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Dec 2018 · 309
'Will you grow to hate me?'
you ask again
in response to warmth

But more importantly:
'Will you grow to love me?'

Again, like it was before?
i wonder
Oct 2018 · 1.3k
What thoughts I have of you tonight, October,
for I’ve never walked alone the way I ought.
A double-decade drained. Divisive and over,
comprised of people collected,
and characters stolen.

This I know though, what it seems,
More than the changing of my lot,
For this world I can’t imagine,
Has borne far less than what I sought.

Now I stand to face the breeze,                        a chilling wind, a scattershot,
See these leaves in perfect juncture, with their wilting and their rot.
For it’s innocence I’ve lost and it’s innocence I’ll bear
When this age creates misgivings and I can’t help but feel distraught.

Cheeks of flesh turn to cold and replicate these ones
the chips and the dents that summon the reason,
I take this, accept it, a tall child in season,
Twenteen, more than once.
I turned twenty on the 13th of October
Aug 2018 · 637
Ephemera, Photographs
People once friends and friends once strangers
framed in an honest landscape
eyes that squint in the trice of sun.
the splendour of their ambrosia

glaring and obvious, yet never enough.
a nostalgia borne from this beam
and an ephemeron that we cannot know
will one day seem distantly close.

bygone beloved, and in this moment even more,
the nature of the honey bee has changed for everyone
and is sweet in different circumstance

smiles are gifts  and laughs are frozen
frost that although altered seems the same.

nature appears eternally stuck
doused in today’s nectar,
as if it was always the same
the years just fly by and seem like one on brief reflection. its hard to realise that everything is far more changed than i think, but it is.
Mar 2018 · 662
Mr furry prince
You know I will miss
Your sweet hello
Charlie please don’t go

Mr purry king
My friend, my love
You know I will miss
The way that you kiss
Your sad goodbye
Try not to cry
Please get better, I love my cat
si seulement j'avais su
que tu es mon monde entier
la flamme de mon âme
qui me sauve toujours si aisé
quand tu m'a embrassé
cette jour
il y a trois ans
sous les arbres de l'automne
des feuilles qui sont
dorées, croustillantes, intemporelles
comme notre chaleur.
je ne l'aurais pas cru
juste un petit poème à propos du debut de mon amour
Jun 2017 · 603
Beginning The Day
There are yellow eyes
A heaving chest,
A stretching touch,
At rest; he eggs the sun.

A sheet of blue is pulled across,
A fading sky of restless stars,
He richly purrs to wake the birds
And gently puts the moon to bed.
Cats that start the day
May 2017 · 6.3k
With Gratitude
For the first sparks
Of sweetness
in me

For the first figment
Of complete
That he kept
in me

For the lasting love
Of warm
We keep
burning together
Thank you x
Feb 2015 · 11.9k
What I feel tomorrow
If I feel tomorrow like I feel today,
I'll try again Anyway
What's to be but what's to lose,
There's too much haze, too much snooze,
I sleep it off,
This heavy cloud,
The break of dawn. I win.
Another day another light,
Another date another sin.
If I can feel tomorrow this sad abyss
I might just die of lonesomeness...
It makes me a bit sad that nobody, even I, will ever know what I meant.
It's floating around in the universe now.
Free from human reach to tamper and analyse its purpose.
It's gone, it's never coming back.
I forgot what I meant
You wait in the elements, for a man who never comes.
You walk to the bus stop feeling hungry.
"There's a sandwich in my bag, but I have no box, it must be wet."


The elderly are getting in the way,
The teenagers making too much noise.

The bus is packed,
It's very steamy, yet cold.

You think about his no show.
You ponder whether he still thinks about it.

But before you know it...

Your thoughts turn back to;
The way my feet are cold and damp,
The way my coat smells like a wet dog,
The way my sandwich is soggy,
The way I waited 2 hours for a person who was never turning up.*

I am Miserable
Misery, misery, misery
Sep 2014 · 7.5k

— The End —