente hermano,
tuve valor e interrogué al fantasma;
mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano.-¿Quién sois vosotros, exclamé, que en presto
giro bajáis al Valle mexicano?
Tuve valor para decirles esto;
mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano.-¿Qué abismo os engendró? ¿De qué funesto
limbo surgís? ¿Sois seres, humo vano?
Tuve valor para decirles esto;
mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano.-Responded, continué. Miradme enhiesto
y altivo y burlador ante el arcano.
Tuve valor para decirles esto;
¡mas mi espada temblaba entre mi mano...!Y un espectro de aquéllos, con asombros
vi que vino hacia mí, lento y sin ira,
y llevaba una piel sobre los hombros
y en las pálidas manos una lira;
y me dijo con voces resonantes
y en una lengua rítmica que entonces
comprendí: -«¿Que quiénes somos? Los gigantes
de una raza magnífica de bronces.»Yo me llamé Netzahualcóyotl y era
rey de Texcoco; tras de lid artera,
fui despojado de mi reino un día,
y en las selvas erré como alimaña,
y el barranco y la cueva y la montaña
me enseñaron su augusta poesía.»Torné después a mi sitial de plumas,
y fui sabio y fui bueno; entre las brumas
del paganismo adiviné al Dios Santo;
le erigí una pirámide, y en ella,
siempre al fulgor de la primera estrella
y al son del huéhuetl, le elevé mi canto.»Y otro espectro acercóse; en su derecha
levaba una macana, y una fina
saeta en su carcaje, de ónix hecha;
coronaban su testa plumas bellas,
y me dijo: -«Yo soy Ilhuicamina,
sagitario del éter, y mi flecha
traspasa el corazón de las estrellas.»Yo hice grande la raza de los lagos,
yo llevé la conquista y los estragos
a vastas tierras de la patria andina,
y al tornar de mis bélicas porfías
traje pieles de tigre, pedrerías
y oro en polvo... ¡Yo soy Ilhuicamina!»Y otro espectro me dijo: -«En nuestros cielos
las águilas y yo fuimos gemelos:
¡Soy Cuauhtémoc!  Luchando sin desmayo
caí... ¡porque Dios quiso que cayera!
Mas caí como águila altanera:
viendo al sol, y apedreada por el rayo.»El español martirizó mi planta
sin lograr arrancar de mi garganta
ni un grito, y cuando el rey mi compañero
temblaba entre las llamas del brasero:
-¿Estoy yo, por ventura, en un deleite?,
le dije, y continué, sañudo y fiero,
mirando hervir mis pies en el aceite...»Y el fantasma postrer llegó a mi lado:
no venía del fondo del pasado
como los otros; mas del bronce mismo
era su pecho, y en sus negros ojos
fulguraba, en vez de ímpetus y arrojos,
la tranquila frialdad del heroísmo.Y parecióme que aquel hombre era
sereno como el cielo en primavera
y glacial como cima que acoraza
la nieve, y que su sino fue, en la Historia,
tender puentes de bronce entre la gloria
de la raza de ayer y nuestra raza.Miróme con su límpida mirada,
y yo le vi sin preguntarle nada.
Todo estaba en su enorme frente escrito:
la hermosa obstinación de los castores,
la paciencia divina de las flores
y la heroica dureza del granito...¡Eras tú, mi Señor; tú que soñando
estás en el panteón de San Fernando
bajo el dórico abrigo en que reposas;
eras tú, que en tu sueño peregrino,
ves marchar a la Patria en su camino
rimando risas y regando rosas!Eras tú, y a tus pies cayendo al verte:
-Padre, te murmuré, quiero ser fuerte:
dame tu fe, tu obstinación extraña;
quiero ser como tú, firme y sereno;
quiero ser como tú, paciente y bueno;
quiero ser como tú, nieve y montaña.
Soy una chispa; ¡enséñame a ser lumbre!
Soy un gujarro; ¡enséñame a ser cumbre!
Soy una linfa: ¡enséñame a ser río!
Soy un harapo: ¡enséñame a ser gala!
Soy una pluma: ¡enséñame a ser ala,
y que Dios te bendiga, padre mío!.Y hablaron tus labios, tus labios benditos,
y así respondieron a todos mis gritos,
a todas mis ansias: -«No hay nada pequeño,
ni el mar ni el guijarro, ni el sol ni la rosa,
con tal de que el sueño, visión misteriosa,
le preste sus nimbos, ¡y tu eres el sueño!»Amar, ¡eso es todo!; querer, ¡todo es eso!
Los mundos brotaron el eco de un beso,
y un beso es el astro, y un beso es el rayo,
y un beso la tarde, y un beso la aurora,
y un beso los trinos del ave canora
que glosa las fiestas divinas de Mayo.»Yo quise a la Patria por débil y mustia,
la Patria me quiso con toda su angustia,
y entonces nos dimos los dos un gran beso;
los besos de amores son siempre fecundos;
un beso de amores ha creado los mundos;
amar... ¡eso es todo!; querer... ¡todo es eso!»Así me dijeron tus labios benditos,
así respondieron a todos mis gritos,
a todas mis ansias y eternos anhelos.
Después, los fantasmas volaron en coro,
y arriba los astros -poetas de oro-
pulsaban la lira de azur de los cielos.Mas al irte, Señor, hacia el ribazo
donde moran las sombras, un gran lazo
dejabas, que te unía con los tuyos,
un lazo entre la tierra y el arcano,
y ese lazo era otro indio: Altamirano;
bronce también, mas bronce con arrullos.Nos le diste en herencia, y luego, Juárez,
te arropaste en las noches tutelares
con tus amigos pálidos; entonces,
comprendiendo lo eterno de tu ausencia,
repitieron mi labio y mi conciencia:
-Señor, alma de luz, cuerpo de bronce.
Soy una chispa; ¡enséñame a ser lumbre!
Soy un gujarro; ¡enséñame a ser cumbre!
Soy una linfa: ¡enséñame a ser río!
Soy un harapo: ¡enséñame a ser gala!
Soy una pluma: ¡enséñame a ser ala,
y que Dios te bendiga, padre mío!.Tú escuchaste mi grito, sonreíste
y en la sombra infinita te perdiste
cantando con los otros almo coro.
Callaba todo ser y toda cosa;
y arriba era la noche misteriosa
jardín azul de margaritas de oro...
I march to a different drummer
My life it is my own
I'm an explorer of experience
That is how I'm known

