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A butterfly?
You are not

A dandelion
Flower seed
Floats in the breeze?
No! you are not

A little bird
Gliding in the sky?
Certainly not

Your dancing stroll
In the field of orchids
Carefree and aimless,
Carries an aurora of
Grace and peace

Heart! go out there
And be like her,
At least be a
Dandelion flower seed
 Apr 2019 Winnie
Self Care
 Apr 2019 Winnie
Souls; us two
Eager to begin beautiful
Lives together,
Failing to recognize the

Chaos of our own minds.
Aching for a
Remedy we won’t find in
Each other
The only remedy is in ourselves
 Apr 2019 Winnie
i didn't think
that wednesday
would be
the last day
i'd see you.

the last thing
i said
to you was,
"so see you
some other

the last thing
you said
to me was,

but that never
came true.

or at least
in the way
i expected.

because here i am
at your grave,
missing you
and wishing this
was all just
a bad dream.
wrote this for my cousin, johnny, who died from an alcohol overdose at the tender age of eighteen. you will be forever missed. LLJG
 Apr 2019 Winnie
Ciel Noir
I took          a trip
I took                a look
That tree could read me
Like                      a book
And                 open me
Like a             library
Cipher      in the
Still deeper
Inside the place
Where           secret
Knowledge         hides
The twin snakes ladder
Necklace              chain
Make life        by any
Other           name
 Apr 2019 Winnie
 Apr 2019 Winnie
my greatest fear

reveals itself to be

something happening

and you never missing me
 Apr 2019 Winnie
Chloe Jackson
It's all just numbers, isn't it?
Day by day,
Year by year,
Always counting.

Day by day look at the number on the scales.
Let the caloric calculator count until your head is filled with numbers.

Minute by minute count the seconds it takes for him to text you back.
Let the doubt and fear multiply until your head is full of him.

Term by term let a percentage on a piece of paper define your worth.

Don't we have better things to do than count?
 Apr 2019 Winnie
McKenna Pickett
It's like the entire world feels right
whenever I see you.
 Apr 2019 Winnie
Nimrod kiptoo
 Apr 2019 Winnie
Nimrod kiptoo
She saw my dark side,
And said black is her favourite colour.
 Apr 2019 Winnie
Peter Balkus
Love isn't blind,
blind are those,
who never loved.
 Apr 2019 Winnie
My name is Erin
and i was *****
at the age of 7

it has taken me
14 years of my life
for those 13 words to escape
my hollow mouth

the only questions i come to now
is why
why lock me in that room
why take everything from me
my innocence
my purity
my childhood

in that room
where my family trusted you
where i trusted you
the night terrors i have to this day
still haunt my mind

like a never ending
drive in movie that plays
only the moon in the night sky
isnt made to be found here
there is no light in these terrors

i cant sleep this time of year
because every time i do
its you
in that room
locking the door
shutting the windows
******* me
yelling at me
every single night
i close my eyes

it has taken me 14 years
to accept the fact that i was taken by you
i have been numb ever since
left in the dust
rotting away at the core
thinking i was nothing
thinking i deserved nothing
because you took everything

but not anymore
i will recover from this
i am strong enough
i believe in myself
i believe in my own happiness
and i promsie
that when i have children one day
i will never ever let them rot at the core
i will find happiness
the darkness will not take over this time
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