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sage short Jul 2015
They sell you cheap romance on shelves of your local bookstore,
And you believe it.
But they never teach you
How to love yourself,
The Universe,
The tree’s,
Teach yourself how.
  Jul 2015 sage short
Amy Perry
When I see you,
I see the sun,
Blindingly illuminated,
With blazing character,
And generous happiness.
Generated from your smiling face.

I see the light
Of millions of more suns,
In the sparkle in your eyes.
You have a Galaxy
For each emotion,
In which I can get lost in.

Wonder, and lust, and
Excitement, and humor.
It's pure and in all this,
I know it's true,
I hold your interest.

In You, I see the Universe,
Filled with Light and whatever is Divinity.
I am like Creation,
Gazing towards everything in front of me.

And you see back to Me,
A chocolate, twinkling sea.
Filled with the same Light and Divine entity
We try to know in this Reality.

The Universe & Creation.
One in the same.
A strange game.
In which we have a place,
However it be arranged.
I had a very affective meditation, and wrote this piece shortly after.
What a beautiful experience this Life is.
  Jul 2015 sage short
Joe Cole
A strip of barren land
Stark, forbidding
But I sat there and watched a flower grow
Bringing a bright splash of colour
To this dead land
Bringing a bright splash of hope
To a world sinking into the darkness
sage short Jul 2015
When He tells you, "You're beautiful.",
Don't believe Him.
Because it will rattle every bone and
Tear your heart
Until there's nothing left but
Pasty skin.
When He tells you, "You're art.",
Tell Him to *******.
Because once He strips down Your
Walls of insecurity to
Make you feel secure,
You'll end up being locked in Your
Own ******* head
With His words at
Your throat about to cut You raw.
When You finally build up courage to leave
The Ghost and You run
Home to nothing but Your own
And you face the mirror, You will finally say,
With salty cheeks and shaky limbs,
"I am beautiful", and
You will believe it.
I've been having sort of a creative writer's block and this just popped up and I'm finally back on the track! I'm proud of this one a lot! Hope you like!
  Jul 2015 sage short
When I was small
I walked on fairy dust and
my dreams were as tall
as skyscrapers towering
above the universe
inside of me, was the galaxy.
I was born of the cosmos,
full of light and love
passionate in my quest to
give this to others.
But as I grew my star began to fade,
stars need love and light to survive
and deprived of both my blazing fire
transformed into weak candlelight.
At school I had learnt it was easier
to hide your light
than to stand out as different
and be extinguished in an instant.
So I kept myself to myself
at the back of the class,
knowing the answers but not
shouting them out.
I daydreamed, and doodled
stars on the corners
of my books, all the while
I could hear the universe
calling out to me to trust,
that we are all born of this
cosmic stardust.
sage short Jul 2015
I feel too much; emotionally/mentally
I'm constantly thinking about nothing and everything all at once
Why was I born with this blessing?
Why was I born with this curse?
Why am I like this?
I feel feelings that don't exist and
I fall in love with everything and
I'm constantly breaking my own heart
I feel like no one understands me andI don't know how I should
Feel about that
I just have all these thoughts and emotions inside of me
That I can only release onto paper and
It makes me feel alone and trapped and
Yet I push away everyone in my life
So they don't see this beautiful mess I've created
Of both happiness and sadness
I'm still trying to solve myself
Because I'm a Mystery
"it's the children the world almost breaks who are the one's that grow up to save it."
sage short Jul 2015
you say you love her
while your fingers trace another
while you eye the other girls
while you still think you love her
let me tell you what the **** love is because
clearly you don't get it
love is when no one else is as beautiful
as the one you get to call yours
love is when you come home to her and she's the real home
love is watching her fall apart and holding her while it happens
love is the feeling in your heart you get when you kiss her
when your tongues unravel into each others bones
when the poetry you try to write isn't enough to capture her beauty
you use sunsets as a metaphor for her
and your love cannot be broken
because your love is real art
your love is true love
and your love is buried into each others souls
thats what love is
and she deserves it
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