I've seen snow in South Dakota
I've been on the Vegas strip
Had barbeque in Kansas
My life has been a trip

I'm a gypsy of the railways
I'm a legend in my time
I move on in a boxcar
Brother... spare a dime?

I've been through all the landlocked states
Five provinces as well
I've seen Niagara Falls all frozen
I've seen it flowing fast as well

I've had margaritas in Key West
And Bourbon in Kentucky
Craft beers out in Oregon
In my life I have been lucky

I travel on my stories
Feed myself with all my tales
I'm an explorer of experience
I'm a gypsy of the rails

I never stick around too long
I don't wear my welcome out
I come and see just what I want
That's what life is all about

I've railroad friends in Texas
Some up in BC too
We've shared drinks in San Diego
And had a great Alaskan brew

I'm not one to live by your rules
I find my rules suit me fine
I'm an explorer of experience
And I'm riding on the lines

You can find me down in Georgia
Or eating spuds in Idaho
I never know just where I'll be
Until my ride begins to go

I'm a gypsy of the railways
I'm a legend in my time
I move on in a boxcar
Brother...spare a dime?
-  May 2014
- May 2014
prom itself is just an overglorified dance
the after party is where the real fun begins
sitting at the kitchen table of my best friend's house
sipping strawberry margaritas her mom made
then progressing to shots of tequila
and playing shots uno, steadily getting more and more dizzy
until i'm trying to twerk on a wall
and calling my friends to tell them i love them
pretending to be a koala on an armrest
updating my snapchat story so people at other gatherings can be jealous
forgetting how to pull my pants back up in the bathroom
talking to my ex boyfriend for an hour on the phone, telling him
exactly why i didn't dance with him at prom
and that i fingered myself for a boy
and i wanted to tell him and everyone, for that matter, about her
but i didn't because rejection and rumors are my worst enemies
he stays quiet and the only sound left is
my frantic whispering that i hope i stay this happy in the morning
because sober me lays in the deep end of the spectrum of sadness
Sobre el cielo
de las margaritas ando.

Yo imagino esta tarde
que soy santo.
Me pusieron la luna
en las manos.
Yo la puse otra vez
en los espacios
y el Señor me premió
con las rosa y el halo.

Sobre el cielo
de las margaritas ando.

Y ahora voy
por este  campo
a librar a las niñas
de galanes malos
y dar monedas de oro
a todos los muchachos.

Sobre el cielo
de las margaritas ando.
NitaAnn Jul 2013
I am searching for my lost shaker of salt…I love salt. It’s true, I add salt to anything. I’m wondering what that says about me.

Sometimes when you’re alone in the middle of the night,it’s okay to distract yourself by singing Jimmy Buffet and blending up some frozen margs….(TIP: if you close the pantry door and put a towel over the blender, you can barely hear it so it won’t wake anyone up when you decide to make margaritas @ 2am– you’re welcome).

I’m distracting myself from the razor calling my name. I’m doing everything I can tonight to not regress into a bawling 5 year old or a psychotically angry teenager. So if that means making frozen margaritas on the floor of the pantry and singing Jimmy Buffet…well then “That’s the best I can do right now…”

I don’t know…sometimes I think I’ll just stop all of it. Therapy, talking, writing, reaching out at all, breathing…I mean, is there really a point in verbalizing your feelings of hopelessness and defeat when you’re just going to be dismissed or trivialized? Is it better to just shut up & pretend, to half-smile till you die, rather than reach out? As I’ve always said, why express needs that will never be met. Childish needs and fears that have no right to exist in my adult head.

Why…why…why…why in the world should I embarrass myself by speaking aloud all of this fear inside my head only to be told that it’s okay to have this need, or that need, but there’s no way for it to be met. I don’t get that. And it only makes me hate myself more for “needing” anything in the first place. Ah, the sordid talk of self-hatred. But is that what this is about now? Maybe…but maybe not. Maybe it’s more like shamefully wallowing in self-pity on the pantry floor.

Jimmy Buffet is singing, “Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame, but I know, it’s my own **** fault.” "It’s YOUR fault, Nita. No one else’s. How long are you going to hold this grudge against the host body, Nita? When will you realize that you can’t change the past…you can’t change how he feels about you now, Nita. Too bad. Get over it. It is time to move on.”

I have completely misplaced my gratitude and love for life and I am searching for it….I am desperately searching for it here in the middle of the night…I am looking all around. I am reaching far down into the bottom of my gut, the base of my soul, the deepest place in my heart… God! This weakness! This weak depressed worthless woman! I can’t stand her! Give it up girl! Stop with the wretched self-pity, the craving for normalcy…just stop with the whining, “Why the hell don’t I get to be like everyone else?” Just stop! I have been brought to my knees, shaken to the core. I have forgotten who I really am.

My whole life, I have been straddling this teeter totter, pressing my feet back and forth, seeking the balance I have never been able to find… God!! ******! I feel flushed and panicked and my head is spinning. I am screaming inside, “Please help me. Please come to me now and stay. Please stay with me in this place of darkness, this place of no hope or light.” (as if)

Nita takes a break to wipe away the never-ending flow of tears, blow her nose, and blend another round of margaritas for one! More salt… Cheers!

Feelings…feelings…feelings. They assault me like ****** fire, the bullets ricochet off of their unsuspecting target and slice open my thighs, my hip, my side…red, angry slashes. I have been hit again. I am walking around wounded, scarred, stunned. I’ve been told not to judge these feelings, or attach to them. They are neither good nor bad, Nita. Open the door to the pantry, Nita, and invite them in for coffee and cookies…get to know them, no matter how hostile they seem. All of them? There’s not enough room here. The guilt, as pure and raw as sugar cane, comes to show me the terrible things I’ve done, the shameful places I’ve been, the faces of those I have harmed. The rage! It cannot be quelled or quieted. The overwhelming smothering rage hits me square in the chest after I have removed my bullet-proof vest. I feel the sharp shrapnel piercing my skin, reaching the very core of me. You self-righteousness woman…you selfish, bitter woman…

I can’t control it. I can’t think or reason my way out. I can’t figure out how to fix it, or breathe through it. I feel the blood draining out of me, warm and cold at the same time; the bitterness, the anger, the badness, it drains out of me and soaks into the soft cotton of my clothing. The patterns speak to me: You are weak, Nita. You are a lesser person, negative, selfish, dramatic, needy. How I loathe you, girl…

A knock on the door bringing yet another guest? Shame…welcome one of my oldest and best friends. Shame…she is always there for me…there is always room for her. She sits next to me and slides her warm calloused hand over my shoulder and down my chest… just as he used to do. Her hot breath hisses in my ear, “You are nothing without me. You cannot speak without me. You cannot breathe without me, write without me, feel without me. Without me you are neither interesting nor desirable. Without me by your side you cannot cope or deal with anything. You are mine and I am yours. You are nothing without me. I am your secret. This is our secret. I will keep you safe. I will keep your secrets.” My dearest friend. I offer her a drink and she begins to bandage my wounds…our secret, our secret. I lean into her, my oldest friend, and I let her hold me, even as she cruelly speaks my biggest failures aloud to me. She knows what I deserve. She is mine and I am hers.

Here we sit together and alone, my friend and I… Wasted away again in Margaritaville….she is searching for a sign of worth…strength…purpose…will…of anything that resembles life…but she didn’t find it.
july hearne Jul 2017
devil time
and Pyrex pipe

whatever will you find
so late on a weeknight
that is not found
every other night of every other week

Pyrex pipe
and devil time

margaritas, marijuana,
everything i need
and eye drops in the morning

my favorite gypsy
first cut
early take
quit while you're ahead
but you never do

that hammond *****
really shining something through
my favorite gypsy
don't get too friendly
but you never do

Pyrex pipe
and devil time

i was just a star
i meant for you to name
nothing more than that
you were just the devil
if the devil's name was music
and he still stayed up late
writing songs for everyone
takes all kinds
to give power to the name

Pyrex pipe
and devil time

my favorite gypsy
stays up all night
devil's got a lot of songs to write

that hammond *****
really shining something through
if you could hear it as clearly as i do
but you never do
my last days
"turn that vocal up just a little bit"
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2018
Loving you is like going on vacation without any money.
Away from all the tourist attractions.
The best views all in walking distance.
The places no-one likes to go alone.
My heart no longer my own.
Following where ever you go.
With legs of its own.
It runs like a teenager,
Street after street .
Making faces, having fun.
Your voice a constant favorite heard on station after station.
My heart jerking in place, smiling.
Dancing to the sound.
Loving you is like going somewhere new.
Welcomed by friendly faces.
Shown the sights left off travel brochures, travel channels.
Loving you is a constant  happy hour.
Strawberry & Mango margaritas on the house.
Loving you, being my favorite part
Daniel Magner May 2013
Margaritas and wet feet,
honey toned pleas
giving me reasons to stay
and not leave
but you leave me speechless,
and I put on those sunglasses
so you wouldn't see my
It runs deep.
© Daniel Magner 2013
Scatts Jun 2014
i will be famous and that is for sure

i will write and write a lot
people will love me
and hipsters will use my quotes as Facebook statuses
you know hipsters like to brag they read
and critics would glorify my prose
even though I never liked critics at all
(if they don't write, hoy can they even judge other's work?)

mum would be proud
her girl finally made it after all that hard work
she's finally succeding after that time her boyfriend dumped her
and she spent months doing nothing but
going outside, a little
crying, much
writing, very very much
writing like her life depended of it
and now honey finally made it
her name now appears in book covers
in shiny gold cursive

my life will be shiny gold cursive too
i will spend my money in libraries and nice hats
and eat swiss chocolates in a king sized bed
(loaded with pillows, of course)
huge lines for book signings
******* shades with crystals and the pointy upper corner thing
i will be interviewed for famous magazines
and have margaritas in pretty glasses by the pool side
and get drunk, but fancily
with cigars and diamonds and couture dresses
yes sir, i will live good
and you will remember

you will remember as you flip the pages of my book
that time when you insisted on reading my poems
not because you like poems, since you hate them
just because your vanity was stronger
you will flip though my best seller
your name as title
no picture, just pure white emptyness
just your name and mine in a side
(by your side, like i used to believe i wanted to live)
you will read about you
after all this time, you will see
i will make sure i say something nice about you here and there
because you were stardust
but honestly, you were more of a black hole
and i will them them about that
i will tell them everything
that day when you called
that day when you didn't
that day when you told me writing was a waste of time
that day when you said "maybe we would be better off apart"
that day, a week later, when you got a new lady as company
they will know you
they will ask about you
and i won't answer

until i win a really good prize
a prize good enough to stand up and say a little speech
and i will thank, on the verge of tears
you know tears always look good in those cases
(even though tears were useless when i missed you)
i will thank, this order:
to god
no speech would be complete without thanking our lord
and momma and poppa
you told me to reach my dreams and this night feels like a dream, actually
my editor
who believed through thick and thin
and mostly, to you
because without you, nothing of this would have happened

if you didn't turn away that night
maybe i would have still loved you
maybe i wouldn't have aspired to become better
maybe i would have lived forever by your pathetic side

luckily you did
and you will remember
you can be sure as **** i won't let you forget.
...this revenge sounds a little shallow, isn't it?
ghost queen Jul 2020
we are the lucky ones
sipping margaritas
lightning in the sky
death reflected back
in your eyes
blood mixing with tears
mother’s milk on my lips
who is the master
are you willing to follow
what is the safe word
stinging lashes
are you feeling the pleasure
losing yourself in the agony
night is coming
are you really ready.
John Glenn May 2019
It was in the warmth
of her body
where I found ecstasy
my fingertips laced
in the spaces between hers
our thumbs painting
each other's palms in subtlety
her head rests on my arm
my head rests on hers
in the midst of each other's surrender

and yet somehow,
even ecstasies
end in sober

— The End —